using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.BandedGrid; using System.Drawing.Drawing2D; using DevExpress.Utils.Drawing; using UIControls; namespace nxkj.fc.fm { /// <summary> /// 该类实现树形接口目录以及型号的数据提供 /// </summary> public class TreeViewTableHead { public enum NodeType { 目录=0, 型号=1 } public enum TreeType { 标准 = 0, 设计 = 1, 复测=2, 复测400V=3 } public enum StringDerection { 水平 = 0, 垂直 = 1 } public enum ModelType { 杆位编号=4, 值类型=5, 云网南网=6, 杆型名称=7, 接地棒=1, 交叉跨=2, 导线=3, 默认=0 } STDTYPE tp; System.Data.DataTable tableAllCatalog; System.Data.DataTable tableAllModels; TreeType viewChecktype; public TreeViewTableHead(STDTYPE stdtype, TreeType ctype) { viewChecktype = ctype; tp = stdtype; tableAllCatalog = new System.Data.DataTable(); string sql = "select * from M_Catalog" + " where CatalogType like '%" + ((int)tp).ToString() + "%'"; tableAllCatalog = nxkj.db.dataprovider.ProviderBase.QueryTableData(sql); sql = "select * from MaterialModels where MaterialModelType like '%" + ((int)tp).ToString() + "%'"; ; tableAllModels = nxkj.db.dataprovider.ProviderBase.QueryTableData(sql); } /// <summary> /// 返回树形结构数据 /// </summary> public System.Windows.Forms.TreeView Head { get { TreeView viewhead = new TreeView(); LoadConst(viewhead.Nodes, viewChecktype); if (tableAllCatalog == null || tableAllModels == null) return viewhead; string filter = "ParentID='"+Guid.Empty.ToString()+"'"; var rows = tableAllCatalog.Select(filter); foreach (DataRow item in rows) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(); NodeInfo n = new NodeInfo( item["CatalogName"].ToString().Trim(), item["M_Catalog_ID"].ToString().Trim(), item["ParentID"].ToString().Trim(), NodeType.目录 ); node.Tag = n; node.Text = n.Title; viewhead.Nodes.Add(node); LoadChild(node); } return viewhead; } } void LoadChild(TreeNode node) { string filter = "ParentID='" + (node.Tag as NodeInfo).NodeID + "'"; var rows = tableAllCatalog.Select(filter); if (rows.Length == 0) { LoadModels(node); return; } foreach (DataRow item in rows) { TreeNode nodesub = new TreeNode(); nodesub.Text = item["CatalogName"].ToString().Trim(); NodeInfo n = new NodeInfo( item["CatalogName"].ToString().Trim(), item["M_Catalog_ID"].ToString().Trim(), item["ParentID"].ToString().Trim(), NodeType.目录 ); nodesub.Tag = n; nodesub.Text = n.Title; node.Nodes.Add(nodesub); LoadChild(nodesub); } } void LoadModels(TreeNode node) { string filter = "M_Catalog_ID='" + (node.Tag as NodeInfo).NodeID + "'"; var rows = tableAllModels.Select(filter); foreach (DataRow item in rows) { TreeNode nodesub = new TreeNode(); NodeInfo n = new NodeInfo( item["MaterialModel"].ToString().Trim(), item["MaterialModelID"].ToString().Trim(), item["M_Catalog_ID"].ToString().Trim(), NodeType.型号 ); int type = 0; if (int.TryParse(item["XhLx"].ToString(), out type)) { n.Mtype = (TreeViewTableHead.ModelType)type; } else { n.Mtype = ModelType.默认; } n.WordDeretion = StringDerection.垂直; nodesub.Tag = n; nodesub.Text = n.Title; node.Nodes.Add(nodesub); if (modelList.ContainsKey(n.Mtype)) { modelList[n.Mtype].Add(n); } else { List<NodeInfo> list = new List<NodeInfo>(); list.Add(n); modelList.Add(n.Mtype, list); } if (nodesub.Level > deep) deep = nodesub.Level; } } Dictionary<TreeViewTableHead.ModelType, List<NodeInfo>> modelList = new Dictionary<ModelType, List<NodeInfo>>(); /// <summary> /// 返回各个类型的型号类表 /// </summary> public Dictionary<TreeViewTableHead.ModelType, List<NodeInfo>> Models { get { if (tableAllCatalog == null || tableAllModels == null) return new Dictionary<ModelType, List<NodeInfo>>(); return modelList; } } /// <summary> /// 加载常规表头 /// </summary> /// <param name="nodes"></param> /// <param name="tpconst"></param> void LoadConst(TreeNodeCollection nodes, TreeType tpconst) { switch (tpconst) { case TreeType.