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1. Developing EJB 2.1 Session Beans
1.1. EJB 2.1 Session Beans Description
1.1.1. Introduction
1.1.2. The Home Interface
1.1.3. The Component Interface
1.1.4. The Enterprise Bean Class
1.2. Tuning EJB 2.1 session beans
2. Developing Entity Beans
2.1. EJB 2.1 Entity Beans Description
2.1.1. Introduction
2.1.2. The Home Interface
2.1.3. The Component Interface
2.1.4. The Primary Key Class
2.1.5. The Enterprise Bean Class
2.2. Writing Database Access Methods for Bean Managed Persistence
2.2.1. Example
2.3. Configuring Database Access for Container Managed Persistence
2.3.1. CMP 1.x specifics
2.3.2. CMP 2.x specifics
2.4. Tuning EJB 2.1 entity beans
2.4.1. lock-policy
2.4.2. shared
2.4.3. prefetch
2.4.4. max-cache-size / hard-limit / max-wait-time
2.4.5. min-pool-size
2.4.6. is-modified-method-name
2.4.7. passivation-timeout
2.4.8. read-timeout
2.4.9. inactivity-timeout
2.5. Using the CMP 2 Persistence in Entity Beans
2.5.1. Standard CMP2.0 Aspects
2.5.2. JOnAS EJBQL extension
2.5.3. JOnAS Database mappers
2.5.4. JOnAS Database Mapping (Specific Deployment Descriptor)
2.6. Configuring JDBC DataSources
2.6.1. Configuring DataSources
3. Developing Message Driven Beans
3.1. EJB Programmer's Guide: Message-drivenBeans
3.1.1. Description of a Message-driven Bean
3.1.2. Developing a Message-drivenBean
3.1.3. Administration aspects
3.1.4. Running a Message-driven Bean
3.1.5. Transactional aspects
3.1.6. Example
3.2. Tuning Message-driven Bean Pool
3.2.1. min-pool-size
3.2.2. max-cache-size
3.2.3. example
4. General Issues Around EJB 2.1
4.1. EJB2 Transactional Behaviour
4.1.1. Declarative Transaction Management
4.1.2. Bean-managed Transaction
4.1.3. Distributed Transaction Management
4.2. EJB2 Environment
4.2.1. Introduction
4.2.2. Environment Entries
4.2.3. Resource References
4.2.4. Resource Environment References
4.2.5. EJB References
4.3. Security Management
4.3.1. Introduction
4.3.2. Declarative Security Management
4.3.3. Programmatic Security Management
4.4. Defining the EJB2 Deployment Descriptor
4.4.1. Principles
4.4.2. Example of Session Descriptors
4.4.3. Example of Container-managed Persistence Entity Descriptors (CMP 2.x)
4.5. EJB2 Packaging
4.5.1. Principles
4.5.2. Example
4.6. ejb2 Service configuration
A. Appendix
A.1. xml Tips
This guide explains how to program with EJB 2.1. To use the new EJB 3.0 beans, you should refer to EJB 3.0 Programmer's Guide

Developing EJB 2.1 Session Beans
1.1. EJB 2.1 Session Beans Description
1.1.1. Introduction
1.1.2. The Home Interface
1.1.3. The Component Interface
1.1.4. The Enterprise Bean Class
1.2. Tuning EJB 2.1 session beans
1.1. EJB 2.1 Session Beans Description
1.1.1. Introduction
A Session Bean is composed of the following parts, which are developed by the Enterprise Bean Provider:

The Component Interface is the client view of the bean. It contains all the "business methods" of the bean.

The Home Interface contains all the methods for the bean life cycle (creation, suppression) used by the client application.

The bean implementation class implements the business methods and all the methods (described in the EJB specification), allowing the bean to be managed in the container.

The deployment descriptor contains the bean properties that can be edited at assembly or deployment time.

Note that, according to the EJB 2.1 specification, the couple "Component Interface and Home Interface" may be either local or remote. Local Interfaces (Home and Component) are to be used by a client running in the same JVM as the EJB component. Create and finder methods of a local or remote home interface return local or remote component interfaces respectively. An EJB component can have both remote and local interfaces, even if typically only one type of interface is provided.

The description of these elements is provided in the following sections.

A session bean object is a short-lived object that executes on behalf of a single client.There are stateless and stateful session beans. Stateless beans do not maintain state across method calls. Any instance of stateless beans can be used by any client at any time. Stateful session beans maintain state within and between transactions. Each stateful session bean object is associated with a specific client. A stateful session bean with container-managed transaction demarcation can optionally implement the SessionSynchronization interface. In this case, the bean objects will be informed of transaction boundaries. A rollback could result in a session bean object's state being inconsistent; in this case, implementing the SessionSynchronization interface may enable the bean object to update its state according to the transaction completion status.


Developing Entity Beans
2.1. EJB 2.1 Entity Beans Description
2.1.1. Introduction
2.1.2. The Home Interface
2.1.3. The Component Interface
2.1.4. The Primary Key Class
2.1.5. The Enterprise Bean Class
2.2. Writing Database Access Methods for Bean Managed Persistence
2.2.1. Example
2.3. Configuring Database Access for Container Managed Persistence
2.3.1. CMP 1.x specifics
2.3.2. CMP 2.x specifics
2.4. Tuning EJB 2.1 entity beans
2.4.1. lock-policy
2.4.2. shared
2.4.3. prefetch
2.4.4. max-cache-size / hard-limit / max-wait-time
2.4.5. min-pool-size
2.4.6. is-modified-method-name
2.4.7. passivation-timeout
2.4.8. read-timeout
2.4.9. inactivity-timeout
2.5. Using the CMP 2 Persistence in Entity Beans
2.5.1. Standard CMP2.0 Aspects
2.5.2. JOnAS EJBQL extension
2.5.3. JOnAS Database mappers
2.5.4. JOnAS Database Mapping (Specific Deployment Descriptor)
2.6. Configuring JDBC DataSources
2.6.1. Configuring DataSources


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