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以下是对J2SE1.6 RMI官方指南的翻译,如果有不够准确的地方,请各位朋友批评指正,你的批评指正是我不断前进的动力.
An Overview of RMI Applications
RMI applications often comprise two separate programs, a server and a client. A typical server program creates some remote objects, makes references to these objects accessible, and waits for clients to invoke methods on these objects. A typical client program obtains a remote reference to one or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods on them. RMI provides the mechanism by which the server and the client communicate and pass information back and forth. Such an application is sometimes referred to as a distributed object application.
Distributed object applications need to do the following:
•Locate remote objects. Applications can use various mechanisms to obtain references to remote objects. For example, an application can register its remote objects with RMI's simple naming facility, the RMI registry. Alternatively, an application can pass and return remote object references as part of other remote invocations.
•Communicate with remote objects. Details of communication between remote objects are handled by RMI. To the programmer, remote communication looks similar to regular Java method invocations.
•Load class definitions for objects that are passed around. Because RMI enables objects to be passed back and forth, it provides mechanisms for loading an object's class definitions as well as for transmitting an object's data.
The following illustration depicts an RMI distributed application that uses the RMI registry to obtain a reference to a remote object. The server calls the registry to associate (or bind) a name with a remote object. The client looks up the remote object by its name in the server's registry and then invokes a method on it. The illustration also shows that the RMI system uses an existing web server to load class definitions, from server to client and from client to server, for objects when needed.
下面的图描述了一个分布式应用程序使用RMI registry来获取一个远程对象的引用.服务端程序调用registry将名字与远程对象进行绑定.客户端程序通过名字在服务端的registry查找远程对象,然后调用其上的方法.这张图同时也展示了RMI系统在需要对象的时候,无论是从服务端到客户端或是从客户端到服务端,都会使用已存在的web服务器来加载类的定义.
Advantages of Dynamic Code Loading
One of the central and unique features of RMI is its ability to download the definition of an object's class if the class is not defined in the receiver's Java virtual machine.
All of the types and behavior of an object, previously available only in a single Java virtual machine, can be transmitted to another, possibly remote, Java virtual machine.
RMI passes objects by their actual classes, so the behavior of the objects is not changed when they are sent to another Java virtual machine.
This capability enables new types and behaviors to be introduced into a remote Java virtual machine, thus dynamically extending the behavior of an application.
The compute engine example in this trail uses this capability to introduce new behavior to a distributed program.
compute engine示例就使用这种能力来为分布式程序引入了新的行为.
Remote Interfaces, Objects, and Methods
Like any other Java application, a distributed application built by using Java RMI is made up of interfaces and classes.
The interfaces declare methods. The classes implement the methods declared in the interfaces and, perhaps, declare additional methods as well.
In a distributed application, some implementations might reside in some Java virtual machines but not others. Objects with methods that can be invoked across Java virtual machines are called remote objects.
An object becomes remote by implementing a remote interface, which has the following characteristics:
•A remote interface extends the interface java.rmi.Remote.
•Each method of the interface declares java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause, in addition to any application-specific exceptions.
RMI treats a remote object differently from a non-remote object when the object is passed from one Java virtual machine to another Java virtual machine.
Rather than making a copy of the implementation object in the receiving Java virtual machine, RMI passes a remote stub for a remote object.
The stub acts as the local representative, or proxy, for the remote object and basically is, to the client, the remote reference.
The client invokes a method on the local stub, which is responsible for carrying out the method invocation on the remote object.
A stub for a remote object implements the same set of remote interfaces that the remote object implements.
This property enables a stub to be cast to any of the interfaces that the remote object implements.
However, only those methods defined in a remote interface are available to be called from the receiving Java virtual machine.
像任何其他Java应用程序一样,通过使用Java RMI构建的分布式应用程序是由接口和类组成的.接口用于声明方法.类用于实现接口中定义的方法,也有可能定义一些额外的方法.
Creating Distributed Applications by Using RMI
Using RMI to develop a distributed application involves these general steps:
1.Designing and implementing the components of your distributed application.
2.Compiling sources.
3.Making classes network accessible.
4.Starting the application.
Designing and Implementing the Application Components
First, determine your application architecture, including which components are local objects and which components are remotely accessible. This step includes:
•Defining the remote interfaces. A remote interface specifies the methods that can be invoked remotely by a client. Clients program to remote interfaces, not to the implementation classes of those interfaces.
