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rabbitmq java api 关于消息处理的一个重要的类是channel
channel 主要进行相关定义,发送消息,获取消息,事务处理等。
channel可以在多线程中使用,但是在任何时候保证只有一个线程执行命令是很重要的,这在前面 rabbitmq 学习-6-rabbitmq基础 已经说的很清楚了。
public interface Channel extends ShutdownNotifier {
// 重新得到channel number
int getChannelNumber();
Connection getConnection();
//关闭 channel,closeCode=com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP#REPLY_SUCCESS,closeMessage='OK'
void close() throws IOException;
void close(int closeCode, String closeMessage) throws IOException;
//中止 channel,closeCode=com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP#REPLY_SUCCESS,closeMessage='OK'
void abort() throws IOException;
void abort(int closeCode, String closeMessage) throws IOException;
ReturnListener getReturnListener();
void setReturnListener(ReturnListener listener);
* Request specific "quality of service" settings.
* These settings impose limits on the amount of data the server
* will deliver to consumers before requiring the receipt of
* acknowledgements.
* Thus they provide a means of consumer-initiated flow control.
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Qos
* @param prefetchSize maximum amount of content (measured in
* octets) that the server will deliver, 0 if unlimited
* @param prefetchCount maximum number of messages that the server
* will deliver, 0 if unlimited
* @param global true if the settings should be applied to the
* entire connection rather than just the current channel
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
void basicQos(int prefetchSize, int prefetchCount, boolean global) throws IOException;
* Request a specific prefetchCount "quality of service" settings
* for this channel.
* @see #basicQos(int, int, boolean)
* @param prefetchCount maximum number of messages that the server
* will deliver, 0 if unlimited
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
void basicQos(int prefetchCount) throws IOException;
//发送消息,"mandatory" and "immediate" 都是 false
void basicPublish(String exchange, String routingKey, BasicProperties props, byte[] body) throws IOException;
* 发送消息
* @param exchange名称
* @param routingKey名称
* @param mandatory 是否强制发送
* @param immediate 是否立即发送
* @param props other properties for the message - routing headers etc
* @param body 消息
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
void basicPublish(String exchange, String routingKey, boolean mandatory, boolean immediate, BasicProperties props, byte[] body)
throws IOException;
* 删除exchange,不管是否在使用
* @param exchange名称
* @return a deletion-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully deleted
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Exchange.DeleteOk exchangeDelete(String exchange) throws IOException;
* 删除exchange
* @param exchange名称
* @param ifUnused 设置是否只删除没有使用的
* @return a deletion-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully deleted
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Exchange.DeleteOk exchangeDelete(String exchange, boolean ifUnused) throws IOException;
* 定义exchange,non-autodelete, non-durable
* @param exchange名称
* @param exchange类型
* @return a deletion-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully deleted
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Exchange.DeclareOk exchangeDeclare(String exchange, String type) throws IOException;
* 定义exchange,non-autodelete
* @param exchange名称
* @param exchange类型
* @param durable 是否持续存在(持续存在,即使server重启也会存在)
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
* @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully declared
Exchange.DeclareOk exchangeDeclare(String exchange, String type, boolean durable) throws IOException;
* 定义exchange
* @param exchange名称
* @param exchange类型
* @param passive true if we are passively declaring a exchange (asserting the exchange already exists)
* @param durable 是否持续存在(持续存在,即使server重启也会存在)
* @param autoDelete 是否自动删除,自动删除-server会在它不在使用的时候将其删除
* @param arguments other properties (construction arguments) for the exchange
* @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully declared
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Exchange.DeclareOk exchangeDeclare(String exchange, String type, boolean passive, boolean durable, boolean autoDelete,
Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
* 定义一个queue,由server去命名,exclusive, autodelete, non-durable
* @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully declared
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.DeclareOk queueDeclare() throws IOException;
* 定义一个queue,non-exclusive, non-autodelete, non-durable
* @param queue 名称
* @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully declared
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.DeclareOk queueDeclare(String queue) throws IOException;
* 定义一个queue,non-exclusive, non-autodelete
* @param queue 名称
* @param durable 是否持续存在(true:server重启也会存在)
* @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the exchange was successfully declared
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.DeclareOk queueDeclare(String queue, boolean durable) throws IOException;
* 定义一个queue
* @param queue 名称
* @param passive true if we are passively declaring a queue (asserting the queue already exists)
* @param durable 是否持续存在
