001 |  | James Duncan Davidson | Tomcat & Ant Founder |
002 |  | Kent Beck | Test Driven Development & JUnit Founder |
003 |  | Joshua Bloch | Java Collections Framework |
004 |  | Marc Fleury | JBoss Founder |
005 |  | Craig Mcclanahan | Struts Founder |
006 |  | Rod Johnson | Spring Founder |
007 |  | Gavin King | Hibernate Founder |
008 |  | James Gosling | Father of the Java programming language |
009 |  | Bruce Eckel | 《Thinking in Java》 |
010 |  | Doug Lea | Java Concurrency Package |
011 |  | Charles Petzold | Microsoft MVP |
012 |  | Neal Gafter | JDK1.4 and JDK5.0 |
013 |  | Michael Abrash | Optimization expert |
014 |  | Martin Richards | Father of BCPL |
015 |  | Ken Thompson | Father of B |
016 |  | Dennis Ritchie | Father of C |
017 |  | Bjarne Stroustrup | Father of C++ |
018 |  | Larry Wall | Father of Perl |
019 |  | Anders Hejlsberg | Father of C#,Delphi |
020 |  | Guido van Rossum, | Father of Python |
021 |  | Matsumoto Yukihiro | Father of Ruby |
022 |  | Thomas Kurtz | Father of Basic |
023 |  | Brad Cox | Father of Objective-C |
024 |  | Kristen Nygaard | Father of Simula 67 |
025 |  | Alan Kay | Father of Smalltalk |
026 |  | Brain Kernighan | C语言标准“K&C”中的“K” |
027 |  | Jean Ichbiah | Father of Ada |
028 |  | Alain Colmerauer | Father of Prolog |
029 |  | John Backus | Father of Fortran |
030 |  | Brendan Eich | Father of JavaScript |
031 |  | Joe Armstrong | Father of Erlang |
032 |  | Rasmus Lerdorf | Father of PHP |
033 |  | John Maccarthy | Father of Lisp |
034 |  | Alan Cooper | Father of Visual Basic |
035 |  | Jeremy Ashkenas | Father of CoffeeScript |
036 |  | David Heinemeier Hansson | Father of Ruby on Rails |
037 |  | Douglas Crockford | Father of JSON |
038 |  | Jesse James Garrett | Father of Ajax |
039 |  | Roy Fielding | Father of REST |
040 |  | James Strachan | Father of Groovy |
041 |  | Andy Rubin | Creator of Android |
042 |  | Thomas Mueller | Creator of H2 Database Engine |
043 |  | Richard Hipp | Creator of SQLite |
044 |  | Clinton Begin | Creator of iBATIS MyBatis |
045 |  | Rickard Oberg | Creator of WebWork |
046 |  | Jeff Dean | Creator of MapReduce |
047 |  | Doug Cutting | Creator of Lucene、Hadoop |
048 |  | Jason van Zyl | Creator of Maven |
049 |  | Ceki Gülcü | Creator of Log4j |
050 |  | John Resig | Creator of jQuery |
051 |  | Sam Stephenson | Creator of Prototype |
052 |  | Alex Russell | Creator of Dojo |
《卡牌记忆大师》是一款基于Windows平台的桌面游戏,它采用了Winform技术来构建用户界面,内部核心逻辑则采用托管C++进行编程。Winform是.NET Framework提供的一个用于创建Windows桌面应用程序的强大工具,它简化了...
易语言的核心设计理念是“易”,它采用了汉字编程,使得代码更易于理解和记忆。程序由语句、函数、模块等构成,通过组合这些基本元素,可以实现复杂的逻辑控制和数据处理。 在"改色大师"项目中,我们可以看到如何...
它的任务是帮助您记忆密码,并进行自动填充和登录,免除您记忆众多密码以及手工输入账号密码的繁琐,可应用于网页和其他应用程序的各种登录窗口。 WinXipher无论从功能还是操作界面,都是经过精心考证和设计,它...
参赛者可能需要设计一个算法来记忆一系列单词,考虑如何有效地存储和检索,同时优化空间和时间复杂度。std提供的解法可能包括利用哈希表或Trie树实现快速查找和插入。 2. **MS的任务最佳策略(F std-MS 的任务最佳...
2、容易管理阅读进度、重点摘要:更容易创建问答的记忆内容 3、更方便对 知识 进行深入搜索研究:知识点画面集成搜索框 版本9.08版[8]更新时间:2012-01-11 主要增加和完善的功能有: 1、支持华为网盘同步和备份 2...
2、容易管理阅读进度、重点摘要:更容易创建问答的记忆内容 3、更方便对 知识 进行深入搜索研究:知识点画面集成搜索框 版本9.08版[8]更新时间:2012-01-11 主要增加和完善的功能有: 1、支持华为网盘同步和备份 2...