In my case, I got the same error in a similar situation because I had the "wrong" driver jar (db2cc4.jar) in the classpath ahead of the "correct" one (db2cc.jar). I'm not quite sure what the difference is between the 2 jars, but when I switched the
order, the issue went away.
WebSphere Adapters for JDBC unable to create business object definition files when attempting to configure against DB2 on z/OS.
WebSphere Adapters for JDBC is configured to connect to DB2 on z/OS in the external service wizard. The business object artifacts can not be generated in the module after the wizard. The following SQL exception is encountered in metadata discover logs in JDBCMetadataDiscovery.log
file generated by the external service wizard.
com.ibm.db2.jcc.a.SqlException: [jcc][10150][10300][4.3.85] Invalid parameter: Unknown column name COLUMN_NAME. ERRORCODE=-4460, SQLSTATE=null
Resolving the problem
This problem is caused by the DB2 JDBC driver and DB2 environment. The latest DB2 JDBC driver file db2jcc.jar (3.58.82) should be used to connect to a DB2 database. You can get the DB2 driver V9.7 FP1 from following technote:
After downloading the driver file, you will find two JARs: db2jcc.jar (for JDBC 3.0 spec) and db2jcc4.jar (for JDBC 4.0 spec). Use db2jcc.jar (for JDBC 3.0) rather than db2jcc4.jar (for JDBC 4.0) in this scenario.
In addition, you need to ensure you have the correct configuration of DB2 on z/OS. Before launching the external service wizard, ensure:
DESCSTAT=YES when running the DSNTIJMS job for the metadata stored procedures
Refresh the WLM application environment (V WLM,APPLENV=<wlmenv>,REFRESH) after setting DESCSTAT=YES
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