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Let first take a prediction, what is the result of the following code.
public static void ClosureForeachWithLambda() { var action = new List<Action>(); var list = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; foreach (var i in list) { action.Add(() => Console.WriteLine(i)); } foreach (var i in action) { i(); } }
It is not 1..9 printed each once, instead it is the 9 printed 9 times. Not belieing, huh, trying it yourself.
So, let me post a complete code with comments to tell why this is happening. Also, in my code below, you will see a fix to the bug in .net 4. 0
public static void Main(string[] args) { ClosureForeachWithLambdaGotha(); } public static void ClosureForeachWithLambda() { // the reason why this is a potential pitfall is because // closure is not creating a copy, not copying the value, but instead it is // the variable itself. // but inside theo foreach loop, // it is loop variable that is bound to and the bound is updated in each loop // so at last, you will see that it is '9' that is printed 9 times var action = new List<Action>(); var list = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; foreach (var i in list) { action.Add(() => Console.WriteLine(i)); } foreach (var i in action) { i(); } } public static void ClosureForeachWithLambdaGotha() { // a fix is to explicitly create a local variable, // by which it is the variable in new scope that is closured // here shows how: // // fortunately thi is going to be fixed in .net 4.5 // however, the bad news is that since 4.5 is going to be a inplace change. // so that means it is going to be a breaking change. var action = new List<Action>(); var list = new [] { 1,2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}; foreach (var i in list) { var copy = i; action.Add(() => Console.WriteLine(copy)); } foreach (var i in action) { i(); } }
As explained in the post : Lifting Foreach, Breaking change in Visual Studio 2012. It is going to be a breaking change, as the .net 4.5 is going to be a in place patch .
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在foreach中删除元素时,每一次删除都会导致集合的大小和元素索引值发生变化,从而导致在foreach中删除元素时会抛出异常。 集合已修改;可能无法执行枚举操作。 方法一:采用for循环,并且从尾到头遍历 如果...
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在C#编程语言中,`foreach`循环是一种用于遍历集合、数组或其他可迭代对象的便利语法。在本文中,我们将深入探讨`foreach`循环的工作原理、如何使用它以及一些实用案例,这些案例都是在Visual Studio 2019环境下编写...
本文将详细给大家关于C#中foreach循环对比for循环的优势和劣势,下面话不多说了,来一起看看详细的介绍吧。 一、foreach循环的优势 C#支持foreach关键字,foreach在处理集合和数组相对于for存在以下几个优势: 1、...
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