



On Windows and Linux platforms IDEA stores its caches, configuration and plugins in the user's home directory (profile directory).


On Windows platform it's usually <SYSTEM DRIVE>\Documents and Settings\<USER ACCOUNT NAME>\.IntelliJIdeaXX.

On Windows VistaWindows 7 and later Windows versions the profile directory is <SYSTEM DRIVE>\Users\<USER ACCOUNT NAME>.

For Unix/Linux the home directory is ~/.IntelliJIdeaXX  (~ is usually an alias for /home/<USER NAME>)

XX represents product version and can be (50, 60, 70, 80, 90, etc).


Under the .IntelliJIdeaXX directory the following subdirectories can be found:

  • Config: /config
  • Plugins: /config/plugins
  • Caches: /system
  • Logs: /system/log (also contains automatic thread dumps)


On Mac OS X IDEA uses the following directories:

  • Config: ~/Library/Preferences/IntelliJIdeaXX
  • System: ~/Library/Caches/IntelliJIdeaXX
  • Plugins: ~/Library/Application Support/IntelliJIdeaXX
  • Logs: ~/Library/Logs/IntelliJIdeaXX (starting from IDEA 9.0, older versions keep logs under System location)


For other products based on IDEA platform look for the product name instead of IntelliJIdea:

  • WebIde for WebStorm/PhpStorm
  • PyCharm
  • RubyMine


In some environments user's home directory is located on the mapped network drive which is unacceptable for IntelliJ IDEA. You'll notice the huge performance degradation. You may also want to move system directory to the faster or larger drive partition.


  • Config directory stores global IDEA configuration which is not specific to a project
  • System directory contains project caches, indices, compiler caches, jar caches, logs and thread dumps (except Mac), version control system caches, and some other system files
  • Plugins directory keeps third-party plug-ins which you install via Plugin Manager (bundled plug-ins are located in IDEA_HOME\plugins)


Locations of these directories can be modified in IDEA_HOME\bin\idea.properties file.


You will need to adjust the following parameters:


  • idea.config.path
  • idea.system.path
  • idea.plugins.path


Note for Mac OS X users: most likely you will not need to change the defaults, but if for some reason you want to do it, you can find the related settings in the Info.plist file located in IDEA Application directory.



For IntelliJ Idea 11.1 Community Edition (IC-117.117) on Mac OS X (10.6) following seems to be the location:


  • Config: ~/Library/Preferences/IdeaIC11
  • System: ~/Library/Caches/IdeaIC11
  • Plugins: ~/Library/Application Support/IdeaIC11
  • Logs: ~/Library/Logs/IdeaIC11



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