* @param exclusive true if we are declaring an exclusive queue
* @param autoDelete 是否自动删除,true:不在使用了server将会自动删除它
* @param arguments other properties (construction arguments) for the queue
* @return a declaration-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully declared
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.DeclareOk queueDeclare(String queue, boolean passive, boolean durable, boolean exclusive, boolean autoDelete,
Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
* 删除queue,不管它是否在使用
* @param queue 名称
* @return a deletion-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully deleted
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.DeleteOk queueDelete(String queue) throws IOException;
* 删除queue
* @param queue 名称
* @param ifUnused 是否只删除没有被使用的queue
* @param ifEmpty 是否只删除消息是空的queue
* @return a deletion-confirm method to indicate the queue was successfully deleted
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.DeleteOk queueDelete(String queue, boolean ifUnused, boolean ifEmpty) throws IOException;
* 使用routingKey将queue绑定到exchange上
* @param queue 名称
* @param exchange the name of the exchange
* @param routingKey the routine key to use for the binding
* @return a binding-confirm method if the binding was successfully created
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.BindOk queueBind(String queue, String exchange, String routingKey) throws IOException;
* 使用routingKey将queue绑定到exchange上,带参数
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @param exchange the name of the exchange
* @param routingKey the routine key to use for the binding
* @param arguments other properties (binding parameters)
* @return a binding-confirm method if the binding was successfully created
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.BindOk queueBind(String queue, String exchange, String routingKey, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
* 解除绑定
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @param exchange the name of the exchange
* @param routingKey the routine key to use for the binding
* @return an unbinding-confirm method if the binding was successfully deleted
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.UnbindOk queueUnbind(String queue, String exchange, String routingKey) throws IOException;
* 解除绑定,带参数
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @param exchange the name of the exchange
* @param routingKey the routine key to use for the binding
* @param arguments other properties (binding parameters)
* @return an unbinding-confirm method if the binding was successfully deleted
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.UnbindOk queueUnbind(String queue, String exchange, String routingKey, Map<String, Object> arguments) throws IOException;
* Purges the contents of the given queue and awaits a completion.
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Purge
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.PurgeOk
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @return a purge-confirm method if the purge was executed succesfully
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.PurgeOk queuePurge(String queue) throws IOException;
* Purges the contents of the given queue.
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.Purge
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Queue.PurgeOk
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @param nowait whether to await completion of the purge
* @return a purge-confirm method if the purge was executed succesfully
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Queue.PurgeOk queuePurge(String queue, boolean nowait) throws IOException;
* 从queue上取消息
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @param noAck true if no handshake is required
* @return a {@link GetResponse} containing the retrieved message data
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
GetResponse basicGet(String queue, boolean noAck) throws IOException;
* Acknowledge one or several received
* messages. Supply the deliveryTag from the {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk}
* or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver} method
* containing the received message being acknowledged.
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Ack
* @param deliveryTag the tag from the received {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.GetOk} or {@link com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Deliver}
* @param multiple true if we are acknowledging multiple messages with the same delivery tag
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
void basicAck(long deliveryTag, boolean multiple) throws IOException;
* Start a non-nolocal, non-exclusive consumer, with
* explicit acknowledgements required and a server-generated consumerTag.
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @param callback an interface to the consumer object
* @return the consumerTag generated by the server
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Consume
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk
* @see #basicAck
* @see #basicConsume(String,boolean, String,boolean,boolean, Consumer)
String basicConsume(String queue, Consumer callback) throws IOException;
* Start a non-nolocal, non-exclusive consumer, with
* a server-generated consumerTag.
