对表进行任何操作都不被允许,提示SQLSTATE=57016 SQLCODE=-668 ,原因码 "7"的错误:SQL0668N Operation not allowed for reason code "7" on table XXX. 解决方法为:执行命令:reorg table XXX;即可。
Operation not allowed for reason code reason-code on table table-name.
Explanation: Access to table table-name is restricted. The cause is based on the following reason codes reason-code: 7
The table is in the reorg pending state. This can occur after an ALTER TABLE statement containing a REORG-recommended operation.7
Reorganize the table using the REORG TABLE command (note that INPLACE REORG TABLE is not allowed for a table that is in the reorg pending state).
reorg table <tablename> 通过重构行来消除“碎片”数据并压缩信息,对表进行重组。
runstats on table <tbschema>.<tbname> 收集表 <tbname> 的统计信息。
reorgchk on table all 确定是否需要对表进行重组,对于对所有表自动执行 runstats 很有用。
>>> reorg 和runstats 都是单个表优化,初始化的命令:
runstats on table administrator.test;
reorg table administrator.test;
可以使用`DB2 ADMIN_CMD(‘LIST TABLE LOCKS FOR ALL’) `命令来查看当前的锁定情况。 2. **等待锁定释放**:如果知道有其他事务在执行,可以等待其完成。这通常是最简单的解决方案,但可能会影响应用的性能。 3. ...
+ For some reason, the help file didn't have any single or double quotes in it. This has been corrected, so it is now easier to read. + The help file was not terminated when CurveExpert was. Fixed....
BOLD FOR DELPHI * VERIFYING THAT THE UPDATE WAS SUCCESSFUL * FILES INSTALLED BY THIS UPDATE =======================================================INSTALLING THIS UPDATE* This update can not be ...
自己在用的就这个~!~! [eaccelerator] ...eaccelerator.shm_size = "0" ...eaccelerator.enable = "1" eaccelerator.optimizer = "1" eaccelerator.debug = 0 ...eaccelerator.allowed_admin_path = "
NR5G 网络拒绝码 - 5gmm_cause = 7 (0x7) (5GS Service not allowed) 本资源摘要信息将详细解释 NR5G 网络拒绝码 5gmm_cause = 7 (0x7) (5GS Service not allowed),并对相关知识点进行详细说明。 一、NR5G 网络...
directories that will not be allowed to be processed by Diskeeper. Event Logging ------------- Diskeeper records information about its activity in two ways. First, general information about ...
cursor: not-allowed; } .w-table .thead-cell { display: inline-flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; width: auto; max-height: 23px; vertical-align: middle; overflow: initial; ...
import cycle not allowed(解决方案).md
Download from your IP address is not allowed 百度网盘永久连接: QT下载: qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.8.0.run: 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1sQ3tqPaWdDnmhBYAc_XR7g qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.13.1....
设置隐试打开PPT报错 Hiding the application window is not allowed
table. For each crash, BlueScreenView displays the minidump filename, the date/time of the crash, the basic crash information displayed in the blue screen (Bug Check Code and 4 parameters), and the ...
标题中的"NR5G网络拒绝码-5gmm_cause = 27 (0x1b) (N1 mode not allowed)"是指5G NR(New Radio)网络在服务请求或去注册请求过程中遇到的一种特定错误情况。这个拒绝码是5G移动管理(5GMM)中的一个原因值,用来...
// Maximum stretch distance for the slingshot let strength = 0.00161; // Strength of the slingshot force let simulationSpeed = 0.8; // Simulation speed (1 is normal) let interactRadius = 50; // ...
Note: People who wrote portable scripts should not depend on this ini ; directive. Instead, explicitly set the output handler using ob_start(). ; Using this ini directive may cause problems unless ...
repositories, which is absolutely NOT ALLOWED under any precedence. ======================================================================= THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ...
Android WebView 报 Not allowed to load local resource错误的解决办法 博客地址:http://blog.csdn.net/yuzhiqiang_1993/article/details/76228541
SQL0290N Tablespace access is not allowed. SQLSTATE=55039 ``` **原因分析**: 此错误通常发生在试图删除表或表空间时,表空间当前状态不允许访问。可能是由于备份正在进行或者表空间处于某种特殊状态(例如备份...
本文将详细介绍在使用curl访问特定域名时遇到405 Method Not Allowed错误的解决方法。首先,我们先来理解什么是405错误以及其背后可能的原因。 HTTP状态码405 Method Not Allowed表示客户端请求的HTTP方法不被...