
转:The Build Your Own CAB Series Table of Contents


The Build Your Own CAB Series Table of Contents


Yes, this is overdue.  Here is an introduction and table of contents to my “Build Your Own CAB” series of blog posts on designing WinForms applications.  You’ll see nothing here about user experience and not much WinForms technology.  That stuff is covered quite well in a hundred different places.  This series is about code.  How to write it, how to write less, how to test it, and how to structure it.  And there is code in user interfaces, no doubt about that.  Code that’s complex.  Code that changes every time you’re foolish enough to ask an end user how they like it.  Code that’s hard to test if you’re not careful.

I’m still working on the series, so check back here occasionally for updates and new downloads.  After I finish posting the menu state series I’m going to take a break for a while, but it’s for a good cause.  The most persistent complaint throughout the series is that it’s not clear how all the pieces fit together.  Understandable.  At the same time that I’m writing this series I’m also working on my OSS StoryTeller tool that includes a sizable WinForms client.  Last week I scrapped about half of the StoryTeller UI code so I could go back and incorporate the ideas that I’ve explored through “Build a CAB.”  I can say without a doubt that I’m the one person who’s learned the most from “Build a CAB.”  What I’m hoping to do is use the StoryTeller UI code to demonstrate fully working screens from end to end.  The beauty of using OSS code for examples is that the code is automatically available for download.

I’ll finish before the end of the summer, I promise.  Just set a bookmark to this page and I’ll keep updating it as the series expands.  At the end I’ve committed to gathering all this stuff up into a single, printable PDF for download.





Table of Contents

There’s an extended introduction below.

  1. How I got into this mess – Look for the section “Microsoft, OSS, and the Patterns and Practices Team”
  2. Preamble
  3. The Humble Dialog Box
  4. Supervising Controller
  5. Passive View
  6. Presentation Model
  7. View to Presenter Communication
  8. Answering some questions
  9. What’s the Model?
  10. Assigning Responsibilities in a Model View Presenter Architecture
  11. Domain Centric Validation with the Notification Pattern
  12. Unit Testing the UI with NUnitForms
  13. Event Aggregator
    1. Event Aggregator with Generics
  14. Rein in runaway events with the “Latch”
  15. Embedded Controllers with a Dash of DSL
  16. Managing Menu State with MicroController’s, Command’s, a Layer SuperType, some StructureMap Pixie Dust, and a Dollop of Fluent Interface
  17. MicroControllers
  18. Boil down the “wiring” to a Registry
  19. The Command Executor
  20. The Main Players
  21. Testing through the UI – Forthcoming
  22. Subcutaneous Testing – Forthcoming
  23. Creating the Application Shell – probably a couple posts
  24. Wiring the Components with an IoC tool – Forthcoming, but I may push this off into late summer
  25. A Day in the Life of a Screen – by popular demand (gripe), let’s look at a couple of complete screens through their entire lifecycle



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