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atoi -
左耳朵耗子这人感觉挺装的,发的帖子也没什么营养,我已经取消关注 ...
unit frmMine; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Forms, Grids, ImgList, ExtCtrls, StdCtrls, Controls, Buttons, Mask; const MineOri = 0; Mine_0 = 1; MineOne = 2; MineErr = 10; MineBlast = 11; MineShow = 12; type TMine = class private FOpen: Boolean; public RoundCount: integer; //周围有几个 MineCount: integer; MarkCount: integer; OpenCount: integer; isMine: Boolean; isMarked: Boolean; //isOpen: Boolean; isShow: Boolean; isPressed: Boolean; function IsOpen: Boolean; function IconIndex: integer; procedure SetOpen(value: boolean); procedure SetMarked(value: boolean); end; type TForm1 = class(TForm) StringGrid1: TStringGrid; ImageList1: TImageList; SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton; Edit1: TEdit; Timer1: TTimer; Edit2: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Edit3: TEdit; Edit4: TEdit; MaskEdit1: TMaskEdit; procedure StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); procedure StringGrid1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure StringGrid1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure StringGrid1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure FormActivate(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private function CalMineCount(i, j: integer): integer; function IsMine2int(i, j: integer): integer; function CalMarkCount(i, j: integer): integer; function IsMarked2int(i, j: integer): integer; procedure initial; procedure SweepEmpty; procedure ShowAll; procedure MarkMine(ACol, ARow: integer); procedure ModifyMarkCount(ACol, ARow: integer; isMarked: boolean); procedure ShowAutoSweep(ACol, ARow: integer); procedure ShowAutoSweep2(ACol, ARow: integer); procedure AutoSweep(ACol, ARow: integer); procedure AutoSweep2(ACol, ARow: integer); procedure AutoMark(ACol, ARow: integer); procedure AutoMark2(ACol, ARow: integer); procedure RenewAutoSweep(ACol, ARow: integer); procedure RenewAutoSweep2(ACol, ARow: integer); //procedure DrawIcon(ACol, ARow: integer); function DrawIcon(ACol, ARow: integer): integer; function CalOpenCount(i, j: integer): integer; function IsOpen2int(i, j: integer): integer; procedure CalRoundCount; procedure Suspend; { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.DFM} var Column, Row: Longint; ColumnOld, RowOld: Longint; mine: array [0..29] of array [0..15] of TMine; bAutoSweep: Boolean; bEnd: Boolean; SecondCount: integer; MarkedMarkCount: integer; //被标志的雷的总数 procedure TForm1.StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); var index: integer; begin index := mine[ACol, ARow].IconIndex; with Sender as TDrawGrid do begin Canvas.FillRect(Rect); ImageList1.Draw(Canvas,Rect.Left,Rect.Top,index); if gdFocused in State then Canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect); end; end; procedure TForm1.ModifyMarkCount(ACol, ARow: integer; isMarked: boolean); var MarkCount: integer; begin if(ACol<0) or (ACol>29) or (ARow<0) or (ARow>15) then exit; if isMarked then mine[ACol, ARow].MarkCount := mine[ACol, ARow].MarkCount+1 else begin if mine[ACol, ARow].MarkCount>0 then mine[ACol, ARow].MarkCount := mine[ACol, ARow].MarkCount-1; end; MarkCount := self.CalMarkCount(ACol, ARow); if MarkCount<>mine[ACol, ARow].MarkCount then mine[ACol, ARow].MarkCount := MarkCount; end; procedure TForm1.MarkMine(ACol, ARow: integer); begin mine[ACol, ARow].SetMarked(not mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked); Edit2.Text := inttostr(MarkedMarkCount); DrawIcon(ACol, ARow); ModifyMarkCount(ACol-1, ARow-1, mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked); ModifyMarkCount(ACol-1, ARow, mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked); ModifyMarkCount(ACol-1, ARow+1, mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked); ModifyMarkCount(ACol, ARow-1, mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked); ModifyMarkCount(ACol, ARow+1, mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked); ModifyMarkCount(ACol+1, ARow-1, mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked); ModifyMarkCount(ACol+1, ARow, mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked); ModifyMarkCount(ACol+1, ARow+1, mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked); end; procedure