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zookeeper是hadoop下面的一个子项目, 用来进行分布式系统之间的相互协调。
package org.apache.zookeeper.recipes.lock; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; public class DistributedLock { private WriteLock lock; private String lockPath = "/lock"; private ZooKeeper zooKeeper ; public DistributedLock(ZooKeeper zooKeeper){ this.zooKeeper = zooKeeper; } /** * 获得锁 * * Author: chenkangxian * * Last Modification Time: 2012-4-6 * * @return 获得锁是否成功 */ public boolean lock(){ lock = new WriteLock(zooKeeper, lockPath, null); try { while (true) { if (lock.lock()) { return true; } } } catch (KeeperException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } /** * 解锁 * * Author: chenkangxian * * Last Modification Time: 2012-4-6 * */ public void unlock(){ lock.unlock(); } public static void main(String args[]){ try { Watcher wh=new Watcher(){ public void process(org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent event) { System.out.println(event.toString()); } }; ZooKeeper zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper("localhost:2181", 20000, wh); final DistributedLock distributedLock = new DistributedLock(zooKeeper); for(int i = 0; i < 100 ; i ++){ Thread thread = new Thread(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { if(distributedLock.lock()){ System.out.println("获得锁---------------"); } distributedLock.unlock(); } }); } Thread.sleep(2000*1000); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
package org.apache.zookeeper.recipes.lock; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import static org.apache.zookeeper.CreateMode.EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import org.apache.zookeeper.data.ACL; import org.apache.zookeeper.data.Stat; import java.util.List; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; public class WriteLock extends ProtocolSupport { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(WriteLock.class); private final String dir; private String id; private ZNodeName idName; private String ownerId; private String lastChildId; private byte[] data = {0x12, 0x34}; private LockListener callback; private LockZooKeeperOperation zop; /** * zookeeper contructor for writelock * @param zookeeper zookeeper client instance * @param dir the parent path you want to use for locking * @param acls the acls that you want to use for all the paths, * if null world read/write is used. */ public WriteLock(ZooKeeper zookeeper, String dir, List<ACL> acl) { super(zookeeper); this.dir = dir; if (acl != null) { setAcl(acl); } this.zop = new LockZooKeeperOperation(); } /** * zookeeper contructor for writelock with callback * @param zookeeper the zookeeper client instance * @param dir the parent path you want to use for locking * @param acl the acls that you want to use for all the paths * @param callback the call back instance */ public WriteLock(ZooKeeper zookeeper, String dir, List<ACL> acl, LockListener callback) { this(zookeeper, dir, acl); this.callback = callback; } /** * return the current locklistener * @return the locklistener */ public LockListener getLockListener() { return this.callback; } /** * register a different call back listener * @param callback the call back instance */ public void setLockListener(LockListener callback) { this.callback = callback; } /** * Removes the lock or associated znode if * you no longer require the lock. this also * removes your request in the queue for locking * in case you do not already hold the lock. * @throws RuntimeException throws a runtime exception * if it cannot connect to zookeeper. */ public synchronized void unlock() throws RuntimeException { if (!isClosed() && id != null) { // we don't need to retry this operation in the case of failure // as ZK will remove ephemeral files and we don't wanna hang // this process when closing if we cannot reconnect to ZK try { ZooKeeperOperation zopdel = new ZooKeeperOperation() { public boolean execute() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { zookeeper.delete(id, -1); return Boolean.TRUE; } }; zopdel.execute(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("Caught: " + e, e); //set that we have been interrupted. Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); } catch (KeeperException.NoNodeException e) { // do nothing } catch (KeeperException e) { LOG.warn("Caught: " + e, e); throw (RuntimeException) new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()). initCause(e); } finally { if (callback != null) { callback.lockReleased(); } id = null; } } } /** * the watcher called on * getting watch while watching * my predecessor */ private class LockWatcher implements Watcher { public void process(WatchedEvent event) { // lets either become the leader or watch the new/updated node LOG.debug("Watcher fired on path: " + event.getPath() + " state: " + event.getState() + " type " + event.getType()); try { lock(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Failed to acquire lock: " + e, e); } } } /** * a zoookeeper operation that is mainly responsible * for all the magic required for locking. */ private class LockZooKeeperOperation implements ZooKeeperOperation { /** find if we have been created earler if not create our node * * @param prefix the prefix node * @param zookeeper teh zookeeper client * @param dir the dir paretn * @throws KeeperException * @throws InterruptedException */ private void findPrefixInChildren(String prefix, ZooKeeper zookeeper, String dir) throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { List<String> names = zookeeper.getChildren(dir, false); for (String name : names) { if (name.startsWith(prefix)) { id = name; if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Found id created last time: " + id); } break; } } if (id == null) { id = zookeeper.create(dir + "/" + prefix, data, getAcl(), EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Created id: " + id); } } } /** * the command that is run and retried for actually * obtaining the lock * @return if the command was successful or not */ public boolean execute() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { do { if (id == null) { long sessionId = zookeeper.getSessionId(); String prefix = "x-" + sessionId + "-"; // lets try look up the current ID if we failed // in the middle of creating the znode findPrefixInChildren(prefix, zookeeper, dir); idName = new ZNodeName(id); } if (id != null) { List<String> names = zookeeper.getChildren(dir, false); if (names.isEmpty()) { LOG.warn("No children in: " + dir + " when we've just " + "created one! Lets recreate it..."); // lets force the recreation of the id id = null; } else { // lets sort them explicitly (though they do seem to come back in order ususally :) SortedSet<ZNodeName> sortedNames = new TreeSet<ZNodeName>(); for (String name : names) { sortedNames.add(new ZNodeName(dir + "/" + name)); } ownerId = sortedNames.first().getName(); SortedSet<ZNodeName> lessThanMe = sortedNames.headSet(idName); if (!lessThanMe.isEmpty()) { ZNodeName lastChildName = lessThanMe.last(); lastChildId = lastChildName.getName(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("watching less than me node: " + lastChildId); } Stat stat = zookeeper.exists(lastChildId, new LockWatcher()); if (stat != null) { return Boolean.FALSE; } else { LOG.warn("Could not find the" + " stats for less than me: " + lastChildName.getName()); } } else { if (isOwner()) { if (callback != null) { callback.lockAcquired(); } return Boolean.TRUE; } } } } } while (id == null); return Boolean.FALSE; } }; /** * Attempts to acquire the exclusive write lock returning whether or not it was * acquired. Note that the exclusive lock may be acquired some time later after * this method has been invoked due to the current lock owner going away. */ public synchronized boolean lock() throws KeeperException, InterruptedException { if (isClosed()) { return false; } ensurePathExists(dir); return (Boolean) retryOperation(zop); } /** * return the parent dir for lock * @return the parent dir used for locks. */ public String getDir() { return dir; } /** * Returns true if this node is the owner of the * lock (or the leader) */ public boolean isOwner() { return id != null && ownerId != null && id.equals(ownerId); } /** * return the id for this lock * @return the id for this lock */ public String getId() { return this.id; } }
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这时,Zookeeper,一个高可用的分布式协调服务,常被用来实现分布式锁。 Zookeeper由Apache基金会开发,它提供了一种可靠的分布式一致性服务,包括命名服务、配置管理、集群同步、领导者选举等功能。Zookeeper基于...