标准: LoadConstNode("云网|南网", ModelType.云网南网, nodes); LoadConstNode("杆型名称", ModelType.杆型名称, nodes); break; case TreeType.复测: LoadConstNode("杆位编号", ModelType.杆位编号, nodes); LoadConstNode("值类型", ModelType.值类型, nodes); LoadConstNode("云网|南网", ModelType.云网南网, nodes); LoadConstNode("杆型名称", ModelType.杆型名称, nodes); break; case TreeType.设计: LoadConstNode("杆位编号", ModelType.杆位编号, nodes); LoadConstNode("值类型", ModelType.值类型, nodes); LoadConstNode("云网|南网", ModelType.云网南网, nodes); LoadConstNode("杆型名称", ModelType.杆型名称, nodes); break; case TreeType.复测400V: LoadConstNode("杆位编号", ModelType.杆位编号, nodes); LoadConstNode("接地棒", ModelType.接地棒, nodes); LoadConstNode("值类型", ModelType.值类型, nodes); LoadConstNode("云网|南网", ModelType.云网南网, nodes); LoadConstNode("杆型名称", ModelType.杆型名称, nodes); break; } } void LoadConstNode(string title,TreeViewTableHead.ModelType _tp,TreeNodeCollection nodes) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(); NodeInfo n = new NodeInfo( title, "", "", NodeType.目录 ); n.Mtype = _tp; node.Tag = n; node.Text = n.Title; nodes.Add(node); if (modelList.ContainsKey(n.Mtype)) { modelList[n.Mtype].Add(n); } else { List<NodeInfo> list = new List<NodeInfo>(); list.Add(n); modelList.Add(n.Mtype, list); } } int deep = 0; public int Deep { get { return deep; } } BandedGridView view; DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl Grid; public void BindToGrid(DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl grid) { var info = Head; Grid = grid; view = grid.DefaultView as BandedGridView; DataTable tb = new DataTable(); foreach (var item in Models[ModelType.默认]) { tb.Columns.Add(item.NodeID); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { DataRow r = tb.NewRow(); for (int j = 0; j < tb.Columns.Count; j++) { r[j] = j.ToString(); } tb.Rows.Add(r); } view.CustomDrawBandHeader += new BandHeaderCustomDrawEventHandler(view_CustomDrawBandHeader); view.BeginUpdate(); view.BeginDataUpdate(); view.Bands.Clear(); foreach (TreeNode item in Head.Nodes) { GridBand band = new GridBand(); NodeInfo b = item.Tag as NodeInfo; band.Caption = b.Title; band.Tag = b; view.Bands.Add(band); LoadNode(item, band); } view.EndDataUpdate(); view.EndUpdate(); grid.DataSource = tb; } void LoadNode(TreeNode node, GridBand b) { foreach (TreeNode item in node.Nodes) { BandedGridColumn col = null; GridBand band = new GridBand(); NodeInfo n = item.Tag as NodeInfo; band.Caption = n.Title; band.Tag = n; //加载列 if (item.Nodes.Count == 0 && n.Ntype == TreeViewTableHead.NodeType.型号) { col = new BandedGridColumn(); col.Caption = n.Title; col.FieldName = n.NodeID; col.Visible = true; col.Width = 30; view.Columns.Add(col); band.Columns.Add(col); } if (n.WordDeretion == TreeViewTableHead.StringDerection.垂直) { band.Width = 30; if (item.Text == "名称") { } if (item.Parent.Nodes.Count > 1) { try { Graphics g = Graphics.FromHwnd(Grid.Handle); g.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Pixel; g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(); sf.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces; SizeF sizeF = g.MeasureString(item.Parent.Text,Grid.Font, 500, sf); if (item.Parent.Nodes.Count * 30 < (sizeF.Width + 10)) { band.Width = (int)(sizeF.Width / item.Parent.Nodes.Count) + 10; if (item.Nodes.Count == 0 && n.Ntype == TreeViewTableHead.NodeType.