TForm1.ShowAutoSweep2(ACol, ARow: integer); var Rect: TRect; begin if(ACol<0) or (ACol>29) or (ARow<0) or (ARow>15) then exit; if not (mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked or mine[ACol, ARow].isOpen) then begin Rect := StringGrid1.CellRect(ACol, ARow); ImageList1.Draw(StringGrid1.Canvas, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, 1); end; end; procedure TForm1.ShowAutoSweep(ACol, ARow: integer); begin ShowAutoSweep2(ACol-1, ARow-1); ShowAutoSweep2(ACol-1, ARow); ShowAutoSweep2(ACol-1, ARow+1); ShowAutoSweep2(ACol, ARow-1); ShowAutoSweep2(ACol, ARow+1); ShowAutoSweep2(ACol+1, ARow-1); ShowAutoSweep2(ACol+1, ARow); ShowAutoSweep2(ACol+1, ARow+1); end; procedure TForm1.StringGrid1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var Rect: TRect; begin if (ssRight in Shift) and (ssLeft in Shift) then begin bAutoSweep := true; StringGrid1.MouseToCell(X, Y, Column, Row); ShowAutoSweep(Column, Row); exit; end; if (ssRight in Shift) then begin StringGrid1.MouseToCell(X, Y, Column, Row); MarkMine(Column, Row); exit; end; if not (ssLeft in Shift) then exit; StringGrid1.MouseToCell(X, Y, Column, Row); Rect := StringGrid1.CellRect(Column, Row); mine[Column, Row].isPressed := true; ImageList1.Draw(StringGrid1.Canvas, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, 1); Timer1.Enabled := true; end; procedure TForm1.StringGrid1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var Rect: TRect; c, r: integer; begin if (ssCtrl in Shift) then begin StringGrid1.MouseToCell(X, Y, c, r); Edit3.Text := inttostr(c); Edit4.Text := inttostr(r); end; if not (ssLeft in Shift) then exit; StringGrid1.MouseToCell(X, Y, Column, Row); if (ColumnOld<> Column) or (RowOld<>Row) then begin if(ColumnOld<>-1) and (RowOld<>-1) then begin mine[ColumnOld, RowOld].isPressed := false; DrawIcon(ColumnOld, RowOld); end; if(Column<>-1) and (Row<>-1) then begin mine[Column, Row].isPressed := true; Rect := StringGrid1.CellRect(Column, Row); ImageList1.Draw(StringGrid1.Canvas, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, 1); end; ColumnOld := Column; RowOld := Row; end; end; procedure TForm1.initial; var i, j: integer; bNotSet: Boolean; iColumn, iRow: integer; begin MarkedMarkCount := 99; Edit2.Text := inttostr(MarkedMarkCount); timer1.Enabled := false; SecondCount := 0; Edit1.Text := '000'; bEnd := false; Column :=-1; Row := -1; ColumnOld :=-1; RowOld := -1; for i := 0 to 29 do begin for j := 0 to 15 do begin mine[i, j] := TMine.Create; mine[i, j].MineCount := 0; mine[i, j].MarkCount := 0; mine[i, j].OpenCount := 0; mine[i, j].isMarked := false; mine[i, j].isMine := false; //mine[i, j].isOpen := false; mine[i, j].SetOpen(false); mine[i, j].isShow := false; end; end; Randomize; //set mine for i := 0 to 98 do begin bNotSet := true; while bNotSet do begin iColumn := Random(30); iRow := Random(16); if not mine[iColumn, iRow].isMine then begin bNotSet := false; mine[iColumn, iRow].isMine := true; end; end; end; //calculate mine count for i := 0 to 29 do begin for j := 0 to 15 do begin mine[i, j].MineCount := CalMineCount(i, j); end; end; CalRoundCount; //SweepEmpty; end; procedure TForm1.CalRoundCount; var i, j: integer; begin mine[0, 0].RoundCount := 3; mine[0, 15].RoundCount := 3; mine[29, 0].RoundCount := 3; mine[29, 15].RoundCount := 3; for i := 1 to 28 do begin mine[i, 0].RoundCount := 5; mine[i, 15].RoundCount := 5; end; for j := 1 to 14 do begin mine[0, j].RoundCount := 5; mine[29, j].RoundCount := 5; end; for i := 1 to 28 do begin for j := 1 to 14 do begin mine[i, j].RoundCount := 8; end; end; end; function TForm1.IsMine2int(i, j: integer): integer; begin result := 0; if(i<0) or (i>29) or (j<0) or (j>15) then