You have opened a Process Integration scenario. The Process Integration Scenario contains at least two actions.
There are three different situations where you require a connection between two actions. Each situation requires you to implement a particular connection type:
● To connect two subsequent actions within the same application component, you must define a sequence connection.
● To connect two actions from different application components that communicate with each other synchronously, you must define a synchronous connection. Both actions must be on the same level in the Process Integration Scenario graphic.
● To connect two actions from different application components that communicate with each other asynchronously, you must define an asynchronous connection. The target action must be on a lower level than the source action in the Business Scenario graphic.
Actions Library for user actions in the browser. Allows you to create ...Creating a sequence of actions: Actions actions = new Actions(); actions.loadPage(""). typeText("//input[@
Actions S900 S700 等固件烧录工具,居于windows平台烧录
POPUP_MESSAGE Groups the selected features into a collection called a feature set. ACTIONS STANDARD END_OF_AFTER MENU UG_ARRANGE BUTTON/HIDE UG_MODELING_EDIT_GROUP_FEATURE LABEL Edit... ...
A collection of Actions and Reusable Workflows for Python Packaging CI/CD
"媒体的选择方法—actions方法"是一种科学而实用的策略,旨在帮助教育者根据具体教学需求选择最适合的教学媒介。该方法由张仁智提出,旨在优化教学设计,提升教学质量。 ACTIONS方法是一个首字母缩写的模型,每个...
A curated list of awesome actions to use on GitHub
### 通过 GitHub Actions 最大限度地提高效率:软件工程师的高级策略 在现代软件开发过程中,持续集成(CI)和持续交付(CD)已经成为提升工作效率和项目质量的关键环节。GitHub Actions 作为一种强大的工具,不仅...
Illustrate your data in a more interactive way by implementing data visualization principles and creating visual stories using Tableau About This Book Use data visualization principles to help you to...
在这个名为"linux-一组实用的GitHubActions集合"的资源中,我们看到的是一个名为"actions-master"的压缩包,它很可能包含了与Linux和GitHub Actions相关的脚本或配置文件。 GitHub Actions 允许开发者自定义工作流...
在Spark中,算子是其核心概念之一,分为transformations和actions两种类型。 transformations是指对RDD(弹性分布式数据集)进行操作,生成新的RDD,但是并不会立即执行,直到遇到action操作。transformations可以...
大多数 GitHub Actions 工作流在某种程度上都是不安全的 — 它们权限过高、具有危险的依赖关系等。合法研究表明,即使是来自 Google 和 Apache 等企业的项目也存在缺陷。 此外,GitHub Actions 市场的安全状况令人...
标题中的“炬力adfu驱动|缪斯t37hd|缪斯t37hd刷机驱动”涉及到了几个关键的IT概念,分别是炬力(Actions)公司的芯片技术、ADFU(Atmel Device Firmware Upgrade)驱动以及缪斯(Muse)品牌的T37HD设备的刷机过程。...
Actions 是一款基于 iPad 应用的远程控制软件,可以通过它控制我们的电脑。这个远程控制软件,有别于同类远程控制软件,它不会显示电脑上的屏幕内容,只是当作一个类似遥控器来操作电脑。下面简单介绍下如何安装以及...