型号) { col.Width = (int)(sizeF.Width / item.Parent.Nodes.Count) + 10; } } } catch { } } } else if (item.Nodes.Count == 1) { n.WordDeretion = TreeViewTableHead.StringDerection.垂直; } b.Children.Add(band); if (item.Nodes.Count == 0 && item.Parent.Nodes.Count > 1) { band.RowCount = (Deep - item.Parent.Level) * 2 + 1; } else if (n.Ntype == TreeViewTableHead.NodeType.目录 && item.Nodes.Count == 1) { n.WordDeretion = TreeViewTableHead.StringDerection.垂直; if (n.Title.Length > 3) { band.RowCount = n.Title.Length - 1; } else { band.RowCount = 3; } } LoadNode(item, band); } } void view_CustomDrawBandHeader(object sender, BandHeaderCustomDrawEventArgs e) { NodeInfo node = e.Band.Tag as NodeInfo; //A brush to fill the band's background in the normal state Brush brush = new LinearGradientBrush(e.Bounds, Color.White, Color.Silver, 100); //A brush to fill the background when the band is pressed Brush brushPressed = new LinearGradientBrush(e.Bounds, Color.WhiteSmoke, Color.Gray, 70); Rectangle r = e.Bounds; //Draw a 3D border ControlPaint.DrawBorder3D(e.Graphics, r, (e.Info.State == ObjectState.Pressed ? Border3DStyle.SunkenOuter : Border3DStyle.RaisedInner)); r.Inflate(-1, -1); //Fill the background e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, r); r.Inflate(-2, 0); //Draw the band's caption with a shadowed effect StringFormat f = new StringFormat(); f.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center; f.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; if (node.WordDeretion == TreeViewTableHead.StringDerection.垂直) { f.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DirectionVertical; f.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near; } else { f.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; } // f.FormatFlags |= StringFormatFlags.DisplayFormatControl; // f.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap; // e.Appearance.DrawString(e.Cache, e.Band.Caption, new Rectangle(r.X + 1, r.Y + 1, // r.Width, r.Height), Brushes.White,f); // e.Appearance.DrawString(e.Cache, e.Band.Caption, r, Brushes.Black,f); //Prevent default painting e.Graphics.DrawString(node.Title,e.Band.View.GridControl.Font, System.Drawing.Brushes.Black, r, f); e.Handled = true; } } /// <summary> /// 节点信息 /// </summary> public class NodeInfo { public NodeInfo(string _title,string _nodeID,string _parentID,TreeViewTableHead.NodeType _ntype) { Title = _title.Replace("\r\n",""); NodeID = _nodeID; ParentID = _parentID; Ntype = _ntype; } /// <summary> /// 标题 /// </summary> public string Title { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 节点编号 /// </summary> public string NodeID { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 父级编号 /// </summary> public string ParentID { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 目录类型 /// </summary> public TreeViewTableHead.NodeType Ntype { get; set; } public override string ToString() { return Title; } /// <summary> /// 列类型 /// </summary> public TreeViewTableHead.ModelType Mtype { get; set; } /// <summary> /// 文字方向 /// </summary> public TreeViewTableHead.StringDerection WordDeretion { get; set; } } }
该dll为DevExpress控件的DevExpress XtraGrid3 dll
DevExpress.XtraGrid.v7.1.Design.dll DevExpress.XtraGrid.v7.1.dll DevExpress.XtraNavBar.v7.1.Design.dll DevExpress.XtraNavBar.v7.1.dll DevExpress.XtraPrinting.v7.1.Design.dll DevExpress....
