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A map-reduce action can be configured to perform file system cleanup and directory creation before starting the map reduce job. This capability enables Oozie to retry a Hadoop job in the situation of a transient failure (Hadoop checks the non-existence of the job output directory and then creates it when the Hadoop job is starting, thus a retry without cleanup of the job output directory would fail).
The workflow job will wait until the Hadoop map/reduce job completes before continuing to the next action in the workflow execution path.
The counters of the Hadoop job and job exit status (=FAILED=, KILLED or SUCCEEDED ) must be available to the workflow job after the Hadoop jobs ends. This information can be used from within decision nodes and other actions configurations.
The map-reduce action has to be configured with all the necessary Hadoop JobConf properties to run the Hadoop map/reduce job.
Hadoop JobConf properties can be specified in a JobConf XML file bundled with the workflow application or they can be indicated inline in the map-reduce action configuration.
The configuration properties are loaded in the following order, streaming , job-xml and configuration , and later values override earlier values.
Streaming and inline property values can be parameterized (templatized) using EL expressions.
The Hadoop mapred.job.tracker and fs.default.name properties must not be present in the job-xml and inline configuration. Adding Files and Archives for the Job
The file , archive elements make available, to map-reduce jobs, files and archives. If the specified path is relative, it is assumed the file or archiver are within the application directory, in the corresponding sub-path. If the path is absolute, the file or archive it is expected in the given absolute path.
Files specified with the file element, will be symbolic links in the home directory of the task.
If a file is a native library (an '.so' or a '.so.#' file), it will be symlinked as and '.so' file in the task running directory, thus available to the task JVM.
To force a symlink for a file on the task running directory, use a '#' followed by the symlink name. For example 'mycat.sh#cat'.
Refer to Hadoop distributed cache documentation for details more details on files and archives. Streaming
Streaming information can be specified in the streaming element.
The mapper and reducer elements are used to specify the executable/script to be used as mapper and reducer.
User defined scripts must be bundled with the workflow application and they must be declared in the files element of the streaming configuration. If the are not declared in the files element of the configuration it is assumed they will be available (and in the command PATH) of the Hadoop slave machines.
Some streaming jobs require Files found on HDFS to be available to the mapper/reducer scripts. This is done using the file and archive elements described in the previous section.
The Mapper/Reducer can be overridden by a mapred.mapper.class or mapred.reducer.class properties in the job-xml file or configuration elements. Pipes
Pipes information can be specified in the pipes element.
A subset of the command line options which can be used while using the Hadoop Pipes Submitter can be specified via elements - map , reduce , inputformat , partitioner , writer , program .
The program element is used to specify the executable/script to be used.
User defined program must be bundled with the workflow application.
Some pipe jobs require Files found on HDFS to be available to the mapper/reducer scripts. This is done using the file and archive elements described in the previous section.
Pipe properties can be overridden by specifying them in the job-xml file or configuration element. Syntax
<workflow-app name="[WF-DEF-NAME]" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<action name="[NODE-NAME]">
<delete path="[PATH]"/>
<mkdir path="[PATH]"/>
<!-- Either streaming or pipes can be specified for an action, not both -->
</map-reduce> <ok to="[NODE-NAME]"/>
<error to="[NODE-NAME]"/>
The prepare element, if present, indicates a list of path do delete before starting the job. This should be used exclusively for directory cleanup for the job to be executed. The delete operation will be performed in the fs.default.name filesystem.
The job-xml element, if present, must refer to a Hadoop JobConf job.xml file bundled in the workflow application. The job-xml element is optional and if present it can be only one.
The configuration element, if present, contains JobConf properties for the Hadoop job.
Properties specified in the configuration element override properties specified in the file specified in the job-xml element.
The file element, if present, must specify the target sybolic link for binaries by separating the original file and target with a # (file#target-sym-link). This is not required for libraries.
The mapper and reducer process for streaming jobs, should specify the executable command with URL encoding. e.g. '%' should be replaced by '%25'.
<workflow-app name="foo-wf" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<action name="myfirstHadoopJob">
<delete path="hdfs://foo:9000/usr/tucu/output-data"/>
<ok to="myNextAction"/>
<error to="errorCleanup"/>
In the above example, the number of Reducers to be used by the Map/Reduce job has to be specified as a parameter of the workflow job configuration when creating the workflow job.
