A framework tries to automate the common tasks and provides a platform for the users to build applications quickly.
Struts 2 is based on the OpenSymphony Web Works Framework
Struts 2 framework implements the Model-View-Controller (MVC
) design pattern.
In Struts 2 the model, view and controller are implemented by the action
, result
and FilterDispatcher
The controller's job is to map the user request to appropriate action.
In Struts 2 FilterDispatcher does the job of Controller.
Model contains the data and the business logic.
In Struts 2 the model is implemented by the Action component.
View is the presentation component of the MVC Pattern.
In Struts 2 the view is commonly implemented using JSP, Velocity
Template, Freemaker or some other presentation-layer technology.

The controller receives the user request and determine which Struts 2 action to invoke.
The framework creates an instance of this action and associate it with the newly created instance of the ActionInvocation.
In Struts 2 the invocation of action should pass through a series of interceptors as defined in the application's XML file.
The framework calls the ActionInvocations invoke() method to start the execution of the action.
Each time the invoke() method is called, ActionInvocation consults its state and executes whichever interceptor comes next.
ActionInvocation hands control over to the interceptor in the stack by calling the interceptors intercept() method.
The intercept() method of the interceptor inturn calls the invoke()
method of the ActionInvocation till all the interceptors are invoked, in
the end the action itself will be called and the corresponding result
will be returned back to the user.
Some interceptor do work before the action is executed and some do
work after the action is executed. It's not necessary that it should do
something each time it is invoked.
These interceptors are invoke both before and after the action.
First all the interceptors are executed in the order they are defined in the stack.
Then the action is invoked and the result is generated.
Again all the interceptors present in the stack are invoked in the reverse order.
The other important features of Struts 2 are OGNL
and ValueStack
Object-Graph Navigation Language (OGNL) is a powerful expression
language that is used to reference and manipulate data on the
OGNL help in data transfer
and type conversion
OGNL expression language provides simplified stytax to reference java objects.
OGNL is used to bind the java-side data properties to the string-based view layer.

In Struts 2 the action resides on the ValueStack which is a part of the ActionContext
. ActionContext is a global storage area that holds all the data associated with the processing of a request.
When a request comes the params
interceptor helps in moving the request data to the ValueStack.
Now the OGNL does the job of converting the string based form data to
their corresponding java types. OGNL does this by using the set of
available built-in type converters
Again when the results are generated the OGNL converts the java types
of the property on the ValueStack to the string-based HTML output.
ActionContext is thread local which means that the values stored in
the ActionContext are unique per thread, this makes the Struts 2 actions
thread safe
原文作者:Meyyappan Muthuraman
### Struts Framework 的工作原理与核心组件解析 #### 一、概述 Struts框架作为Java Web开发中的一个重要组成部分,自2000年初发布以来,便因其强大的功能和易用性而受到广泛欢迎。该框架主要针对MVC(Model-View-...
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根据给定的日文Struts学习PPT的内容,我们可以总结出以下关键知识点: ### Struts简介 **Struts** 是一种广泛应用于Java Web应用程序开发的框架。...对于初学者来说,理解Struts的基本架构和工作原理是入门的关键。
- `org-netbeans-modules-framework-xwork.nbm`:XWork是Struts2的基础框架,这个模块可能包含了对XWork的支持。 这些.nbm文件是NetBeans模块化系统的一部分,它们包含了插件的源代码、资源文件和元数据,使得...
3. **加入Struts2配置文件**:创建或修改`struts.xml`文件,用于定义Struts2的工作流程。 具体操作如下: 1. 参考`struts-\struts-\apps\struts2-blank.war`中的文件结构和配置。 2. 将`struts...
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源码分析是深入理解Struts2工作原理的关键。在"struts2.0源代码"中,你可以看到框架的核心组件、拦截器、配置解析、动作执行等核心功能的实现。以下是一些主要的知识点: 1. **ActionInvocation**:这是Struts2的...
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Struts2是一个强大的Java web应用程序框架,用于...尽管后来出现了更多如Spring MVC、Play Framework等替代方案,但Struts2仍然是Java web开发领域的重要组成部分,尤其对于理解MVC模式和实践企业级开发具有重要意义。
现在,我们逐一分析这些jar包的作用和它们在Struts2框架中的角色: 1. `struts2-core-`:这是Struts2的核心库,包含了框架的主要组件,如Action、Result、Interceptor等。它提供了一整套机制来处理HTTP...
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