DevExpress.XtraGrid 是一个很强大的表格显示组件,但如果表格的每一列用设计器来设计还是很花时间的,也不通用。但如果使用了这个类,做一个表格就非常简单了,只需传字段、显示的名称、宽度,即可自动生成表格出来...
DevExpress.XtraGrid.v7.3.dll DevExpress.XtraLayout.v7.3.dll DevExpress.XtraNavBar.v7.3.dll DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.v7.3.Core.dll DevExpress.XtraPivotGrid.v7.3.dll DevExpress.XtraPrinting.v7.3....
### DevExpress控件--GridControl合并表头 #### 一、DevExpress GridControl简介 DevExpress GridControl 是一款功能强大的数据网格控件,广泛应用于Windows Forms应用程序中,用于展示和管理大量数据。...
gridView1.OptionsView.AutoMergeColumnsMode = DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.AutoMergeColumnsMode.Enabled; ``` 3. **列头合并** 在显示分组数据时,可能需要合并列头。可以设置`GridView`的`OptionsView....
DevExpress GridControl是一款强大的数据网格控件,广泛应用于Windows Forms、ASP.NET、WPF等平台的开发中,提供了丰富的数据展示和编辑功能。在本话题中,我们将深入探讨如何在DevExpress GridControl中实现单元格...
DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView gridView = gridControl.MainView as DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView; int newRowHandle = gridView.AddNewRow(); ``` `newRowHandle`是新行的句柄,可以...
Devpress.XtraGrid.GridControl.GridView 属性说明 Options 选项 OptionsBehavior 视图的行为选项 AllowAddRows 允许添加新数据行 AllowDeleteRows 允许删除数据行 AllowIncrementalSearch 允许用户通过输入想得到...
private void gridControl1_CustomUnboundColumnData(object sender, DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.ColumnDataEventArgs e) { if (e.Column.FieldName == "ImageField") { // ImageField是图片列的字段名 int ...
DevExpress.XtraGrid.v9.2.Design.dll DevExpress.XtraGrid.v9.2.dll DevExpress.XtraGrid.v9.2.xml DevExpress.XtraLayout.v9.2.Design.dll DevExpress.XtraLayout.v9.2.dll DevExpress.XtraLayout.v9.2.xml ...
DevExpress.XtraGrid.v8.2.Design.dll DevExpress.XtraGrid.v8.2.dll DevExpress.XtraLayout.v8.2.Design.dll DevExpress.XtraLayout.v8.2.dll DevExpress.XtraNavBar.v8.2.Design.dll DevExpress.XtraNavBar....
DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl gridControl1 = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl(); gridControl1.DataSource = myDataTable; gridControl1.MainView = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridView(); gridControl1....
DevExpress GridControl是一款强大的数据网格控件,广泛应用于Windows Forms、ASP.NET、WPF等平台,为开发者提供了丰富的数据展示和操作功能。在这个特定的例子中,我们关注的是如何在GridControl的非图片列中添加...
10. **DevExpress.XtraGrid.v10.1.dll**: 这是DevExpress的网格控件,支持数据网格的显示和编辑,包括列的排序、过滤、分组、汇总等功能,适用于大量数据的管理和展示。 DevExpress 10.1.6控件集合为.NET开发者...
以前从网上搜索下载的汉化都不是很全,结合前辈的成果,我在此又作了些补充,算是...//以下位置为汉化 DevExpress.XtraGrid.Localization.GridLocalizer.Active = new DevLocalizer(); Application.Run(new MainForm()); }
该资源提供关于DevExpress Winform 的所有可打印控件的导出excel 的通用方法,解决GridControl自带方法不能导出图片,多表头无法导出等问题,解决PivotGridControl导出时候自动分组的问题,真正做到所见所得的导出...