The design of such interfaces includes the determination of the types of objects that will be used as the parameters and return values for these methods. If any of these interfaces or classes do not yet exist, you need to define them as well.
•Implementing the remote objects. Remote objects must implement one or more remote interfaces. The remote object class may include implementations of other interfaces and methods that are available only locally.
If any local classes are to be used for parameters or return values of any of these methods, they must be implemented as well.
•Implementing the clients. Clients that use remote objects can be implemented at any time after the remote interfaces are defined, including after the remote objects have been deployed.
Compiling Sources
As with any Java program, you use the javac compiler to compile the source files. The source files contain the declarations of the remote interfaces, their implementations, any other server classes, and the client classes.
Note: With versions prior to Java Platform, Standard Edition 5.0, an additional step was required to build stub classes, by using the rmic compiler. However, this step is no longer necessary.
Making Classes Network Accessible
In this step, you make certain class definitions network accessible, such as the definitions for the remote interfaces and their associated types, and the definitions for classes that need to be downloaded to the clients or servers. Classes definitions are typically made network accessible through a web server.
Starting the Application
Starting the application includes running the RMI remote object registry, the server, and the client.
The rest of this section walks through the steps used to create a compute engine.
Building a Generic Compute Engine
This trail focuses on a simple, yet powerful, distributed application called a compute engine. The compute engine is a remote object on the server that takes tasks from clients, runs the tasks, and returns any results.
The tasks are run on the machine where the server is running. This type of distributed application can enable a number of client machines to make use of a particularly powerful machine or a machine that has specialized hardware.
The novel aspect of the compute engine is that the tasks it runs do not need to be defined when the compute engine is written or started.
New kinds of tasks can be created at any time and then given to the compute engine to be run. The only requirement of a task is that its class implement a particular interface.
The code needed to accomplish the task can be downloaded by the RMI system to the compute engine. Then, the compute engine runs the task, using the resources on the machine on which the compute engine is running.
The ability to perform arbitrary tasks is enabled by the dynamic nature of the Java platform, which is extended to the network by RMI. RMI dynamically loads the task code into the compute engine's Java virtual machine and runs the task without prior knowledge of the class that implements the task.
Such an application, which has the ability to download code dynamically, is often called a behavior-based application. Such applications usually require full agent-enabled infrastructures. With RMI, such applications are part of the basic mechanisms for distributed computing on the Java platform.
Writing an RMI Server
The compute engine server accepts tasks from clients, runs the tasks, and returns any results. The server code consists of an interface and a class. The interface defines the methods that can be invoked from the client. Essentially, the interface defines the client's view of the remote object. The class provides the implementation.
Designing a Remote Interface
This section explains the Compute interface, which provides the connection between the client and the server. You will also learn about the RMI API, which supports this communication.
这个章节说明了Compute接口,此接口提供了客户端和服务器端的连接.你将了解到有关通信的RMI API.
Implementing a Remote Interface
This section explores the class that implements the Compute interface, thereby implementing a remote object.
This class also provides the rest of the code that makes up the server program, including a main method that creates an instance of the remote object, registers it with the RMI registry, and sets up a security manager.
这个章节探索了实现Compute接口同时也即实现了远程对象的类.此类的剩余代码也展示了构建服务端程序,包括一个用于创建远程对象实例的main方法,使用RMI registry对实现类进行注册,以及设置一个安全管理器.
Designing a Remote Interface
At the core of the compute engine is a protocol that enables tasks to be submitted to the compute engine, the compute engine to run those tasks, and the results of those tasks to be returned to the client.
This protocol is expressed in the interfaces that are supported by the compute engine. The remote communication for this protocol is illustrated in the following figure.
Each interface contains a single method. The compute engine's remote interface, Compute, enables tasks to be submitted to the engine.
The client interface, Task, defines how the compute engine executes a submitted task.
The compute.Compute interface defines the remotely accessible part, the compute engine itself. Here is the source code for the Compute interface:
By extending the interface java.rmi.Remote, the Compute interface identifies itself as an interface whose methods can be invoked from another Java virtual machine.
Any object that implements this interface can be a remote object.
As a member of a remote interface, the executeTask method is a remote method. Therefore, this method must be defined as being capable of throwing a java.rmi.RemoteException.