exit; if mine[i, j].isMine then result := 1; end; function TForm1.CalMineCount(i, j: integer): integer; begin result := 0; result := result + IsMine2int(i-1, j-1); result := result + IsMine2int(i-1, j); result := result + IsMine2int(i-1, j+1); result := result + IsMine2int(i, j-1); result := result + IsMine2int(i, j+1); result := result + IsMine2int(i+1, j-1); result := result + IsMine2int(i+1, j); result := result + IsMine2int(i+1, j+1); end; procedure TForm1.ShowAll; var i, j: integer; begin for i := 0 to 29 do begin for j := 0 to 15 do begin mine[i, j].isShow := true; end; end; StringGrid1.Refresh; bEnd := true; timer1.Enabled := false; end; procedure TForm1.RenewAutoSweep2(ACol, ARow: integer); var Rect: TRect; begin if(ACol<0) or (ACol>29) or (ARow<0) or (ARow>15) then exit; if not (mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked or mine[ACol, ARow].isOpen) then begin Rect := StringGrid1.CellRect(ACol, ARow); ImageList1.Draw(StringGrid1.Canvas, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, 0); end; end; procedure TForm1.RenewAutoSweep(ACol, ARow: integer); begin RenewAutoSweep2(ACol-1, ARow-1); RenewAutoSweep2(ACol-1, ARow); RenewAutoSweep2(ACol-1, ARow+1); RenewAutoSweep2(ACol, ARow-1); RenewAutoSweep2(ACol, ARow+1); RenewAutoSweep2(ACol+1, ARow-1); RenewAutoSweep2(ACol+1, ARow); RenewAutoSweep2(ACol+1, ARow+1); end; procedure TForm1.AutoSweep2(ACol, ARow: integer); begin if bEnd then exit; if(ACol<0) or (ACol>29) or (ARow<0) or (ARow>15) then exit; if not (mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked or mine[ACol, ARow].isOpen) then begin Suspend; //Suspend mine[ACol, ARow].SetOpen(true); if DrawIcon(ACol, ARow) = MineBlast then begin ShowAll; end; AutoSweep(ACol, ARow); end; end; procedure TForm1.AutoSweep(ACol, ARow: integer); begin if(ACol<0) or (ACol>29) or (ARow<0) or (ARow>15) then exit; if mine[ACol, ARow].MarkCount<>mine[ACol, ARow].MineCount then begin RenewAutoSweep(ACol, ARow); exit; end; AutoSweep2(ACol-1, ARow-1); AutoSweep2(ACol-1, ARow); AutoSweep2(ACol-1, ARow+1); AutoSweep2(ACol, ARow-1); AutoSweep2(ACol, ARow+1); AutoSweep2(ACol+1, ARow-1); AutoSweep2(ACol+1, ARow); AutoSweep2(ACol+1, ARow+1); AutoMark(ACol-1, ARow-1); AutoMark(ACol-1, ARow); AutoMark(ACol-1, ARow+1); AutoMark(ACol, ARow-1); AutoMark(ACol, ARow+1); AutoMark(ACol+1, ARow-1); AutoMark(ACol+1, ARow); AutoMark(ACol+1, ARow+1); end; procedure TForm1.StringGrid1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var IconIndex: integer; begin if bAutoSweep then begin StringGrid1.MouseToCell(X, Y, Column, Row); AutoSweep(Column, Row); bAutoSweep := false; StringGrid1.Refresh; exit; end; if mine[Column, Row].isMarked then exit; if Button = mbRight then exit; mine[Column, Row].isPressed := false; mine[Column, Row].SetOpen(true); IconIndex := DrawIcon(Column, Row); if IconIndex = MineBlast then begin ShowAll; end; if IconIndex = Mine_0 then begin AutoSweep(Column, Row); end; Column :=-1; Row := -1; ColumnOld :=-1; RowOld := -1; end; { TMine } function TMine.IconIndex: integer; begin result := 0; if self=nil then exit; if isMarked then begin if isShow and (not isMine) then result := MineErr else result := 13; exit; end; if isShow then begin if isMine then begin result := MineShow; end else begin result := MineCount + 1; end; end; if isPressed then begin result := 1; end; if isOpen then begin if isMine then begin result := MineBlast; end else begin result := MineCount + 1; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin initial; end; procedure TForm1.