Spring Social的核心API
package org.springframework.social.connect;
* A link to a service provider user.
* Allows the client application to access or update user information using the provider's API.
* Exposes a set of operations that are common across all service providers, including
* the ability to {@link #fetchUserProfile() access user profile information} and {@link #updateStatus(String) update user status}.
* @author Keith Donald
* @param <A> a strongly-typed binding to the service provider's API
public interface Connection<A> {
* The key identifying this connection.
* A composite key that consists of the "providerId" plus "providerUserId"; for example, "facebook" and "125660".
ConnectionKey getKey();
* A display name or label for this connection.
* Should be suitable for display on a UI and distinguish this connection from others with the same provider.
* Generally the full name or screen name of the connected provider user e.g. "Keith Donald" or "@kdonald".
* May be null if this information is not public or not provided.
* The value of this property may change if the user updates his or her profile.
* @see #sync()
String getDisplayName();
* The public URL of the connected user's profile at the provider's site.
* A client application may use this value along with the displayName to generate a link to the user's profile on the provider's system.
* May be null if this information is not public or not provided.
* The value of this property may change if the user updates his or her profile.
* @see #sync()
String getProfileUrl();
* A link to a image that visualizes this connection.
* Should visually distinguish this connection from others with the same provider.
* Generally the small/thumbnail version of the connected provider user's profile picture.
* May be null if this information is not public or not provided.
* The value of this property may change if the user updates his or her profile.
* @see #sync()
String getImageUrl();
* Sync's this connection object with the current state of the external user's profile.
* Triggers locally cached profile fields to update if they have changed on the provider's system.
void sync();
* Test this connection.
* If false, indicates calls to the {@link #getApi() api} will fail.
* Used to proactively test authorization credentials such as an API access token before invoking the service API.
boolean test();
* Returns true if this connection has expired.
* An expired connection cannot be used; calls to {@link #test()} return false, and any service API invocations fail.
* If expired, you may call {@link #refresh()} to renew the connection.
* Not supported by all Connection implementations; always returns false if not supported.
boolean hasExpired();
* Refresh this connection.
* Used to renew an expired connection.
* If the refresh operation is successful, {@link #hasExpired()} returns false.
* Not supported by all connection implementations; if not supported, this method is a no-op.
void refresh();
* Fetch a normalized model of the user's profile on the provider system.
* Capable of exposing the user's name, email, and username.
* What is actually exposed depends on the provider and scope of this connection.
UserProfile fetchUserProfile();
* Update the user's status on the provider's system.
* This method is a no-op if a status concept is not supported by the service provider.
* @param message the status message
void updateStatus(String message);
* A Java binding to the service provider's native API.
A getApi();
* Creates a data transfer object that can be used to persist the state of this connection.
* Used to support the transfer of connection state between layers of the application, such as to the database layer.
ConnectionData createData();
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