Streaming Example:
<workflow-app name="sample-wf" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<action name="firstjob">
<delete path="${output}"/>
<mapper>/bin/bash testarchive/bin/mapper.sh testfile</mapper>
<reducer>/bin/bash testarchive/bin/reducer.sh</reducer>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="kill"/>
Pipes Example:
<workflow-app name="sample-wf" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<action name="firstjob">
<delete path="${output}"/>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="kill"/>
A map-reduce action can be configured to perform file system cleanup and directory creation before starting the map reduce job. This capability enables Oozie to retry a Hadoop job in the situation of a transient failure (Hadoop checks the non-existence of the job output directory and then creates it when the Hadoop job is starting, thus a retry without cleanup of the job output directory would fail).
The workflow job will wait until the Hadoop map/reduce job completes before continuing to the next action in the workflow execution path.
The counters of the Hadoop job and job exit status (=FAILED=, KILLED or SUCCEEDED ) must be available to the workflow job after the Hadoop jobs ends. This information can be used from within decision nodes and other actions configurations.
The map-reduce action has to be configured with all the necessary Hadoop JobConf properties to run the Hadoop map/reduce job.
Hadoop JobConf properties can be specified in a JobConf XML file bundled with the workflow application or they can be indicated inline in the map-reduce action configuration.
The configuration properties are loaded in the following order, streaming , job-xml and configuration , and later values override earlier values.
Streaming and inline property values can be parameterized (templatized) using EL expressions.
The Hadoop mapred.job.tracker and fs.default.name properties must not be present in the job-xml and inline configuration. Adding Files and Archives for the Job
The file , archive elements make available, to map-reduce jobs, files and archives. If the specified path is relative, it is assumed the file or archiver are within the application directory, in the corresponding sub-path. If the path is absolute, the file or archive it is expected in the given absolute path.
Files specified with the file element, will be symbolic links in the home directory of the task.
If a file is a native library (an '.so' or a '.so.#' file), it will be symlinked as and '.so' file in the task running directory, thus available to the task JVM.
To force a symlink for a file on the task running directory, use a '#' followed by the symlink name. For example 'mycat.sh#cat'.
Refer to Hadoop distributed cache documentation for details more details on files and archives. Streaming
Streaming information can be specified in the streaming element.
The mapper and reducer elements are used to specify the executable/script to be used as mapper and reducer.
User defined scripts must be bundled with the workflow application and they must be declared in the files element of the streaming configuration. If the are not declared in the files element of the configuration it is assumed they will be available (and in the command PATH) of the Hadoop slave machines.
Some streaming jobs require Files found on HDFS to be available to the mapper/reducer scripts. This is done using the file and archive elements described in the previous section.
The Mapper/Reducer can be overridden by a mapred.mapper.class or mapred.reducer.class properties in the job-xml file or configuration elements. Pipes
Pipes information can be specified in the pipes element.
A subset of the command line options which can be used while using the Hadoop Pipes Submitter can be specified via elements - map , reduce , inputformat , partitioner , writer , program .
The program element is used to specify the executable/script to be used.
User defined program must be bundled with the workflow application.
Some pipe jobs require Files found on HDFS to be available to the mapper/reducer scripts. This is done using the file and archive elements described in the previous section.
Pipe properties can be overridden by specifying them in the job-xml file or configuration element. Syntax
<workflow-app name="[WF-DEF-NAME]" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<action name="[NODE-NAME]">
<delete path="[PATH]"/>
<mkdir path="[PATH]"/>
<!-- Either streaming or pipes can be specified for an action, not both -->
</map-reduce> <ok to="[NODE-NAME]"/>
<error to="[NODE-NAME]"/>
The prepare element, if present, indicates a list of path do delete before starting the job. This should be used exclusively for directory cleanup for the job to be executed. The delete operation will be performed in the fs.default.name filesystem.
The job-xml element, if present, must refer to a Hadoop JobConf job.xml file bundled in the workflow application. The job-xml element is optional and if present it can be only one.
The configuration element, if present, contains JobConf properties for the Hadoop job.
Properties specified in the configuration element override properties specified in the file specified in the job-xml element.
The file element, if present, must specify the target sybolic link for binaries by separating the original file and target with a # (file#target-sym-link). This is not required for libraries.
The mapper and reducer process for streaming jobs, should specify the executable command with URL encoding. e.g. '%' should be replaced by '%25'.
<workflow-app name="foo-wf" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<action name="myfirstHadoopJob">
<delete path="hdfs://foo:9000/usr/tucu/output-data"/>
<ok to="myNextAction"/>
<error to="errorCleanup"/>
In the above example, the number of Reducers to be used by the Map/Reduce job has to be specified as a parameter of the workflow job configuration when creating the workflow job.
