Every time you modify a file in Eclipse, a copy of the old contents is kept in the local history. At any time, you can compare or replace a file with any older version from the history.
Although this is no replacement for a real code repository, it can help you out when you change or delete a file by accident.
Local history also has an advantage that it wasn’t really designed for: The history can also help you out when your workspace has a catastrophic problem or if you get disk errors that corrupt your workspace files.
As a last resort, you can manually browse the local history folder to find copies of the files you lost, which is a bit like using Google’s cache to browse Web pages that no longer exist.
Each file revision is stored in a separate file with a random file name inside the history folder. The path of the history folder inside your workspace is
You can use your operating system’s search tool to locate the files you are looking for.
Note, if your need to import your local history into a new workspace, you will need both:
to have a functional local history in that new workspace.
Eclipse中在导入已有项目时如何将Local History一起导入到新workspace的呢?
Eclipse – 整合开发工具(基础篇) Jacky Lee 2005/03/01 教程特点: 1、图文并茂的详细介绍了eclipse的使用方法 2、虽然是pdf,但是非影音版,所有相当清晰 3、含文档结构目录,可以方便的跳转到对应章节 4、允许...
3.1.10 历史纪录(Local History)............... 101 3.1.11 视景.......... 102 3.1.12 搜寻(Search).. 104 3.1.13 启动和关闭(Startup and Shutdown)...... 105 3.2 Ant ................. 107 3.2.1 Ant ...
3.1.10历史纪录(Local History)..................73 3.1.11视景.................................................74 3.1.12搜寻(Search)....................................76 3.1.13启动和关闭(Startup and...
Eclipse中文教程英文直接翻译过来的,适合有一定Eclipse基础的人阅读,如果没有Eclipse基础,可找到这本书的英文原版对照阅读。 0.环境说明........................................................................
eclipse中文文档 0.环境说明...............................................................................................................................................................7 1.Eclipse简介...
- 打开菜单 `Window > Preferences > General > Workspace > Local History`。 - 勾选 “Limit history size” 选项,并适当增大存储容量。 2. **编码设置**: - 打开菜单 `Window > Preferences > General > ...
3.1.10历史纪录(Local History)..................73 3.1.11视景.................................................74 3.1.12搜寻(Search)....................................76 3.1.13启动和关闭(Startup and...
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- **工作区(Workspace)**:是Eclipse中存储项目的物理位置。每个Eclipse实例可以有多个工作区,它们之间互不影响。 - **工作台(Workbench)**:是Eclipse的主要用户界面,包含了各种视图、编辑器和透视图,用于...
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