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apache commons-email1.3下载地址:
A simple text email
Our first example will create a basic email message to "John Doe" and send it through your Google Mail (GMail) account.
Email email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setHostName("smtp.googlemail.com"); email.setSmtpPort(465); email.setAuthenticator(new DefaultAuthenticator("username", "password")); email.setSSLOnConnect(true); email.setFrom("user@gmail.com"); email.setSubject("TestMail"); email.setMsg("This is a test mail ... :-)"); email.addTo("foo@bar.com"); email.send();
The call to setHostName("mail.myserver.com") sets the address of the outgoing SMTP server that will be used to send the message. If this is not set, the system property "mail.host" will be used.
Sending emails with attachments
To add attachments to an email, you will need to use the MultiPartEmail class. This class works just like SimpleEmail except that it adds several overloaded attach() methods to add attachments to the email. You can add an unlimited number of attachments either inline or attached. The attachments will be MIME encoded.
The simplest way to add the attachments is by using the EmailAttachment class to reference your attachments.
In the following example, we will create an attachment for a picture. We will then attach the picture to the email and send it.
import org.apache.commons.mail.*; ... // Create the attachment EmailAttachment attachment = new EmailAttachment(); attachment.setPath("mypictures/john.jpg"); attachment.setDisposition(EmailAttachment.ATTACHMENT); attachment.setDescription("Picture of John"); attachment.setName("John"); // Create the email message MultiPartEmail email = new MultiPartEmail(); email.setHostName("mail.myserver.com"); email.addTo("jdoe@somewhere.org", "John Doe"); email.setFrom("me@apache.org", "Me"); email.setSubject("The picture"); email.setMsg("Here is the picture you wanted"); // add the attachment email.attach(attachment); // send the email email.send();
You can also use EmailAttachment to reference any valid URL for files that you do not have locally. When the message is sent, the file will be downloaded and attached to the message automatically.
The next example shows how we could have sent the apache logo to John instead.
import org.apache.commons.mail.*; ... // Create the attachment EmailAttachment attachment = new EmailAttachment(); attachment.setURL(new URL("http://www.apache.org/images/asf_logo_wide.gif")); attachment.setDisposition(EmailAttachment.ATTACHMENT); attachment.setDescription("Apache logo"); attachment.setName("Apache logo"); // Create the email message MultiPartEmail email = new MultiPartEmail(); email.setHostName("mail.myserver.com"); email.addTo("jdoe@somewhere.org", "John Doe"); email.setFrom("me@apache.org", "Me"); email.setSubject("The logo"); email.setMsg("Here is Apache's logo"); // add the attachment email.attach(attachment); // send the email email.send();
Sending HTML formatted email
Sending HTML formatted email is accomplished by using the HtmlEmail class. This class works exactly like the MultiPartEmail class with additional methods to set the html content, alternative text content if the recipient does not support HTML email, and add inline images.
In this example, we will send an email message with formatted HTML content with an inline image.
import org.apache.commons.mail.HtmlEmail; ... // Create the email message HtmlEmail email = new HtmlEmail(); email.setHostName("mail.myserver.com"); email.addTo("jdoe@somewhere.org", "John Doe"); email.setFrom("me@apache.org", "Me"); email.setSubject("Test email with inline image"); // embed the image and get the content id URL url = new URL("http://www.apache.org/images/asf_logo_wide.gif"); String cid = email.embed(url, "Apache logo"); // set the html message email.setHtmlMsg("<html>The apache logo - <img src=\"cid:"+cid+"\"></html>"); // set the alternative message email.setTextMsg("Your email client does not support HTML messages"); // send the email email.send();
First, notice that the call to embed() returns a String. This String is a randomly generated identifier that must be used to reference the image in the image tag.
Next, there was no call to setMsg() in this example. The method is still available in HtmlEmail but it should not be used if you will be using inline images. Instead, the setHtmlMsg() and setTextMsg() methods were used.
Sending HTML formatted email with embedded images
The previous example showed how to create a HTML email with embedded images but you need to know all images upfront which is inconvenient when using a HTML email template. The ImageHtmlEmail helps you solving this problem by converting all external images to inline images.
import org.apache.commons.mail.HtmlEmail; ... // load your HTML email template String htmlEmailTemplate = .... // define you base URL to resolve relative resource locations URL url = new URL("http://www.apache.org"); // create the email message HtmlEmail email = new ImageHtmlEmail(); email.setDataSourceResolver(new DataSourceResolverImpl(url)); email.setHostName("mail.myserver.com"); email.addTo("jdoe@somewhere.org", "John Doe"); email.setFrom("me@apache.org", "Me"); email.setSubject("Test email with inline image"); // set the html message email.setHtmlMsg(htmlEmailTemplate); // set the alternative message email.setTextMsg("Your email client does not support HTML messages"); // send the email email.send();
First we create a HTML email template referencing some images. All referenced images are automatically transformed to inline images starting from the current working directory.
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"commons-email-1.3.jar_mail.jar_activation.jar"这个压缩包包含了两个关键的Java邮件处理库,它们是Apache Commons Email和JavaMail API,以及JavaBeans Activation Framework(JAF)。接下来,我们将深入探讨这些...
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同时,通过Apache Commons Email库,你可以方便地添加附件、使用HTML模板等高级功能。 总结来说,"mail.jar", "activation.jar" 和 "commons-email-1.3.jar"是Java编程中发送邮件所必需的关键库,它们提供了完整的...
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DBUtils是Apache Commons项目的一部分,它是一个开源的Java库,专为简化数据库操作而设计。在Java编程中,DBUtils提供了许多实用的功能,使得开发者在处理JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)时可以更加高效和便捷。...
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