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin initial; StringGrid1.Refresh; end; function TMine.IsOpen: Boolean; begin result := FOpen; end; procedure TMine.SetMarked(value: boolean); begin if self<>nil then begin if isOpen then exit; isMarked := value; if value=true then MarkedMarkCount := MarkedMarkCount-1 else MarkedMarkCount := MarkedMarkCount+1; end; end; procedure TMine.SetOpen(value: boolean); begin if self<>nil then begin if isMarked then exit; FOpen := value; end; end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin SecondCount := SecondCount + 1; Edit1.Text := inttostr(SecondCount); end; function TForm1.IsMarked2int(i, j: integer): integer; begin result := 0; if(i<0) or (i>29) or (j<0) or (j>15) then exit; if mine[i, j].isMarked then result := 1; end; function TForm1.CalMarkCount(i, j: integer): integer; begin result := 0; result := result + IsMarked2int(i-1, j-1); result := result + IsMarked2int(i-1, j); result := result + IsMarked2int(i-1, j+1); result := result + IsMarked2int(i, j-1); result := result + IsMarked2int(i, j+1); result := result + IsMarked2int(i+1, j-1); result := result + IsMarked2int(i+1, j); result := result + IsMarked2int(i+1, j+1); end; function TForm1.DrawIcon(ACol, ARow: integer): integer; var Rect: TRect; IconIndex: integer; begin Rect := StringGrid1.CellRect(ACol, ARow); IconIndex := mine[ACol, ARow].IconIndex; ImageList1.Draw(StringGrid1.Canvas, Rect.Left, Rect.Top, IconIndex); result := IconIndex; end; procedure TForm1.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (Key = 112) then SweepEmpty; end; procedure TForm1.SweepEmpty; var i, j: integer; begin timer1.Enabled := true; for j := 0 to 15 do begin for i := 0 to 29 do begin if (mine[i, j].MineCount = 0) and (not mine[i, j].isMine) and (not mine[i, j].IsOpen) then begin mine[i, j].SetOpen(true); DrawIcon(i, j); AutoSweep(i, j); exit; end; end; end; end; function TForm1.IsOpen2int(i, j: integer): integer; begin result := 0; if(i<0) or (i>29) or (j<0) or (j>15) then exit; if mine[i, j].IsOpen then result := 1; end; function TForm1.CalOpenCount(i, j: integer): integer; begin result := 0; result := result + IsOpen2int(i-1, j-1); result := result + IsOpen2int(i-1, j); result := result + IsOpen2int(i-1, j+1); result := result + IsOpen2int(i, j-1); result := result + IsOpen2int(i, j+1); result := result + IsOpen2int(i+1, j-1); result := result + IsOpen2int(i+1, j); result := result + IsOpen2int(i+1, j+1); end; procedure TForm1.AutoMark2(ACol, ARow: integer); begin if(ACol<0) or (ACol>29) or (ARow<0) or (ARow>15) then exit; if mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked or mine[ACol, ARow].IsOpen then exit; //mine[ACol, ARow].SetMarked(true); MarkMine(ACol, ARow); DrawIcon(ACol, ARow); Suspend; end; procedure TForm1.AutoMark(ACol, ARow: integer); var iOpen, iMark, iMine: integer; begin if(ACol<0) or (ACol>29) or (ARow<0) or (ARow>15) then exit; if mine[ACol, ARow].isMarked then exit; //exit; iOpen := CalOpenCount(ACol, ARow); iMark := CalMarkCount(ACol, ARow); iMine := mine[ACol, ARow].MineCount; //if mine[ACol, ARow].RoundCount= iOpen + iMark +iMine then if (iMine<1) then exit; if (iMine = mine[ACol, ARow].RoundCount - iOpen) and (iMine>iMark) then begin AutoMark2(ACol-1, ARow-1); AutoMark2(ACol-1, ARow); AutoMark2(ACol-1, ARow+1); AutoMark2(ACol, ARow-1); AutoMark2(ACol, ARow+1); AutoMark2(ACol+1, ARow-1); AutoMark2(ACol+1, ARow); AutoMark2(ACol+1, ARow+1); AutoSweep(ACol-1, ARow-1); AutoSweep(ACol-1, ARow); AutoSweep(ACol-1, ARow+1); AutoSweep(ACol, ARow-1); AutoSweep(ACol, ARow+1); AutoSweep(ACol+1, ARow-1); AutoSweep(ACol+1, ARow); AutoSweep(ACol+1, ARow+1); end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var iOpen, iMark, iMine: integer; ACol, ARow: integer; begin ACol := strtoint(edit3.text); ARow := strtoint(edit4.text); iOpen := CalOpenCount(ACol, ARow); iMark := CalMarkCount(ACol, ARow); iMine := mine[ACol, ARow].MineCount; Caption := inttostr(iOpen) + ' Open ' + inttostr(iMark) + ' Mark ' + inttostr(iMine) + ' Mine '; end; procedure TForm1.Suspend; var NumSec: SmallInt; StartTime: Double; begin try NumSec := strtoint(trim(MaskEdit1.Text)); if (NumSec<0) or (NumSec>999) then begin NumSec := 50; end; except on E: EConvertError do begin NumSec := 50; MaskEdit1.Text := '50'; end; end; if NumSec=0 then exit; StartTime := now; repeat Application.ProcessMessages; until Now > StartTime + NumSec * (1/24/60/60/1000); end; end.
