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Control States description



Control States

Every iOS control has four possible control states and is always in one, and only one, of these states at any given moment:

  •  Normal: The most common state is the normal control state, which is the default state. It’s the state that controls are in when not in any of the other states.

  •  Highlighted: The highlighted state is the state a control is in when it’s currently being used. For a button, this would be while the user has a finger on the button.

  •  Disabled: Controls are in the disabled state when they have been turned off, which can be done by unchecking the Enabled checkbox in Interface Builder or setting the control’s enabled property to NO.

  •  Selected: Only some controls support the selected state. It is usually used to indicate that the control is turned on or selected. Selected is similar to highlighted, but a control can continue to be selected when the user is no longer directly using that control. 



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