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Glusterfs+Swift 对外提供对像存储 -
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Glusterfs+Swift 对外提供对像存储
GlusterFS is an open source, clustered file system capable of scaling to several petabytes and
handling thousands of clients. GlusterFS can be flexibly combined with commodity physical, virtual,
and cloud resources to deliver highly available and performant enterprise storage at a fraction of the
cost of traditional solutions.
handling thousands of clients. GlusterFS can be flexibly combined with commodity physical, virtual,
and cloud resources to deliver highly available and performant enterprise storage at a fraction of the
cost of traditional solutions.
Red Hat Storage was designed to achieve several major goals:
Elasticity is the notion that an enterprise should be able to flexibly adapt to the growth (or reduction) of data
and to add or remove resources to a storage pool as needed without disrupting the system. Red Hat Storage
was designed to allow enterprises to add or delete users, application data, volumes and storage nodes, etc.,
without disrupting any running functionality within the infrastructure.
Linear scaling
“Linear scaling” is a much-abused phrase within the storage industry. It should mean, for example, that
twice the amount of storage systems will deliver twice the realized performance—twice the throughput (as
measured in gigabytes per second) with the same average response time per external file system I/O event
(i.e., how long an NFS client will wait for the file server to return the information associated with each NFS
client request).
Elasticity is the notion that an enterprise should be able to flexibly adapt to the growth (or reduction) of data
and to add or remove resources to a storage pool as needed without disrupting the system. Red Hat Storage
was designed to allow enterprises to add or delete users, application data, volumes and storage nodes, etc.,
without disrupting any running functionality within the infrastructure.
Linear scaling
“Linear scaling” is a much-abused phrase within the storage industry. It should mean, for example, that
twice the amount of storage systems will deliver twice the realized performance—twice the throughput (as
measured in gigabytes per second) with the same average response time per external file system I/O event
(i.e., how long an NFS client will wait for the file server to return the information associated with each NFS
client request).
弹性存储是指企业应该能够灵活地适应数据的增长(或减少),在不中断系统的情况下,根据需要添加或删除资源存储池。红帽存储解决方案可以在不破坏的基础设施内的任何正在运行的功能的情况下,让企业添加/删除 用户、应用程序数据、卷和存储节点。
并保持相同的外部文件系统I / O事件平均响应时间(如发送请求后,NFS文件服务器客户端将等待多久才能收到文件服务器返回的相关信息)。
There are seven fundamental technical differentiators between Red Hat Storage and traditional storage
systems. These are discussed in brief below.
systems. These are discussed in brief below.
Software-only 只用软件实现
Open source 开源
Complete storage operating system stack 不仅是分布式文件系统,还提供了应该有的各种功能。
Our belief is that it’s important not only to deliver a distributed file system, but also to deliver a number of
other important functions in a distributed fashion. Red Hat Storage delivers distributed memory manage-
ment, I/O scheduling, software RAID, self-healing, local N-way synchronous replication as well as asynchro-
nous long-distance replication via Red Hat Geo-Replication. In essence, by taking a lesson from micro-kernel
architectures, we have designed Red Hat Storage to deliver a complete storage operating system stack in
user space.
User space 用户模式而不是内核模式,通过fuse实现。
Unlike traditional file systems, Red Hat Storage operates in user space. This makes installing and upgrading
Red Hat Storage significantly easier. And it means that users who choose to develop on top of Red Hat
Storage need only have general C programming skills, not specialized kernel expertise.
Modular, stackable architecture 模块化、可堆放的架构, 通过xlator动态链接库实现。
Red Hat Storage is designed using a modular and stackable architecture approach. To configure Red Hat
Storage for highly specialized environments (e.g., large number of large flies, huge numbers of very small
files, environments with cloud storage, various transport protocols, etc.), it is a simple matter of including or
excluding particular modules.
For the sake of stability, certain options should not be changed once the system is in use (for example, one
would not remove a function such as replication if high availability was a desired functionality).
Data stored in native formats 数据以本地文件系统的格式存储,通过完全兼容POSIX语义实现。
With Red Hat Storage, data is stored on disk using native formats (e.g. EXT3, EXT4, XFS). Red Hat Storage
has implemented various self-healing processes for data. As a result, the system is extremely resilient.
