网上找了找资料说使用mysqlbinlog 可以恢复。就试了试。
show variables like 'log_bin';
在命令行中打开mysql的bin目录,执行mysqlbinlog -?
{mysqlhome}\bin>mysqlbinlog -?
mysqlbinlog Ver 3.3 for Win32 at x86
Copyright (c) 2000, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective
Dumps a MySQL binary log in a format usable for viewing or for piping to
the mysql command line client.
Usage: mysqlbinlog [options] log-files
-?, --help Display this help and exit.
Determine when the output statements should be
base64-encoded BINLOG statements: 'never' disables it and
works only for binlogs without row-based events;
'decode-rows' decodes row events into commented
pseudo-SQL statements if the --verbose option is also
given; 'auto' prints base64 only when necessary (i.e.,
for row-based events and format description events). If
no --base64-output[=name] option is given at all, the
default is 'auto'.
--bind-address=name IP address to bind to.
Directory for character set files.
-d, --database=name List entries for just this database (local log only).
--debug-check Check memory and open file usage at exit .
--debug-info Print some debug info at exit.
--default-auth=name Default authentication client-side plugin to use.
-D, --disable-log-bin
Disable binary log. This is useful, if you enabled
--to-last-log and are sending the output to the same
MySQL server. This way you could avoid an endless loop.
You would also like to use it when restoring after a
crash to avoid duplication of the statements you already
have. NOTE: you will need a SUPER privilege to use this
-F, --force-if-open Force if binlog was not closed properly.
(Defaults to on; use --skip-force-if-open to disable.)
-f, --force-read Force reading unknown binlog events.
-H, --hexdump Augment output with hexadecimal and ASCII event dump.
-h, --host=name Get the binlog from server.
-l, --local-load=name
Prepare local temporary files for LOAD DATA INFILE in the
specified directory.
-o, --offset=# Skip the first N entries.
-p, --password[=name]
Password to connect to remote server.
--plugin-dir=name Directory for client-side plugins.
-P, --port=# Port number to use for connection or 0 for default to, in
order of preference, my.cnf, $MYSQL_TCP_PORT,
/etc/services, built-in default (3306).
--protocol=name The protocol to use for connection (tcp, socket, pipe,
-R, --read-from-remote-server
Read binary logs from a MySQL server. This is an alias
for read-from-remote-master=BINLOG-DUMP-NON-GTIDS.
Read binary logs from a MySQL server through the
setting the option to either BINLOG-DUMP-NON-GTIDS or
BINLOG-DUMP-GTIDS, respectively. If
--read-from-remote-master=BINLOG-DUMP-GTIDS is combined
with --exclude-gtids, transactions can be filtered out on
the master avoiding unnecessary network traffic.
--raw Requires -R. Output raw binlog data instead of SQL
statements, output is to log files.
-r, --result-file=name
Direct output to a given file. With --raw this is a
prefix for the file names.
--server-id=# Extract only binlog entries created by the server having
the given id.
--set-charset=name Add 'SET NAMES character_set' to the output.
Base name of shared memory.
-s, --short-form Just show regular queries: no extra info and no row-based
events. This is for testing only, and should not be used
in production systems. If you want to suppress
base64-output, consider using --base64-output=never
-S, --socket=name The socket file to use for connection.
Start reading the binlog at first event having a datetime
equal or posterior to the argument; the argument must be
a date and time in the local time zone, in any format
accepted by the MySQL server for DATETIME and TIMESTAMP
types, for example: 2004-12-25 11:25:56 (you should
probably use quotes for your shell to set it properly).
-j, --start-position=#
Start reading the binlog at position N. Applies to the
first binlog passed on the command line.
Stop reading the binlog at first event having a datetime
equal or posterior to the argument; the argument must be
a date and time in the local time zone, in any format
accepted by the MySQL server for DATETIME and TIMESTAMP
types, for example: 2004-12-25 11:25:56 (you should
probably use quotes for your shell to set it properly).
--stop-never Wait for more data from the server instead of stopping at
the end of the last log. Implicitly sets --to-last-log
but instead of stopping at the end of the last log it
continues to wait till the server disconnects.
The slave server ID used for stop-never
--stop-position=# Stop reading the binlog at position N. Applies to the
last binlog passed on the command line.
-t, --to-last-log Requires -R. Will not stop at the end of the requested
binlog but rather continue printing until the end of the
last binlog of the MySQL server. If you send the output
to the same MySQL server, that may lead to an endless
-u, --user=name Connect to the remote server as username.
-v, --verbose Reconstruct pseudo-SQL statements out of row events. -v
-v adds comments on column data types.
-V, --version Print version and exit.
Used to reserve file descriptors for use by this program.
-c, --verify-binlog-checksum
Verify checksum binlog events.
The maximum size of a row-based binary log event in
bytes. Rows will be grouped into events smaller than this
size if possible. This value must be a multiple of 256.
--skip-gtids Do not print Global Transaction Identifier information
(SET GTID_NEXT=... etc).
Print events whose Global Transaction Identifiers were
Print all events but those whose Global Transaction
Identifiers were provided.