This exception is thrown by the RMI system from a remote method invocation to indicate that either a communication failure or a protocol error has occurred.
A RemoteException is a checked exception, so any code invoking a remote method needs to handle this exception by either catching it or declaring it in its throws clause.
The second interface needed for the compute engine is the Task interface, which is the type of the parameter to the executeTask method in the Compute interface.
The compute.Task interface defines the interface between the compute engine and the work that it needs to do, providing the way to start the work.
Here is the source code for the Task interface:
The Task interface defines a single method, execute, which has no parameters and throws no exceptions. Because the interface does not extend Remote, the method in this interface doesn't need to list java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause.
The Task interface has a type parameter, T, which represents the result type of the task's computation. This interface's execute method returns the result of the computation and thus its return type is T.
The Compute interface's executeTask method, in turn, returns the result of the execution of the Task instance passed to it. Thus, the executeTask method has its own type parameter, T, that associates its own return type with the result type of the passed Task instance.
RMI uses the Java object serialization mechanism to transport objects by value between Java virtual machines. For an object to be considered serializable, its class must implement the java.io.Serializable marker interface. Therefore, classes that implement the Task interface must also implement Serializable, as must the classes of objects used for task results.
Different kinds of tasks can be run by a Compute object as long as they are implementations of the Task type. The classes that implement this interface can contain any data needed for the computation of the task and any other methods needed for the computation.
Here is how RMI makes this simple compute engine possible. Because RMI can assume that the Task objects are written in the Java programming language, implementations of the Task object that were previously unknown to the compute engine are downloaded by RMI into the compute engine's Java virtual machine as needed. This capability enables clients of the compute engine to define new kinds of tasks to be run on the server machine without needing the code to be explicitly installed on that machine.
The compute engine, implemented by the ComputeEngine class, implements the Compute interface, enabling different tasks to be submitted to it by calls to its executeTask method. These tasks are run using the task's implementation of the execute method and the results, are returned to the remote client.
以下是对J2SE1.6 RMI官方指南的翻译,如果有不够准确的地方,请各位朋友批评指正,你的批评指正是我不断前进的动力.
An Overview of RMI Applications
RMI applications often comprise two separate programs, a server and a client. A typical server program creates some remote objects, makes references to these objects accessible, and waits for clients to invoke methods on these objects. A typical client program obtains a remote reference to one or more remote objects on a server and then invokes methods on them. RMI provides the mechanism by which the server and the client communicate and pass information back and forth. Such an application is sometimes referred to as a distributed object application.
Distributed object applications need to do the following:
•Locate remote objects. Applications can use various mechanisms to obtain references to remote objects. For example, an application can register its remote objects with RMI's simple naming facility, the RMI registry. Alternatively, an application can pass and return remote object references as part of other remote invocations.
•Communicate with remote objects. Details of communication between remote objects are handled by RMI. To the programmer, remote communication looks similar to regular Java method invocations.
•Load class definitions for objects that are passed around. Because RMI enables objects to be passed back and forth, it provides mechanisms for loading an object's class definitions as well as for transmitting an object's data.
The following illustration depicts an RMI distributed application that uses the RMI registry to obtain a reference to a remote object. The server calls the registry to associate (or bind) a name with a remote object. The client looks up the remote object by its name in the server's registry and then invokes a method on it. The illustration also shows that the RMI system uses an existing web server to load class definitions, from server to client and from client to server, for objects when needed.
下面的图描述了一个分布式应用程序使用RMI registry来获取一个远程对象的引用.服务端程序调用registry将名字与远程对象进行绑定.客户端程序通过名字在服务端的registry查找远程对象,然后调用其上的方法.这张图同时也展示了RMI系统在需要对象的时候,无论是从服务端到客户端或是从客户端到服务端,都会使用已存在的web服务器来加载类的定义.

Advantages of Dynamic Code Loading
One of the central and unique features of RMI is its ability to download the definition of an object's class if the class is not defined in the receiver's Java virtual machine.
All of the types and behavior of an object, previously available only in a single Java virtual machine, can be transmitted to another, possibly remote, Java virtual machine.
RMI passes objects by their actual classes, so the behavior of the objects is not changed when they are sent to another Java virtual machine.