Furthermore, files are naturally readable without Red Hat Storage. If a customer chooses to migrate away
from Red Hat Storage, their data is still completely usable without any required modifications or data
No metadata with the elastic hash algorithm 没有原数据(即数据的数据信息),通过DHT实现。
In a scale-out system, one of the biggest challenges is keeping track of the logical and physical location of
data (location metadata). Most distributed systems solve this problem by creating a separate index with file
names and location metadata. Unfortunately, this creates both a central point of failure and a huge perfor-
mance bottleneck. As traditional systems add more files, more servers, or more disks, the central metadata
server becomes a performance chokepoint. This becomes an even bigger challenge if the workload consists
primarily of small files and the ratio of metadata to data increases.
Unlike other storage systems with a distributed file system, Red Hat Storage does not create, store, or use
a separate index of metadata in any way. Instead, Red Hat Storage places and locates files algorithmically.
All storage node servers in the cluster have the intelligence to locate any piece of data without looking it up
in an index or querying another server. All a storage node server needs to do to locate a file is to know the
pathname and filename and apply the algorithm. This fully parallelizes data access and ensures linear perfor-
mance scaling. The performance, availability, and stability advantages of not using metadata are significant
and, in some cases, dramatic.
Open source 开源
Complete storage operating system stack 不仅是分布式文件系统,还提供了应该有的各种功能。
Our belief is that it’s important not only to deliver a distributed file system, but also to deliver a number of
other important functions in a distributed fashion. Red Hat Storage delivers distributed memory manage-
ment, I/O scheduling, software RAID, self-healing, local N-way synchronous replication as well as asynchro-
nous long-distance replication via Red Hat Geo-Replication. In essence, by taking a lesson from micro-kernel
architectures, we have designed Red Hat Storage to deliver a complete storage operating system stack in
user space.
User space 用户模式而不是内核模式,通过fuse实现。
Unlike traditional file systems, Red Hat Storage operates in user space. This makes installing and upgrading
Red Hat Storage significantly easier. And it means that users who choose to develop on top of Red Hat
Storage need only have general C programming skills, not specialized kernel expertise.
Modular, stackable architecture 模块化、可堆放的架构, 通过xlator动态链接库实现。
Red Hat Storage is designed using a modular and stackable architecture approach. To configure Red Hat
Storage for highly specialized environments (e.g., large number of large flies, huge numbers of very small
files, environments with cloud storage, various transport protocols, etc.), it is a simple matter of including or
excluding particular modules.
For the sake of stability, certain options should not be changed once the system is in use (for example, one
would not remove a function such as replication if high availability was a desired functionality).
Data stored in native formats 数据以本地文件系统的格式存储,通过完全兼容POSIX语义实现。
With Red Hat Storage, data is stored on disk using native formats (e.g. EXT3, EXT4, XFS). Red Hat Storage
has implemented various self-healing processes for data. As a result, the system is extremely resilient.
Furthermore, files are naturally readable without Red Hat Storage. If a customer chooses to migrate away
from Red Hat Storage, their data is still completely usable without any required modifications or data
No metadata with the elastic hash algorithm 没有原数据(即数据的数据信息),通过DHT实现。
In a scale-out system, one of the biggest challenges is keeping track of the logical and physical location of
data (location metadata). Most distributed systems solve this problem by creating a separate index with file
names and location metadata. Unfortunately, this creates both a central point of failure and a huge perfor-
mance bottleneck. As traditional systems add more files, more servers, or more disks, the central metadata
server becomes a performance chokepoint. This becomes an even bigger challenge if the workload consists
primarily of small files and the ratio of metadata to data increases.
Unlike other storage systems with a distributed file system, Red Hat Storage does not create, store, or use
a separate index of metadata in any way. Instead, Red Hat Storage places and locates files algorithmically.
All storage node servers in the cluster have the intelligence to locate any piece of data without looking it up
in an index or querying another server. All a storage node server needs to do to locate a file is to know the
pathname and filename and apply the algorithm. This fully parallelizes data access and ensures linear perfor-
mance scaling. The performance, availability, and stability advantages of not using metadata are significant
and, in some cases, dramatic.
Glusterfs+Swift 对外提供对像存储
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使用glusterfs API
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关于卷的配置文件(Volume Spec)
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#### GlusterFS简介与特性 GlusterFS是一种开源的分布式文件系统,旨在解决大规模数据存储需求。它通过将多个独立的存储节点组合在一起,形成一个统一的大规模并行文件系统网络,从而实现高性能的数据访问和服务。...
#### 一、GlusterFS简介 GlusterFS 是一款开源的分布式文件系统,以其强大的横向扩展能力而闻名。它能够支持数PB级别的存储容量,并且可以处理数千个客户端的同时访问。通过使用TCP/IP或InfiniBand RDMA网络,...
