Grade - 1:
Beginning Consonants: f, m, s, l, n, w, b, c, p, t, g,
Ff: firefighter
Find the number on the firefighter's truck.
Directions: Say each picture name. If the picture name begins with the same sound as firefighter, color the space.
monkey, nail, fork, fox, five, four, fan, fish, sun, ladder
Would you like to be a firefighter? Why or why not?
Mm: monkey
How many mankeys meet at the movies?
Directions:Cut out the pictures at the bottom. Paste them beside things in the picture whose names begin with the same sound as monkeys.
five, mittens, moon, submarine, map, lamp, mop, newspaper
Will the monkeys misbehave at the movie? What kind of mischief might they make?
On sunny days, Sumi plays in her sandbox.
Directions: Sumi only plays with thins that begin with the same sound as sandbox. Say the picture names. Draw a line from Sumi to each picture whose name begins with the same sound as sandbox.
shark, saw, seven, football, ladder, submarine
What do like to do on sunny days?
Ll: lamb
Help the little lost lame find its mother.
Directions: Cut out the picture of the lamb at the bottom. Use the picture to follow the path to its mother. Each time you pass a picture whose name begins with the same sound as lamb, mark an l on it. When you are through, pastethe baby next to its mother.
leaf, feather, mouth, lion, mirror, lock, lamp, net, sun
A lamb's parents are called sheep. List the names of other animal babies and their parents.
Nn: necklace
Can you make a necklace out of nuts?
Directions: Say the picture name on each nut on the necklace. If the picture name begins with the same sound as necklace, color the nut.
lip, mask, fire, nickle, nail, nest, soap, newspaper, vest, nine
Explain how to make something using things found in nature. Be sure the steps are in the right order.
Vv: volcano
Directions: Cut out the pictures at the bottom. Say each picture name. If the picture name begins with the same sound as volcano, paste it on the volcano.
vase, valentine, bear, van, four, mitten, saddle, xxx
What do you know about volcano? What would you like to find out about volcanos?
Bb: basket
You can keep buns in a basket.
Directions: Look at the pictures that show how can be used. Say each picture name. If the picture name begins with the same sound as buns and basket, color it.
bicycle, biscuit, cat, banana, baby, fish, xxx
Think of other ways to use baskets. Your ideas can be silly or sensible.
Cc: cap
Carla is looking for a team cap.
Directions: Cut out the pictures at the bottom. Say each picture name. If the picture name begins with the same sound as cap, paste it on a cap.
camel, cow, caribou, caterpillar, lion, cat, bat, piguin
If you could meet your favorite team player, what would you ask him or her?
Pp: pizza
Come to Pete's pizza party!
Directions: Pete is so picky he only seves foods whose names begin with the same sound as pizza at his party. What else Pete serve? say the picture names. Draw a line from Pete to each picture whose name begins with the same sound as pizza.
cake, pear, sandwich, hamburg, popcorn, toast, gourdxxx, peanut
What foods would you serve at a party? Plan a menu. Ask if you can use the menu for your next birthday party.
Tt: television
Tune in to your favorite television show.
Directions: Cut out the pictures at the bottom. Say each picture name. if the picture name begins with the same sound as television, paste it on the television.
tent, telephone, vase, ten, gorilla, flamingo(火烈鸟?), turtle, pencil
What do you think of this? Children should only watch television one hour a week.
Gg: gift
What gift did the girl get?
Directions: Say each picture name. Color the space if the picture name begins with the same sound as gift.
tiger, gum, kangroo, game, goggles, goat, duck, pin, house
What will the girl say when she opens her gift?
Directions: Say each picture name. Circle the letter that stands for the beginning sound.
xxx(mat?), saddle, foot, bird,
candle, lamp, vaccum, package(?)
mitt, piano, newspaper, table
grass(?), bike, xxx, lawn mower(?)
"Phonics-Song-2.rar" 是一个压缩包文件,其中包含了两个关键资源,旨在帮助学生更好地学习和掌握Phonics。 "phonics_song2.mp3" 是一首Phonics歌曲,这种教学方法通过音乐和节奏来教授字母的发音。歌曲通常会以一...
Phonics ESL 一种基于复习英语拼音的简单工具。 建立该项目是为了探索 。 该项目是通过引导的。 特征 React Hooks(useState,useEffect,useRef) 功能组件 搜索功能 简单模态系统 浅色/深色主题(保存在...
Phonics Kids
Oxford_Phonics_World_1_SB.pdf 第一册,可直接打印给使用!!
9. Review ABC DEF:这是复习的部分,学生需要复习已经学过的字母和读音。 10. Hammer game.:这是游戏的一部分,学生需要使用锤子来敲打字母,然后组成一个句子。 11. Bingo Game!:这是一个游戏,学生需要通过...
Phonics 自然拼读法在小学英语教学中的运用 Phonics 自然拼读法是一种基于英语语音规则的教学方法,它可以帮助学生更好地学习英语单词的读音和拼写。这种方法通过五种不同的教学法来帮助学生学习英语单词,即标“新...
【借助Phonics进行小学英语有效语音教学的实践研究报告】 一、引言 英语作为一门全球性的语言,在小学阶段的学习对于学生未来语言能力的发展具有至关重要的作用。传统的英语语音教学方法常常忽视了拼读规则的教授...
Smart Education Happy Phonics
【Phonics教学在小学英语课堂中的应用】 Phonics,即自然拼读法,是一种在英语教学中广泛采用的方法,旨在帮助学生通过学习字母和字母组合的发音规则,实现见词能读、听音能写的技能。这种方法强调的是语音与字母...
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