This capability enables new types and behaviors to be introduced into a remote Java virtual machine, thus dynamically extending the behavior of an application.
The compute engine example in this trail uses this capability to introduce new behavior to a distributed program.
compute engine示例就使用这种能力来为分布式程序引入了新的行为.
Remote Interfaces, Objects, and Methods
Like any other Java application, a distributed application built by using Java RMI is made up of interfaces and classes.
The interfaces declare methods. The classes implement the methods declared in the interfaces and, perhaps, declare additional methods as well.
In a distributed application, some implementations might reside in some Java virtual machines but not others. Objects with methods that can be invoked across Java virtual machines are called remote objects.
An object becomes remote by implementing a remote interface, which has the following characteristics:
•A remote interface extends the interface java.rmi.Remote.
•Each method of the interface declares java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause, in addition to any application-specific exceptions.
RMI treats a remote object differently from a non-remote object when the object is passed from one Java virtual machine to another Java virtual machine.
Rather than making a copy of the implementation object in the receiving Java virtual machine, RMI passes a remote stub for a remote object.
The stub acts as the local representative, or proxy, for the remote object and basically is, to the client, the remote reference.
The client invokes a method on the local stub, which is responsible for carrying out the method invocation on the remote object.
A stub for a remote object implements the same set of remote interfaces that the remote object implements.
This property enables a stub to be cast to any of the interfaces that the remote object implements.
However, only those methods defined in a remote interface are available to be called from the receiving Java virtual machine.
像任何其他Java应用程序一样,通过使用Java RMI构建的分布式应用程序是由接口和类组成的.接口用于声明方法.类用于实现接口中定义的方法,也有可能定义一些额外的方法.
Creating Distributed Applications by Using RMI
Using RMI to develop a distributed application involves these general steps:
1.Designing and implementing the components of your distributed application.
2.Compiling sources.
3.Making classes network accessible.
4.Starting the application.
Designing and Implementing the Application Components
First, determine your application architecture, including which components are local objects and which components are remotely accessible. This step includes:
•Defining the remote interfaces. A remote interface specifies the methods that can be invoked remotely by a client. Clients program to remote interfaces, not to the implementation classes of those interfaces.
The design of such interfaces includes the determination of the types of objects that will be used as the parameters and return values for these methods. If any of these interfaces or classes do not yet exist, you need to define them as well.
•Implementing the remote objects. Remote objects must implement one or more remote interfaces. The remote object class may include implementations of other interfaces and methods that are available only locally.
If any local classes are to be used for parameters or return values of any of these methods, they must be implemented as well.
•Implementing the clients. Clients that use remote objects can be implemented at any time after the remote interfaces are defined, including after the remote objects have been deployed.
Compiling Sources
As with any Java program, you use the javac compiler to compile the source files. The source files contain the declarations of the remote interfaces, their implementations, any other server classes, and the client classes.
Note: With versions prior to Java Platform, Standard Edition 5.0, an additional step was required to build stub classes, by using the rmic compiler. However, this step is no longer necessary.
Making Classes Network Accessible
In this step, you make certain class definitions network accessible, such as the definitions for the remote interfaces and their associated types, and the definitions for classes that need to be downloaded to the clients or servers. Classes definitions are typically made network accessible through a web server.
Starting the Application
Starting the application includes running the RMI remote object registry, the server, and the client.
The rest of this section walks through the steps used to create a compute engine.
Building a Generic Compute Engine
This trail focuses on a simple, yet powerful, distributed application called a compute engine. The compute engine is a remote object on the server that takes tasks from clients, runs the tasks, and returns any results.
The tasks are run on the machine where the server is running. This type of distributed application can enable a number of client machines to make use of a particularly powerful machine or a machine that has specialized hardware.
The novel aspect of the compute engine is that the tasks it runs do not need to be defined when the compute engine is written or started.
New kinds of tasks can be created at any time and then given to the compute engine to be run. The only requirement of a task is that its class implement a particular interface.
The code needed to accomplish the task can be downloaded by the RMI system to the compute engine. Then, the compute engine runs the task, using the resources on the machine on which the compute engine is running.
The ability to perform arbitrary tasks is enabled by the dynamic nature of the Java platform, which is extended to the network by RMI. RMI dynamically loads the task code into the compute engine's Java virtual machine and runs the task without prior knowledge of the class that implements the task.