#### 一、GlusterFS简介 - **GlusterFS**是一种分布式文件系统,由Gluster公司开发并提供支持。它主要用于构建存储集群,能够为用户提供高可用性、高性能的数据存储服务。 - **版本信息**:本手册基于Gluster 3.2...
#### GlusterFS简介 GlusterFS是一种开源的分布式文件系统,它可以将普通的X86服务器上的硬盘连接起来形成一个统一的存储池,并提供单一命名空间供客户端访问。这种架构非常适合于云环境下的存储需求,特别是在需要...
文章目录前言一:理论概述1.1:Glusterfs 简介1.2:Glusterfs 特点二:KVM高可用构建实操2.1:环境2.2:实验目的2.3:实验过程2.3.1:构建GFS集群2.3.2:安装KVM虚拟机2.3.3:GFS集群节点服务器添加磁盘2.3.4:KVM宿...
#### 一、GlusterFS简介 GlusterFS是一种开源的分布式文件系统,支持大规模数据存储需求。它能够将多台服务器上的磁盘空间聚合起来,形成一个统一的文件系统,提供高性能的数据访问能力。GlusterFS非常适合用于...
- 选择合适的分布式文件系统,如GlusterFS、Ceph等。 - 配置各节点间的网络连接,确保数据可以高效传输。 2. **安装配置Samba**: - 在每个节点上安装Samba服务。 - 配置Samba服务器,使其能够识别分布式文件...
#### 一、简介 《Gluster File System 3.2.5 Administration Guide》是一本由Red Hat Engineering Content Services编写的指导手册,旨在帮助用户理解、配置、操作和管理GlusterFS(Gluster File System)。...
实验目的:了解GlusterFS架构原理及其组件功能,通过实验掌握GlusterFS文件系统的安装、配置和集群管理。 实验步骤: 1. 在node-1、node-2、node-3上部署GlusterFS文件系统,其中client部署在node-1节点上,server...
* 网络存储:Ceph、Glusterfs、NFS、Isci等类型,这些存储卷的特点是数据不在集群的某个节点上,而是在远端的存储服务上,使用存储卷时需要将存储服务挂载到本地使用。 * Secret/ConfigMap:这些存储卷类型,其数据...
* 存储域任务:存储域任务包括准备并添加基于文件的存储域、准备NFS存储、添加本地存储和添加Glusterfs的存储域等。 * 存储域的权限管理:存储域的权限管理包括管理存储域的系统权限、存储管理员的角色解析、为特定...
00云计算简介.pptx0 1-OpenStack概览.pptx 02 Nova讲解.pptx 03 Glance与Swift讲解.pptx 04 Cinder讲解.pptx 05-1 Neutron讲解.pptx 05-2 Neutron L3讲解.pptx 06 KeyStone讲解.pptx 07 RabbitMQ讲解.pptx 08 ...
00 云计算简介.pptx 01-OpenStack概览.pptx 02 Nova讲解.pptx 03 Glance与Swift讲解.pptx 04 Cinder讲解.pptx 05-1 Neutron讲解.pptx 05-2 Neutron L3讲解.pptx 06 KeyStone讲解.pptx 07 RabbitMQ讲解.pptx 08 ...
源码简介与安装说明: Alluxio(以前称为Tachyon)是一个虚拟的分布式存储系统。它弥合了计算框架和存储系统之间的鸿沟,使计算应用程序可以通过公共接口连接到众多存储系统。Alluxio项目源自加州大学伯克利分校...
#### 一、分布式存储系统简介 分布式存储系统是一种将数据分布在多个物理位置的存储系统,旨在通过利用网络中的多台计算机来提高存储性能、可靠性和可扩展性。它能够有效地解决单一存储设备在容量、性能等方面的...
1. Kubernetes 简介 Kubernetes 是一个开源的容器编排系统,由 Google 公司开发,并在 2014 年捐赠给了云计算基金会(CNCF)。Kubernetes 的主要目标是提供一个自动化的容器部署、扩展、管理和维护的平台。 2. ...
它通过提供一个中间层,连接不同的计算框架(如Spark、Presto)与底层存储系统(如HDFS、Amazon S3、GlusterFS等),使得在不同存储之间切换无需修改应用程序。Alluxio由Master节点、Worker节点和Client组成,Master...
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1. **Jenkins简介**: Jenkins是一款开源的自动化服务器,可以用于自动化各种软件开发过程,包括构建、测试和部署。它支持多种插件,使用户可以根据需要自定义工作流程。 2. **Kubernetes**: Kubernetes(K8s)...