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @param noAck true if no handshake is required
* @param callback an interface to the consumer object
* @return the consumerTag generated by the server
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Consume
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk
* @see #basicConsume(String,boolean, String,boolean,boolean, Consumer)
String basicConsume(String queue, boolean noAck, Consumer callback) throws IOException;
* Start a non-nolocal, non-exclusive consumer.
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @param noAck true if no handshake is required
* @param consumerTag a client-generated consumer tag to establish context
* @param callback an interface to the consumer object
* @return the consumerTag associated with the new consumer
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Consume
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk
* @see #basicConsume(String,boolean, String,boolean,boolean, Consumer)
String basicConsume(String queue, boolean noAck, String consumerTag, Consumer callback) throws IOException;
* Start a consumer. Calls the consumer's {@link Consumer#handleConsumeOk}
* method before returning.
* @param queue the name of the queue
* @param noAck true if no handshake is required
* @param consumerTag a client-generated consumer tag to establish context
* @param noLocal flag set to true unless server local buffering is required
* @param exclusive true if this is an exclusive consumer
* @param callback an interface to the consumer object
* @return the consumerTag associated with the new consumer
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Consume
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.ConsumeOk
String basicConsume(String queue, boolean noAck, String consumerTag, boolean noLocal, boolean exclusive, Consumer callback) throws IOException;
* Cancel a consumer. Calls the consumer's {@link Consumer#handleCancelOk}
* method before returning.
* @param consumerTag a client- or server-generated consumer tag to establish context
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.Cancel
* @see com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.Basic.CancelOk
void basicCancel(String consumerTag) throws IOException;
* Ask the broker to resend unacknowledged messages. In 0-8
* basic.recover is asynchronous; in 0-9-1 it is synchronous, and
* the new, deprecated method basic.recover_async is asynchronous.
* To avoid this API changing, this is named for the latter, and
* will be deprecated.
* @param requeue If true, messages will be requeued and possibly
* delivered to a different consumer. If false, messages will be
* redelivered to the same consumer.
void basicRecoverAsync(boolean requeue) throws IOException;
* 启用事务模式
* @return a transaction-selection method to indicate the transaction was successfully initiated
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Tx.SelectOk txSelect() throws IOException;
* 提交事务
* @return a transaction-commit method to indicate the transaction was successfully committed
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Tx.CommitOk txCommit() throws IOException;
* 回流事务
* @return a transaction-rollback method to indicate the transaction was successfully rolled back
* @throws java.io.IOException if an error is encountered
Tx.RollbackOk txRollback() throws IOException;
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3. 通过 `Connection` 创建 `Channel` 通道,这是与 RabbitMQ 进行交互的主要接口。 4. 声明队列,定义其属性,如是否持久化。 5. 发布消息到指定的交换机,指定路由键。 这只是 RabbitMQ 的基本概念和安装过程,...
在这个“rabbitmq学习笔记.zip”压缩包中,我们可以期待找到一系列关于RabbitMQ的核心概念、安装教程、使用方法以及常见问题的详细说明。 首先,RabbitMQ的基本概念包括生产者(Producer)、消费者(Consumer)、...
每个库都有详细的文档说明如何连接到RabbitMQ服务器,创建通道,声明交换机和队列,以及发送和接收消息。 ### 五、RabbitMQ工作模式 1. **Direct模式**:最简单的模式,消息基于精确匹配的路由键路由到队列。 2. *...
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以下是对其中主要知识点的详细说明: 1. **JVM(Java虚拟机)**:JVM是Java程序运行的基础,它负责解析.class文件,执行字节码,并管理内存。理解JVM的工作原理,包括类加载机制、内存模型(堆、栈、方法区、本地...
5. 性能优化:Beego 使用了 Go 语言的并发特性,通过 goroutine 和 channel 实现高效的并发处理,提高了 Web 应用的响应速度。 6. 错误处理和日志系统:Beego 内置了错误处理机制和日志模块,方便开发者追踪和调试...
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