Streaming Example:
<workflow-app name="sample-wf" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<action name="firstjob">
<delete path="${output}"/>
<mapper>/bin/bash testarchive/bin/mapper.sh testfile</mapper>
<reducer>/bin/bash testarchive/bin/reducer.sh</reducer>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="kill"/>
Pipes Example:
<workflow-app name="sample-wf" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<action name="firstjob">
<delete path="${output}"/>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="kill"/>
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【Oozie的安装与配置】是Hadoop生态系统中的一个重要环节,Oozie是一个工作流调度系统,用于管理和协调Hadoop集群上的各种作业,如MapReduce、Pig、Hive、Spark等。以下是对Oozie安装配置过程的详细解释: 1. **所...
### Oozie工作流引擎详解 #### 一、Oozie基本介绍 Oozie是一款由Apache基金会维护的开源工作流调度管理系统,主要用于管理和编排Hadoop生态系统中的各种任务。通过对不同类型的任务进行编排和调度,Oozie帮助...
Oozie 是一个基于工作流引擎的开源框架,运行在 Tomcat 容器中,使用数据库存储工作流定义和实例,支持多种类型的 Hadoop 作业调度。Oozie 的架构原理可以分为四个部分:Client、Console、SDK 和 DB。 Oozie 的架构...
7. **工具集成**:有许多开源工具可以帮助我们远程提交和管理Hadoop作业,如Hadoop命令行工具、Hadoop的Web UI、Apache Oozie工作流管理系统等。这些工具提供了方便的接口,使开发者能便捷地与集群交互。 8. **安全...
Oozie是一个工作流调度程序系统,用于管理Apache Hadoop作业。 Oozie与其余Hadoop堆栈集成在一起,支持开箱即用的几种类型的Hadoop作业(例如Java map-reduce,Streaming map-reduce,Pig,Hive,Sqoop和Distcp)...
阿帕奇·奥兹(Apache Oozie)什么是...Oozie概述Oozie是基于服务器的工作流引擎,专门用于运行具有运行Hadoop Map / Reduce和Pig作业的操作的工作流作业。 Oozie是在Java servlet容器中运行的Java Web应用程序。 出于
- **Oozie工作流调度器**: - **功能**:编排和调度Hadoop作业。 - **特点**: - 提供可视化编辑器。 - 支持多种调度策略。 #### 三、MapReduce并行计算模型 - **Map阶段**: - **过程**: - 输入数据被拆分...
- Oozie:工作流管理系统,用于调度Hadoop作业。 - Spark:一个更快、更通用的大数据处理框架,可以与Hadoop集成。 4. **安装与配置**: - 单机模式:适合初学者学习,所有Hadoop组件都在单个节点上运行。 -伪...
- Oozie:工作流管理系统,调度Hadoop作业和工作流程。 4. 示例代码实践 - 在本地模式下运行:这适用于初步测试和调试,所有Hadoop进程都在单个节点上运行。 - 在伪分布式模式下运行:模拟分布式环境,但所有...
- Oozie:工作流管理系统,协调Hadoop作业的执行。 - ZooKeeper:分布式协调服务,管理配置信息、命名服务等。 五、Hadoop实际应用 Hadoop广泛应用于互联网行业的日志分析、推荐系统、用户行为分析、广告定向投放等...
- Oozie:工作流调度系统,管理Hadoop作业和协调其他系统任务。 5. 性能优化: - YARN(Yet Another Resource Negotiator):Hadoop 2.x引入的新资源管理系统,提升了集群资源利用率和性能。 - Spark:作为更...
- ZooKeeper用于集群管理和协调,Oozie管理工作流,Ambari提供集群监控和管理界面。 6. **优化与调优**: - 调整Hadoop性能涉及参数优化,如增大Map和Reduce任务的内存、调整数据块大小、优化网络通信等。 - 对...
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- shuffle阶段发生在MapTask和ReduceTask之间。 - MapTask对中间结果进行分区、排序和缓存。 - ReduceTask按需从MapTask拉取数据。 - 这一阶段涉及网络传输、排序和归并操作。 **13. Shuffle阶段的数据压缩机制** ...
4. Oozie:工作流管理系统,协调Hadoop相关的作业和工作流。 5. ZooKeeper:提供分布式协调服务,用于管理和监控Hadoop集群。 总结,Hadoop是处理大数据的关键工具,其HDFS和MapReduce组件共同构建了一个可靠的...