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The Long Tail - 2nd part

But most of us want more than just hits. Everyone's taste departs from the mainstream somewhere, and the more we explore alternatives, the more we're drawn to them. Unfortunately, in recent decades such alternative have been pushed to the fringes by pumped-up marketing vehicles built to order by industries that desperately need them.

Hit-driven economics is a creation of an age without enough room to carry everthing for everybody. Not enough shelf space for all the CDs, DVDs, and games produced. Not enough screens to show all the avaiable movies. Not enough channels to broadcast all the TV programs, not enough radio waves to play all the music created, and not enough hours in the days to squeeze everything out through either of those sets of slots.

This is the world of scarcity. Now, with online distribution and retail, we are entering a world of abundance. And the differences are profound.

To see how, meet Robbie Vann-Adib, the CEO of Ecast, a digital jukebox company whose barroom players offer more than 150,000 tracks-and some surprising usage statistics. He hints at them with a question that visitors invariably get wrong: "What percentage of the top 10,000 titles in any online media store (Netflix, iTune, Amazon, or any other) will rent or sell at least once a month?"

Most people guess 2 percent, and for good reason: we've been trained to think that way. The 80-20 rule, also known as Pareto's principle (after Vifredo Pareto, an Italian economist who devised the concept in 1906) is around us. Only 20 percent of major studio films will be hits. Same for TV shows, games and mass-market books - 20 percent all. The odd are even worse for major-label CDs, where fewer than 10 percent are profitable, according to th Recording Industry Association of America.



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    window系统 tail -f 功能 界面操作

    实现window系统下 类似 Linux 命令行 tail -f 功能.使用C#语言开发,占用资源小。如有问题可留言

    tail -f for windows 32/64

    `tail -f` 是 Linux 和 Unix 系统中一个非常实用的命令,它允许用户实时监控文件的变化。在 Windows 系统中,由于其与 Linux 的底层机制不同,原生的命令提示符(CMD)并不支持 `tail -f` 命令。然而,通过在给定的...

    DOS下可以使用的tail -f 工具


    我使用过的Linux命令之tailf - 跟踪日志文件/更好的tail -f版本

    在Linux系统中,`tail`命令是一个非常常用的工具,它用于查看文件的末尾部分,通常用于监控日志文件的变化。然而,对于实时监控动态更新的日志文件,`tail -f`选项则更为实用。本篇文章将深入探讨`tail -f`的功能...


    **File-Tail-Scribe** 是一个专用于收集和处理日志文件的工具模块,它在IT行业中被广泛用于监控和分析系统、应用或服务产生的日志数据。在现代的运维和开发环境中,日志文件是排查问题、追踪系统行为、进行性能优化...

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    《Windows操作系统下的tail工具——tail-for-windows.zip详解》 在Linux系统中,`tail`命令是一个非常实用的工具,它能够帮助用户实时监控文件的尾部内容,这对于追踪日志文件的变化尤其有用。然而,Windows操作...





    Tail-f RestCONF Swagger Rev A 2018-09-13.pdf

    4. Building and starting the yang-patch example...........................4 5. Swagger Editor.....................................................................................................4 5.1 ...

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    The Long Tail of Theory

    长尾理论(Long Tail Theory)是由《连线》杂志主编克里斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)于2004年首次提出的概念。该理论的核心思想是,在数字化时代,由于存储成本下降、网络技术的发展以及消费者需求多样化的趋势,即使是...


    The_Long_Tail__Chris_Anderson 《长尾》英文原版。


    tail for Windows 是 Windows 下的 tail DOS 命令(类似 UNIX/Linux 下的相同命令)。可用来显示文件尾部内容以及跟踪/监控文件内容变化。你也可以借助重定向符号(> 或 >>)从一个文件的指定行号开始截取内容生成另...


    尾f 观看文件,如tail -f安装 npm install --save zo-tail-f用法 const tail = require ( 'zo-tail-f' ) let watcher = tail . watch ( 'test/test.log' ) watcher . on ( 'line' , line => { console . log ( line ...

    node-tail-native:实时读取新行,如'tail - f'

    安装: npm install tailnative或者 git clone git://github.com/whitesheep/node-tail-native.gitcd node-tail-nativenode-gyp configure build用: Tailnative,从 0.3 版本开始,支持line separator new Tail...




    ### Linux `tail` 命令详解 #### 一、命令简介 `tail` 是一个在 Linux 和 Unix 系统中常用的命令行工具,用于显示文件的末尾部分。默认情况下,`tail` 命令会显示文件的最后十行内容。此命令非常适合实时监控日志...

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