Push Notification in iOS Using Appcelerator Cloud Service
We can implement Push Notification in iOS using Appcelerator Cloud
- Service in 5 steps.
- Cloud User Login
- Retrieve Device Token
- Subscribe a Channel
- Push Certificates
- Push Configuration
1)Cloud User Login
Create a test user in Appcelerator Cloud Console
My Apps -> Manage ACS -> DEVELOPMENT -> Users
and login with credential. Use below code for cloud user login
var Cloud = require('ti.cloud');
login: 'push123',
password: 'push123'
}, function (e) {
if (e.success) {
var user = e.users[0];
alert("Loggin successfully");
} else {
alert("Error :"+e.message);
2)Retrieve Device Token
You can Retrieve Device Token using below code
types: [
deviceToken = e.deviceToken;
alert("deviceToken = "+deviceToken);
alert("Error: "+e.message);
alert("push notification received"+JSON.stringify(e.data));
3)Subscribe a Channel
Add following code for channel subscribtion
channel: 'demo_alert',
device_token: deviceToken
}, function (e) {
if (e.success) {
alert('Success :'+((e.error && e.message) || JSON.stringify(e)));
} else {
alert('Error:' + ((e.error && e.message) || JSON.stringify(e)));
4)Push Certificates
It is most important part of this Tutotial, Appcelerator Doc clearly expained about how to create push certificates.
Follow this section("
Provisioning your Device for specialized Development") to create Development and Production Push certificates. Your certificates should be in .p12 format.
5)Push Configuration
After getting the push certificates(in my case I have created development push certificate), upload it in cloud console.
My Apps -> Manage ACS -> DEVELOPMENT -> Settings -> Apple iOS Push Certificates
Cool.., You have completed Push Notification setup. This time for testing, run the application in iOS device and click the button "
REGISTER PUSH NOTIFICATION". You will get 3 alerts continuously.
Then go to M
y Apps -> Manage ACS -> DEVELOPMENT -> Push Notifications, here you can see "
1 iOS clients subscribed to push notifications"
It is time to send push notification, enter the values and hit the button "
Send Push Notification" instantly you will receive notification in your iOS device(with default icon and sound)
Push Notification in iPad
Push Notification Callback
Here you can download the complete working project from my Github
Appcelerator Titanium iOS Push Notification

- 大小: 16 KB

- 大小: 16.9 KB

- 大小: 20.9 KB

- 大小: 96 KB

- 大小: 65.2 KB
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