FreeWheel Introduces its Monetization Rights Management.
Technology with Three Major Clients
-Ground-breaking Online Video Ad Management Platform Solves the
Problematic Questions of “Who Sells the Ad?” and “Who Gets Paid What?”
Across Widely Distributed Online Video
-Joost among Major Video Companies Leveraging MRMtm
-Could this Patent-Pending Technology Ease the Conflict Behind Writers’
Guild Strike?
New York, NY – January 23, 2008 – FreeWheel ( announced its launch today
as it introduced an entirely new kind of online video advertising management technology and
named three prominent digital video companies that are already on board. Founded by three
seasoned digital media veterans with more than three decades of web advertising experience
among them, FreeWheel is the first company to provide complete “Monetization Rights
Management.” (MRM). MRM is a complete end-to-end online video syndication ad sales rights
and ad management technology which dramatically simplifies the task of managing video ad
sales, ad serving, and ad sales rights across widely-syndicated distribution channels.
FreeWheel’s platform enables online video content owners and distributors to actively manage
their inventory allocation, revenue accounting and ad serving aspects of video content
syndication. It monitors and clarifies revenue share arrangements as well as who has the right to
sell ad inventory, across the potentially huge numbers of videos, partnerships and agreements
that content owners and distributors may have in place.
This new technology holds the promise of dramatically increasing the online video category
because it eliminates the key stumbling block preventing content owners from syndicating more
content and more broadly – the risks and complexities of revenue and inventory management
across large number of partnerships.
Freewheel’s first three client partners are Joost, a leading online distributor of television
programming; Next New Networks, a leading creator of online micro-television networks for
targeted communities; and Jumpstart Automotive Media, the leading rep firm for automotive
publishers and a unit of Hachette Filipacchi.
“In our world, Joost works with multiple content providers and distributors which creates complex
advertising relationships and operational challenges,” said David Clark, Executive Vice
President/General Manager for Joost. “FreeWheel’s MRM system dramatically reduces our
unique financial risks, allowing us to maintain control of our sales efforts, maximize our revenue,
and optimize our advertising yield.”
“Using our system, billion dollar lawsuits and contentious revenue accounting strikes are
eliminated,” said Doug Knopper, Co-CEO of FreeWheel. “Our MRM solution empowers all
partners involved in building audience and selling ads in a widely syndicated ecosystem to
achieve maximum revenue.”
MRM Patent-Pending Technology Solves Fundamental Challenges -Pending Technology Solves Fundamental Challenges
Using Freewheel's MRM, a real-time ad decision is made across all parties in the advertising
value chain as to who is allowed to sell an ad and then accounts for value created among them.
No matter how many partners are involved or which other ad platforms are involved, FreeWheel
eliminates the complexity facing video publishers and content distributors.
“Building a large audience in an online video world requires wide distribution, which in turn
changes the game for online advertising management,” said Jon Heller, Co-CEO of Freewheel.
“With FreeWheel’s MRM technology in place, content owners can freely syndicate their content,
while still keeping control over their advertising relationships, inventory management, and
financial rev share accounting.”
Because of this, some industry observers see FreeWheel’s technology as a means toward
remedying one of the main conflicts behind the Writers’ Guild strike, now well into its third month.
With the ability to attribute revenue to the value creator and also account for the associated
revenue sharing, FreeWheel’s technology could conceivably eliminate many of the underlying
issues causing the strike.
“A platform like FreeWheel’s could go a long way toward assuring greater revenue streams for
any party involved in online video advertising, which is one of the greatest growth areas of digital
media,” said Jack Myers, Editor and Publisher of Jack Myers Media Business Report.
“FreeWheel’s ability to manage ad sales rights and inventory management across widely
syndicated relationships could break the logjams that are holding back this industry’s massive
About FreeWheel
To video content owners, rights holders, and publishers, FreeWheel. provides the first Monetary
Rights Management. platform – a technology solution that dramatically reduces the unique
financial risks and operational complexities of video ad serving across syndication relationships.
Freewheel combines the innovation of a start-up with the most experienced and talented team of
industry veterans. With decades of leadership experience at leading ad serving and monetization
companies such as DoubleClick, Yahoo, Adobe, and Visible World, FreeWheel’s team is united in
the understanding that video is fundamentally different from graphical ad placements and search,
and needs a unique solution to deliver maximized revenue with minimal complexity. For more
information, please visit:
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内容概要:本文档由张卓老师讲解,重点探讨DeepSeek的技术革新及强化学习对未来AI发展的重要性。文章回顾了AI的历史与发展阶段,详细解析Transformer架构在AI上半场所起到的作用,深入介绍了MoE混合专家以及MLA低秩注意机制等技术特点如何帮助DeepSeek在AI中场建立优势,并探讨了当前强化学习的挑战和边界。文档不仅提及AlphaGo和小游戏等成功案例来说明强化学习的强大力量,还提出了关于未来人工通用智能(AGI)的展望,特别是如何利用强化学习提升现有LLMs的能力和性能。 适用人群:本资料适宜对深度学习感兴趣的研究人员、开发者以及想要深入了解人工智能最新进展的专业人士。 使用场景及目标:通过了解最新的AI技术和前沿概念,在实际工作中能够运用更先进的工具和技术解决问题。同时为那些寻求职业转型或者学术深造的人提供了宝贵的参考。 其他说明:文中提到了许多具体的例子和技术细节,如DeepSeek的技术特色、RL的理论背景等等,有助于加深读者对于现代AI系统的理解和认识。
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