Dependent Mapping - Has one class perform the database mapping for a child class.
Dependent Mapping的原理是一个类(称为依赖者)依靠另外的类(称为所有者)来完成自己的数据库持久化的操作。每个依赖者有且仅有一个所有者。依赖者没有 Identity Field,所以没有针对依赖者的查找方法,所有的查找操作都是由其所有者来执行的。这种依赖关系同样可以形成一个层次结构。对于一个对象来说,除了其所有者和依赖于该对象的对象之外,不应该有其它内存中的对象拥有对该对象的引用。在UML里面,依赖者和所有者之间的关系表示为组合。
对数据库的更新操作可以通过简单的全部删除的依赖者,然后重新插入新的全部的依赖者来实现。使用Dependent Mapping的话,要跟踪所有者对象的变化就更困难了。
使用Dependent Mapping的两个前提条件:
- 一个依赖者有且仅有一个所有者。
- 除了所有者和依赖自己的对象之外,没有其它对此对象的引用。
在实际中,避免较大的依赖关系的层次结构。当使用Dependent Mapping时不推荐使用Unit of Work,因为后者可以自动跟踪对象的变化情况。
2. **NAT类型**:常见的NAT类型包括Full NAT(静态NAT)、Port Address Translation(PAT,动态NAT)、Endpoint-Independent Mapping(EIM,端口独立映射)和Endpoint-Dependent Mapping(EDM,端口依赖映射)。...
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1.2.2. The mapping file 1.2.3. Hibernate configuration 1.2.4. Building with Ant 1.2.5. Startup and helpers 1.2.6. Loading and storing objects 1.3. Part 2 - Mapping associations 1.3.1. Mapping the ...
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在J2EE应用程序中,尤其是在使用对象关系映射(Object/Relational Mapping, O/R Mapping)工具时,开发人员经常面临如何高效地从数据库获取数据的问题。默认情况下,O/R Mapping工具采用延迟加载(Lazy Loading)...
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Optionally, you can describe your mapping metadata with attributes in your source code. NHibernate supports transparent persistence, your object classes don't have to follow a restrictive ...
Optionally, you can describe your mapping metadata with attributes in your source code. NHibernate supports transparent persistence, your object classes don't have to follow a restrictive ...
Optionally, you can describe your mapping metadata with attributes in your source code. NHibernate supports transparent persistence, your object classes don't have to follow a restrictive ...
A few simple programs are used to demonstrate the concept of dividing a large task into multiple parallel sub-tasks and mapping them to CPU threads. Multiple ways of parallelizing the same task are ...
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