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汉化ArcSDE API for JAVA中的错误描述

老外还是很注重国际化的,所以SDE API同样留下了国际化的余地



#SG_FAILURE|General failure error
#SG_INVALID_SHAPE_OBJECT|Invalid shape object handle
#SG_INVALID_POINTER|Specified pointer value is null or invalid
#SG_INVALID_PARAM_VALUE|Specified parameter value is invalid
#SG_INVALID_SHAPE|Invalid shape, can not be verified
#SG_INVALID_PARTNUM|Specified part doesn't exist in the shape
#SG_INVALID_ENTITY_TYPE|Invalid shape entity type
#SG_INCOMPATIBLE_SHAPES| The shapes are of incompatible types
#SG_SHAPE_INTEGRITY_ERROR|Model integrity error
-2008=Model integrity error
#SG_INVALID_SEARCH_METHOD|Invalid search method
-2009=Invalid search method
#SG_INVALID_END_POINT|Specified end point is invalid
-2010=Specified end point is invalid
#SG_INVALID_RADIUS|Specified radius is invalid
-2011=Specified radius is invalid
#SG_TOO_MANY_POINTS|Too many points generated by this operation
-2012=Too many points generated by this operation
#SG_ALL_SLIVERS|Sliver factor caused all results to be slivers
-2013=Sliver factor caused all results to be slivers
#SG_POINT_NO_EXIST|Specified point doesn't exist in the shape
-2014=Specified point doesn't exist in the shape
#SG_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS|Resulting buffer exceeds valid coordinate range
-2015=Resulting buffer exceeds valid coordinate range
#SG_INVALID_SYSTEM_UNITS|Systems units < 1 or > 2147483647.
-2016=Systems units < 1 or > 2147483647.
#SG_PATH_NOT_FOUND|Coord path not found in shape edit op.
-2017=Coord path not found in shape edit op.
#SG_OUT_OF_MEMORY|Out of memory
-2018=Out of memory
#SG_INVALID_PART_OFFSET|Part offset is invalid
-2019=Part offset is invalid
#SG_INCOMPATIBLE_COORDREFS|The given coordinate references are incompatible
#SG_COORD_OUT_OF_BOUNDS|The specified coordinate exceeds the valid coordinate range
#SG_INVALID_ENVELOPE|The given envelope is NULL, has negative values, or min > max
-2022=The given envelope is NULL, has negative values, or min > max
#SG_INVALID_COORDREF_OBJECT|Invalid coordinate reference object handle
-2023=Invalid coordinate reference object handle
#SG_INVALID_COORDSYS_ID|Invalid identifier for a coordinate system
-2024=Invalid identifier for a coordinate system
#SG_INVALID_COORDSYS_DESC|Invalid description for a coordinate system
-2025=Invalid description for a coordinate system
#SG_PROJECTION_ERROR|Error projecting shape points
-2026=Error projecting shape points
#SG_POLY_SHELLS_OVERLAP|2 donuts or 2 outer shells overlap
-2027=2 donuts or 2 outer shells overlap
#SG_TOO_FEW_POINTS|numofpts is less than required for feature
-2028=numofpts is less than required for feature
#SG_INVALID_PART_SEPARATOR|part separator in the wrong position
-2029=part separator in the wrong position
#SG_INVALID_POLYGON_CLOSURE|polygon does not close properly
#SG_INVALID_OUTER_SHELL|A polygon outer shell does not completely enclose all donuts for the part
-2031=A polygon outer shell does not completely enclose all donuts for the part
#SG_ZERO_AREA_POLYGON|Polygon shell has no area
#SG_POLYGON_HAS_VERTICAL_LINE|Polygon shell contains a vertical line
-2033=Polygon shell contains a vertical line
#SG_OUTER_SHELLS_OVERLAP|Multipart area has overlapping parts
-2034=Multipart area has overlapping parts
#SG_SELF_INTERSECTING|Linestring or poly boundary is self-intersecting
#SG_READ_ONLY_SHAPE|Attempted to modify read-only shape
-2036=Attempted to modify read-only shape
#SG_INVALID_NUM_MEASURES|Number of measures in binary is invalid
-2037=Number of measures in binary is invalid
#SG_INVALID_NUM_PARTS|Number of parts in binary is invalid
-2038=Number of parts in binary is invalid
#SG_BINARY_TOO_SMALL|Shape won't fit in supplied binary
-2039=Shape won't fit in supplied binary
#SG_INVALID_BYTE_ORDER|WKB shape byte order is invalid
-2040=WKB shape byte order is invalid
#SG_INVALID_GEOMETRY_TYPE|Invalid shape's geometry type
-2041=Invalid shape's geometry type
#SG_SHAPE_TEXT_TOO_LONG|Length of shape text exceeding the allocated buffer size
-2042=Length of shape text exceeding the allocated buffer size
#SG_AMBIGUOUS_NIL_SHAPE|No SQL type provided when converting NIL shape to text
-2043=No SQL type provided when converting NIL shape to text
#SG_TYPE_MISMATCH|Unexpected shape SQL type
-2044=Unexpected shape SQL type
#SG_SQL_PARENTHESIS_MISMATCH|Parenthesis mismatches in shape text
-2045=Parenthesis mismatches in shape text
#SG_SHAPE_TEXT_ERROR|Syntax error in shape text
-2046=Syntax error in shape text
#SG_TOO_MANY_PARTS|Shape has too many parts
-2047=Shape has too many parts
#SG_NIL_SHAPE_NOT_ALLOWED|NIL shape is not allowed for WKB
-2048=NIL shape is not allowed for WKB
#SG_SCL_SYNTAX_ERROR|SCL Language Syntax Error
-2049=SCL Language Syntax Error
#SG_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_YET|Function or option has not been implemented
-2999=Function or option has not been implemented


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