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mongodb(1)Some mongodb concept and installation on my servser

mongodb(1)Some mongodb concept and installation on my servser

1. Comparison between SQL and MongoDB
I am a new guy for mongoDB, coming from a SQL-background.
MySQL term             Mongo term/Concept
database                 database
table                      collection
index                      index
row                        BSON document
column                   BSON field
join                         embedding and linking
primary key              _id field
group by                 aggregation

BSON is a binary-encoded serialization of JSON-like documents. http://bsonspec.org/

SQL Statement                               Mongo Statement
create table users                            db.createCollection("users");
alter table users add ...

insert into users values ...                 db.users.insert({a:3,b:5})
select a,b from users                        db.users.find({},{a:1,b:1})

select * from users                          db.users.find()
select a,b from users where age =33    db.users.find({age:33},{a:1,b:1})
select * from users where age=33 order by name  db.users.find({age:33}).sort({name:1})
select * from users where name like "%sillycat%"    db.users.find({name:/sillycat/})

select * from users where name like "sillycat%"   db.users.find({name:/^sillycat/})

select * from users where age>33 and age <=40      db.users.find({'age':{&gt:33,$lte:40}})

select * from users order by name desc     db.users.find().sort({name:-1})

select * from users where a=1 and b='q'    db.users.find({a:1,b:'q'})

select * from users limit 10 skip 20     db.users.find().limit(10).skip(20)
select * from users where a=1 or b=2     db.users.find({$or : [ {a:1},{b:2} ] } )
select * from users limit 1          db.users.findOne()

select count() from users             db.users.count()
select count() from users where age > 30    db.users.find({age:{'$gt':30}}).count()

update users set a=1 where b='q'    db.users.update({b:'q'},{$set:{a:1}},false,true)

delete from users where z = 'abc'      db.users.remove({z:'abc'})

2. Example database Information
   "_id" : "" ,
   "firstName" : ""
   "lastName" : ""
   "username" : ""
   "password" : "" ,
   "role" : { "$ref" : "role" , "$id" : "" }

   "_id" : ""
   "role" : ""

3. MogonDB Setup
windows7-64 bit
http://downloads.mongodb.org/win32/mongodb-win32-x86_64-2.0.5.zip, I got the latest windows files
Unzip the file to D:\tool\mongodb_2.0.5\bin
create a folder here C:\data\db
Add the bin to my path.
Then I can type the command as follow:
>mongod.exe -dbpath c:\data\db

>sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 7F0CEB10
add this line to source.list
>sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
add this line
deb http://downloads-distro.mongodb.org/repo/ubuntu-upstart dist 10gen
>sudo apt-get update
>sudo apt-get install mongodb-10gen

The configuration file is here /etc/mongodb.conf




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