(skipping hidden file 'packages/apps/Launcher/res/drawable-hdpi/.directory')
Warning: AndroidManifest.xml already defines versionCode (in http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android); using existing value in manifest.
Warning: AndroidManifest.xml already defines versionName (in http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android); using existing value in manifest.
Warning: AndroidManifest.xml already defines minSdkVersion (in http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android); using existing value in manifest.
packages/apps/Launcher/res/layout-port/launcher.xml:72: error: Error: This attribute must be localized. (at 'text' with value 'HelloWorld').
在修改系统Launcher代码的layout-port下的launcher.xml时出现了这个问题,编译不过去,很奇怪,前面的都是warning,我还以为是编译服务器不稳定导致的,后来又出现了这个问题,仔细看了一下发现有个error:This attribute must be localized. (at 'text' with value 'HelloWorld').,原来为了适应多国语言切换要求所有的字符串都是需要从strings.xml中读取,把HelloWorld放入strings.xml然后在这边使用@string/helloworld的方式引用就可以了~~
获取:28 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main texinfo amd64 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2 [561 kB] 下载 3,425 kB,耗时 2秒 (1,303 kB/s) Selecting previously unselected package libencode-locale-perl. ...
this._events.error.length)){if((e=arguments[1])instanceof Error)throw e;var d=new Error('Uncaught, unspecified "error" event. ('+e+")");throw d.context=e,d}if(r=this._events[t],o(r))return!1;if(i(r))...
获取:28 http://cn.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty/main texinfo amd64 5.2.0.dfsg.1-2 [561 kB] 下载 3,425 kB,耗时 2秒 (1,303 kB/s) Selecting previously unselected package libencode-locale-perl. ...
IEEE 802.1x Authenticator (full) -*- hostapd-common............... hostapd/wpa_supplicant common support files < > hostapd-common-old Utilities ---> <*> playdemo..................................
显示文件的权限、硬链接数(即包含文件数,普通文件是1,目录1+)、用户、组名、大小、修改日期、文件名。 ls -t (time)按修改时间排序,显示目录和文件。 ls -lt 是“-l”和“-t”的组合,按时间顺序显示列表。 ls...
b) Since each user requires 1Mbps when transmitting, if two or fewer users transmit simultaneously, a maximum of 2Mbps will be required. Since the available bandwidth of the shared link is 2Mbps, ...
$str.= substr($chars, mt_rand(0, strlen($chars)-1), 1); } return $str; } /** * 作用:格式化参数,签名过程需要使用 */ function formatBizQueryParaMap($paraMap, $urlencode) { $buff = ""; ...
LSIP200233342 (DFCT) Error message displayed while deleting all ld's in MegaCLI, SLESS11 sp2 LSIP200232922 (DFCT) MegaCLI misspell the word "package" as "pakage" under ctrl version and it does not ...
AMI BIOS (C) 2006 American megatrends,INC.ASUS P5B-Delusxe ACPI BIOS Revision 0507 CPU: INTEL(R) CORE(TM)2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13GHz Speed :4.01GHz Count :2 AMI公司2006年开发的BIOS版本信息,华硕主板采用的...
- 通过命令`time-stamp datetime`或`time-stamp localtime`来设置时间戳格式。 - **2.2.6 检查配置结果** - 使用命令`display info-center channel`验证信息通道配置是否正确。 **2.3 输出信息中心的信息** - *...