Such an application, which has the ability to download code dynamically, is often called a behavior-based application. Such applications usually require full agent-enabled infrastructures. With RMI, such applications are part of the basic mechanisms for distributed computing on the Java platform.
Writing an RMI Server
The compute engine server accepts tasks from clients, runs the tasks, and returns any results. The server code consists of an interface and a class. The interface defines the methods that can be invoked from the client. Essentially, the interface defines the client's view of the remote object. The class provides the implementation.
Designing a Remote Interface
This section explains the Compute interface, which provides the connection between the client and the server. You will also learn about the RMI API, which supports this communication.
这个章节说明了Compute接口,此接口提供了客户端和服务器端的连接.你将了解到有关通信的RMI API.
Implementing a Remote Interface
This section explores the class that implements the Compute interface, thereby implementing a remote object.
This class also provides the rest of the code that makes up the server program, including a main method that creates an instance of the remote object, registers it with the RMI registry, and sets up a security manager.
这个章节探索了实现Compute接口同时也即实现了远程对象的类.此类的剩余代码也展示了构建服务端程序,包括一个用于创建远程对象实例的main方法,使用RMI registry对实现类进行注册,以及设置一个安全管理器.
Designing a Remote Interface
At the core of the compute engine is a protocol that enables tasks to be submitted to the compute engine, the compute engine to run those tasks, and the results of those tasks to be returned to the client.
This protocol is expressed in the interfaces that are supported by the compute engine. The remote communication for this protocol is illustrated in the following figure.

Each interface contains a single method. The compute engine's remote interface, Compute, enables tasks to be submitted to the engine.
The client interface, Task, defines how the compute engine executes a submitted task.
The compute.Compute interface defines the remotely accessible part, the compute engine itself. Here is the source code for the Compute interface:
package compute; import java.rmi.Remote; import java.rmi.RemoteException; public interface Compute extends Remote { <T> T executeTask(Task<T> t) throws RemoteException; }
By extending the interface java.rmi.Remote, the Compute interface identifies itself as an interface whose methods can be invoked from another Java virtual machine.
Any object that implements this interface can be a remote object.
As a member of a remote interface, the executeTask method is a remote method. Therefore, this method must be defined as being capable of throwing a java.rmi.RemoteException.
This exception is thrown by the RMI system from a remote method invocation to indicate that either a communication failure or a protocol error has occurred.
A RemoteException is a checked exception, so any code invoking a remote method needs to handle this exception by either catching it or declaring it in its throws clause.
The second interface needed for the compute engine is the Task interface, which is the type of the parameter to the executeTask method in the Compute interface.
The compute.Task interface defines the interface between the compute engine and the work that it needs to do, providing the way to start the work.
Here is the source code for the Task interface:
package compute; public interface Task<T> { T execute(); }
The Task interface defines a single method, execute, which has no parameters and throws no exceptions. Because the interface does not extend Remote, the method in this interface doesn't need to list java.rmi.RemoteException in its throws clause.
The Task interface has a type parameter, T, which represents the result type of the task's computation. This interface's execute method returns the result of the computation and thus its return type is T.
The Compute interface's executeTask method, in turn, returns the result of the execution of the Task instance passed to it. Thus, the executeTask method has its own type parameter, T, that associates its own return type with the result type of the passed Task instance.
RMI uses the Java object serialization mechanism to transport objects by value between Java virtual machines. For an object to be considered serializable, its class must implement the java.io.Serializable marker interface. Therefore, classes that implement the Task interface must also implement Serializable, as must the classes of objects used for task results.
Different kinds of tasks can be run by a Compute object as long as they are implementations of the Task type. The classes that implement this interface can contain any data needed for the computation of the task and any other methods needed for the computation.
Here is how RMI makes this simple compute engine possible. Because RMI can assume that the Task objects are written in the Java programming language, implementations of the Task object that were previously unknown to the compute engine are downloaded by RMI into the compute engine's Java virtual machine as needed. This capability enables clients of the compute engine to define new kinds of tasks to be run on the server machine without needing the code to be explicitly installed on that machine.
The compute engine, implemented by the ComputeEngine class, implements the Compute interface, enabling different tasks to be submitted to it by calls to its executeTask method. These tasks are run using the task's implementation of the execute method and the results, are returned to the remote client.
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