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5. **仿win9x扫雷程序的源码**:源码可能包含了实现经典扫雷游戏的所有逻辑,包括计时、游戏规则、用户界面等,适合学习游戏开发和Windows API的应用。 6. **制作API钩子和截获API的例子**:API钩子技术常用于拦截...
delphi 扫雷 源码,比较简单,容易看懂。
而用Delphi编写的扫雷源码,为我们提供了一个深入理解面向对象编程、事件驱动编程以及Delphi特性的绝佳实例。下面我们将详细探讨Delphi扫雷游戏源码中的关键知识点。 首先,Delphi是一种基于Object Pascal的集成...
【标题】"Delphi扫雷程序源码下载"揭示了这个资源是一个使用Delphi编程语言编写的扫雷游戏的源代码。Delphi是一款强大的Windows应用开发工具,它基于Object Pascal编程语言,以其高效的编译器和直观的集成开发环境...
这个“扫雷新版Delphi源码下载..rar”压缩包很可能是包含了一些使用最新版本Delphi编写的源代码示例或者项目,用于帮助开发者学习、理解和实践Delphi编程技术。 在Delphi编程中,有几个关键知识点是每个开发者都...
本文将深入探讨一个独特的Delphi扫雷游戏源码,其亮点在于引入了立体效果,为传统的扫雷游戏带来了全新的视觉体验。 首先,让我们了解一下Delphi。Delphi是一款基于Object Pascal语言的集成开发环境(IDE),由...
Delphi 高级扫雷程序,界面和功能和Windows自带的扫雷游戏非常相似,不过功能方面就不太相同了,带声音和帮助文件。。。。Function 程序的主要代码部分,是程序的主体部分,在运用四连通算法进行展开区域时使用到的...
记得当初编这个游戏的...功能外(那个时候不会写,现在也懒得写,呵呵),其它的功能均与Windows自带的扫雷功能一样。这里只有源码源码和可执行程序到 http://math.whu.edu.cn/homepage/franczx/program/mine.zip 下载
《Delphi扫雷游戏及源码》,不错的Delphi学习材料『RAR需解压』 --注: 1.本人发资源纯为与诸位共享,发布前均做过测试保证可用。 2.如果下载后打不开请重新再试,可能是网络传输问题。 3.如有疑问请...
一个用delphi 写的扫雷程序,转过来,有兴趣的朋友可以参考一下
3. 源码结构:扫雷游戏的源代码通常会包含以下部分: - 主程序文件(如:Project1.dpr):定义程序入口点,初始化和运行游戏。 - 主窗体文件(如:Form1.pas):定义游戏界面和控件,实现事件处理函数。 - 游戏...
以前看到别人玩“扫雷”时手脚麻利的样子总是羡慕不已,今年暑假,我脑子一热,决定要用Delphi 编出自己的扫雷出来,于是就着手开始构思,想在扫雷里加入一些新增的功能,前思后想,还是觉得不如完全模仿微软操作...
`Delphi扫雷外挂.htm`很可能是关于如何使用这个“扫雷外挂”的帮助文档,讲述了如何利用内存扫描技术提高游戏体验。 从源码学习中,我们可以深入理解以下几点: 1. **事件驱动编程**:DELPHI使用事件驱动模型,用户...
《Delphi扫雷游戏网络版》是一款基于Delphi编程语言开发的网络对战版扫雷游戏,它在设计上充分借鉴了Windows XP内置扫雷的经典风格,为玩家提供了熟悉而舒适的体验。该游戏不仅具备基本的单人游戏模式,还创新性地...