在处理订单生成的场景中,我们可以这样应用ZooKeeper分布式锁: 1. 当用户发起订单请求时,服务端会尝试在ZooKeeper上创建一个临时顺序节点。 2. 如果创建成功,服务端会检查当前最小序号的节点是否是自己创建的。...
**Zookeeper分布式锁的关键特性包括:** 1. **顺序一致性:** Zookeeper中的节点被创建顺序是全局唯一的,这有助于实现锁的唯一性。 2. **原子性:** 创建和删除节点的操作在Zookeeper中都是原子性的,这保证了...
Zookeeper的分布式锁主要基于两种数据结构:临时节点(ephemeral nodes)和顺序节点(sequential nodes)。 首先,临时节点是当客户端断开连接时会被自动删除的节点。这种特性使得Zookeeper可以检测到节点的存活...
【Zookeeper实现分布式锁】 Zookeeper 是 Apache ...总之,Zookeeper 的分布式锁机制是基于其强大的一致性特性和事件通知能力实现的,它在分布式系统中扮演着至关重要的角色,帮助协调和管理分布式环境下的并发操作。
**Zookeeper分布式锁** Zookeeper是一个高可用的分布式协调服务,它维护了一致的命名空间和分布式事件通知。Zookeeper中的分布式锁通常通过创建临时节点(ephemeral nodes)来实现。当客户端创建一个临时节点并持有...
本主题将深入探讨如何利用ZooKeeper实现分布式锁,并结合SpringCloud生态进行应用。ZooKeeper是一个分布式协调服务,而分布式锁是它的一个重要应用场景。 **ZooKeeper的特性与角色** 1. **强一致性**:ZooKeeper...
4. **zkLockTest**:这个文件很可能是实现Zookeeper分布式锁的测试代码,可能包含客户端的连接、锁的获取和释放、异常处理等逻辑。通过对这个测试代码的分析和运行,我们可以深入理解Zookeeper分布式锁的工作机制。 ...
5. 实战应用:通过具体案例展示如何在实际项目中运用Zookeeper解决分布式协调问题,例如配置管理、服务发现、分布式锁等。 6. 高可用与故障恢复:探讨Zookeeper的容错机制,如何保证服务的高可用性和数据的一致性。 ...
在这个场景下,我们将关注ZooKeeper如何实现分布式锁,特别是不可重入锁、可重入锁以及可重入读写锁的概念与实践。 首先,我们要理解什么是分布式锁。在多节点并发访问共享资源时,分布式锁能确保同一时刻只有一个...
通过这种方式,多个节点可以在Zookeeper的帮助下,安全地实现分布式锁,确保资源的互斥访问。 总的来说,Zookeeper作为分布式协调服务,其强大的数据模型和API为实现诸如分布式锁这样的功能提供了坚实的基础。通过...
Java(SpringBoot)基于zookeeper的分布式锁实现 本文主要介绍了Java(SpringBoot)基于zookeeper的分布式锁实现,通过示例代码详细介绍了分布式锁的实现过程,对大家的学习或者工作具有一定的参考学习价值。 分布式锁...
Zookeeper提供了一种类似于文件系统的数据模型,可以用于命名服务、配置管理、集群管理、分布式锁等场景。它具有强一致性、高可用性和高性能的特点,是实现分布式锁的理想选择。 **Zookeeper的分布式锁实现原理** ...
在这个"zookeeper的分布式全局锁纯代码解决方案"中,我们将探讨如何利用Zookeeper来构建一套易于理解和扩展的分布式锁。 首先,Zookeeper的特性使其成为实现分布式锁的理想选择。Zookeeper提供了原子性的读写操作、...
4. **分布式锁**:提供分布式环境下的互斥访问控制,防止多个节点同时对同一资源进行操作。 5. **队列服务**:实现先进先出(FIFO)的队列,用于任务调度或消息传递。 Zookeeper的设计遵循了CAP理论中的CP原则,即...
Zookeeper提供了基于其强大的数据一致性特性的分布式锁实现,其中包括了重入排他锁。 **一、Zookeeper的分布式锁原理** 1. **节点创建与删除**:在Zookeeper中,锁的实现通常依赖于临时节点(ephemeral nodes)。...