Variables (--variable-name=value)
and boolean options {FALSE|TRUE} Value (after reading options)
--------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
base64-output (No default value)
bind-address (No default value)
character-sets-dir (No default value)
database (No default value)
debug-check FALSE
debug-info FALSE
default-auth (No default value)
disable-log-bin FALSE
force-if-open TRUE
force-read FALSE
hexdump FALSE
host (No default value)
local-load (No default value)
offset 0
plugin-dir (No default value)
port 6306
read-from-remote-server FALSE
read-from-remote-master (No default value)
result-file (No default value)
server-id 0
set-charset (No default value)
shared-memory-base-name (No default value)
short-form FALSE
socket (No default value)
start-datetime (No default value)
start-position 4
stop-datetime (No default value)
stop-never FALSE
stop-never-slave-server-id 65535
stop-position 18446744073709551615
to-last-log FALSE
user (No default value)
open-files-limit 18432
verify-binlog-checksum FALSE
binlog-row-event-max-size 4294967040
skip-gtids FALSE
include-gtids (No default value)
exclude-gtids (No default value)
知道参数了 就可以恢复了
mysqlbinlog --startdate=“” 日志目录/mysql-bin-000012 >mysql -uroot -p 数据库
到处为sql( 其中-v -v 低版本是不支持的,需要5.1.18以上)
mysqlbinlog -uroot -p -v -v -d 数据库的名称 日志目录/mysql-bin-000012 > sql.sql
但是由于使用的mysql数据库时间过长,备份日志不全,没办法就把日志中的删除语句改为了 蒲绒的sql插入语句
导入数据库时 报 Unkown command ‘\x’ 至今未得到解决 ,哪位如果处理过类似问题,还希望多多指教!!
当面临数据丢失或数据库损坏的情况时,专业的MySQL数据恢复软件能够帮助我们找回宝贵的信息。本软件"sa_mysql_recovery_v2.98.exe"显然是一个专为解决此类问题设计的工具,适用于学习和研究。 首先,我们要理解...
RAID6数据恢复软件V2.1是一款RAID6数据恢复软件,完全支持整个RAID6在缺少两块磁盘后进行完整数据恢复。 该软件是一款功能强大的RAID6数据恢复软件,完全支持整个RAID6在缺少两块磁盘后进行完整数据恢复。 完美...
根据mysql数据日志文件,自动生成对应的建表sql和数据恢复sql,可以对数据名和表明进行过滤。适用于设置为完整日志格式下的mysql数据库还原,包括误操作数据、数据库崩溃等多种情况下的数据库数据恢复。 ※※※※...
文件级别数据库恢复工具软件,本软件适合于操作系统崩溃后将mysql数据目录拷贝出进行恢复,在恢复前需要使用之前备份的数据库结构新建空库,然后将还原文件的数据恢复到新库,目前只能恢复InnoDB引擎、MyISAM引擎 表...
MySQL 数据恢复是数据库管理中的一项重要任务,尤其是在遭遇意外数据丢失、硬件故障或软件错误时。以下是三种常用的数据恢复方式的详细说明: 1. **通过表备份的方式**: 当数据表因各种原因如误删除、软件故障或...
### MySQL 数据恢复方法详解 #### 一、引言 在MySQL数据库管理中,数据安全至关重要。即便是经验丰富的DBA也可能因误操作导致数据丢失。本文将详细介绍如何在MySQL环境下利用binlog进行数据恢复,这对于刚接触...
### MySQL根据日志恢复数据详细步骤 #### 一、引言 MySQL作为一款广泛使用的开源关系型数据库管理系统,因其高效稳定、易于维护等特性而深受开发者喜爱...希望本文能够帮助读者更好地理解和掌握MySQL的数据恢复技巧。
本文将深入探讨MySQL数据库的备份与恢复策略,并提供相关工具的使用指南。 一、MySQL备份的重要性 数据库备份是防止数据丢失的关键步骤。无论是系统故障、硬件损坏、恶意攻击还是人为错误,都有可能导致数据丢失。...
在本篇中,我们将深入探讨 MySQL 的三种主要备份恢复模式,以及如何利用工具如 `innobackupex` 实现高效的数据保护。 一、全量备份 全量备份是最基础的备份方式,它会拷贝数据库的所有文件,包括数据表、日志文件等...
9. **备份与恢复**:了解如何使用MySQL的备份和恢复机制,比如使用mysqldump工具进行数据导出,或者使用source命令导入数据。 10. **安全性**:学习如何设置用户权限,理解GRANT和REVOKE命令,以及如何创建和管理...
然而,数据库系统难免会遇到问题,如意外的数据丢失、错误操作或系统崩溃等,这时MySQL的日志和数据恢复机制就显得尤为重要。本文将深入探讨MySQL中的日志类型以及如何利用这些日志进行数据恢复。 1. 错误日志 ...
NBU(NetBackup)是一款功能强大的备份恢复软件,而MySQL是一款流行的关系型数据库管理系统。本文将详细介绍如何使用NBU来备份和恢复MySQL数据库。 NBU备份mysql的优势 使用NBU备份mysql数据库可以提供多种优势,...
MYSQL数据库碎片恢复工具,已经完工。专门针对MYSQL的ibdata1 引擎 编写,支持MYSQL 3 4 5 6版本,任意平台的IBDATA文件恢复。支持误删除 ,所在分区被格式化,支持黑客故意破坏等情况,自动侦测半页。提取合成。
#### 二、MySQL数据恢复基础知识 1. **逻辑备份与物理备份**: - **逻辑备份**通常是使用`mysqldump`工具将整个数据库导出为SQL脚本文件。 - **物理备份**则是直接复制数据库文件到备份介质上,如使用`cp`命令...
"administrator-1.1.3-win.msi" 文件是一个针对Windows操作系统的MySQL数据导出工具,它提供了方便快捷的方式来处理数据库中的数据导出问题,特别是解决了SQL脚本可能出现的乱码问题。 MySQL数据库导出工具有以下几...