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Spring MVC Tutorial

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Happy learning Spring MVC
Let go through a quick start to understand how Spring MVC framework works.
Spring 3 MVC hello world example
what you need to develop Spring 3 MVC web application.
Spring 3 REST hello world example
Develop REST style web application in Spring 3 MVC.
Spring 2.5.6 MVC hello world example
XML-based Spring 2.5.6 MVC hello world example.
Spring 2.5.6 MVC hello world annotation example
Annotation-based Spring 2.5.6 MVC hello world example.

Handler Mapping

Define how web request (URL) maps to the Controller handlers.
BeanNameUrlHandlerMapping example
Maps the requested URL to the name of the cocntroller.
ControllerClassNameHandlerMapping example
Uses convention to map the requested URL to Controller.
SimpleUrlHandlerMapping example
Allow developer to specify the mapping of URL patterns and handler mappings explicitly.
Configure the handler mapping priority
If multiple view handler mappings are applied, you have to declare priority to avoid conflict issue.


Controller class to handle the web request.
MultiActionController example
Group related actions into a single controller class.
MultiActionController annotation example
Multi-actions controller by using annotation, @RequestMapping, he best and easy solution.
PropertiesMethodNameResolver example
A flexible method name resolver for the MultiActionController controller class, it allow to define the mapping between requested URL and method name explicitly.
ParameterMethodNameResolver example
Another method name resolver for the MultiActionController controller class, it allow to map URL to method name via requested parameter name.
ParameterizableViewController example
With ParameterizableViewController, you don’t need to hard code the view name in the controller class anymore, instead, you specify the view name through the ParameterizableViewController’s “viewName” property.

View Resolver

Resolve “view name” that returned from the controller class to a physical view page or JSP page.
InternalResourceViewResolver example
Adding a predefined prefix and suffix to the view name (prefix + view name + suffix), and generate the final view page URL.
XmlViewResolver example
Puts view beans in XML file.
ResourceBundleViewResolver example
Puts view beans in “.properties” file.
Configure multiple view resolvers priority
If multiple view resolver strategies are applied, you have to declare priority to avoid conflict issue.

Form Handling

Form handling in Spring MVC.
Form handling example
Form handling in Spring MVC, XML based version.
Form handling annotation example
Form handling in Spring MVC, annotation version.
Handling duplicate form submission
“Post/Redirect/Get” Design Pattern is the common solution for this duplicated form submission problem.
RedirectView example
A view which redirect to another absolute, context relative, or current request relative URL.
Handling multipage / wizard forms
How to handle multipage forms or wizard form.

Spring’s Form Tag Library

Render HTML form’s components via Spring’s form tag.
Textbox example
<form:input /> tag, render a HTML textbox field.
Password example
<form:password /> tag, render a HTML password field.
Textarea example
<form:textarea /> tag, render a HTML textarea field.
Checkbox and Checkboxes example
<form:checkbox />, <form:checkboxes /> tags, render a single or multiple HTML check boxes.
Radiobutton and Radiobuttons example
<form:radiobutton />, <form:radiobuttons /> tags, render a single or multiple HTML radio buttons.
Dropdown and list box example
<form:select />, <form:option /> and <form:options /> tags, render a HTML dropdown box, multiple select box and listbox.
Hidden value example
<form:hidden /> tags, render a HTML hidden value field.
Form errors tag example
<form:errors /> tag , render those form components error messages.
File upload example
File upload handling via Spring MultipartResolver.

Integrating Spring MVC with other frameworks

Integrate Spring MVC with others.
Spring 3 MVC and JSR303 @Valid example
Using Hibernate validator (JSR303 implementation) to validate bean in Spring MVC.
Spring 3 MVC and RSS feed example
Using ROME to generate RSS feed from Spring MVC.
Spring 3 MVC and XML example
Using JAXB to generate XML output from Spring MVC.
Spring 3 MVC and JSON example
Using Jackson to generate JSON output from Spring MVC.
Spring MVC and Excel file via AbstractExcelView
Using AbstractExcelView to export data to Excel file via Apache POI library.
Spring MVC and Excel file via AbstractJExcelView
Using AbstractJExcelView to export data to Excel file via JExcelAPI library.
Spring MVC and PDF file via AbstractPdfView
Using AbstractPdfView to export data to Pdf file via Bruno Lowagie’s iText library.
Spring MVC and Log4j integration example
Example to integrate Log4j into the Spring MVC application.


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