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flash 11 新特性


New Features in Flash Player 11 and AIR 3

Stage 3D Accelerated Graphics Rendering (Player & AIR desktop + AIR for TV) — Stage 3D is a new architecture for hardware accelerated graphics rendering developed that provides a set of low-level APIs that enable advanced 2D and 3D rendering capabilities across screens and devices (desktop, mobile, and TV). Using Stage 3D, app and framework developers can now access high performance GPU hardware acceleration, enabling the creation of new classes of rich, interactive experiences. Note: Stage 3D for mobile versions of Flash Player & AIR will be enabled in a future release.

Flash Access Content Protection Enhancements — New Flash Access content protection features include key rotation support, V3 license chaining, domain support and enhanced output protection and device filtering.

Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) — Protected HTTP Dynamic Streaming (HDS) provides protection for streaming video across screens while eliminating the deployment complexity of a license server.

NetStream.dispose() — Similar to NetStream.close() except that it also clears up the last frame held up by NetStream to be displayed on the Video object. Use this instead of NetStream.close() if the NetStream is to be re-used for other streams later. It enforces garbage collection of the video frame and related decompressor objects. The video object will display a blank frame after the use of this method.

H.264/AVC Software Encoding for Cameras (desktop) — Stream high-quality video from your computer's camera with higher compression efficiency and industry stanard support, enabling both immersive real-time communications such as video chat/conferencing and live video broadcasts.

JPEG-XR support — Flash Player and AIR now include support for the JPEG-XR advanced image compression standard (International Standard ISO/IEC 29199-2). The computationally lightweight JPEG-XR format provides more efficient compression than JPEG, enables both lossy and lossless compression support, and adds support for alpha channel transparency.

Enhanced high resolution bitmap support — BitmapData objects are no longer limited to a maximum resolution of 16 megapixels (16,777,215 pixels), and maximum bitmap width/height is no longer limited to 8,191 pixels, enabling the development of apps that utilize very large bitmaps.

High efficiency SWF compression support — Developers can now take advantage of LZMA compression for their SWF files. LZMA compression can reduce SWF size by up to 40%, enabling users to benefit from richer experiences with shorter download times and reduced bandwidth consumption.

G.711 Audio Compression for Telephony — Support interoperability with legacy phone systems via the Flash Media Gateway (FMG) and other third-party clients (through the open RTMP protocol) without the need for transcoding.

Native JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) Support — Allows ActionScript developers to take advantage of high performance native parsing and generation of JSON-formatted data.

Garbage Collection Advice — Provides smoother, more responsive user experiences by allowing developers to provide hints to optimize garbage collection scheduling.

Cubic Bezier Curves — The cubicCurveTo drawing API allows developers to easily create complex cubic Beziers without requiring custom ActionScript code.

Secure Random Number Generator — Developers can now take advantage of cryptographically secure random number generation to build more secure algorithms and protocols..

Socket Progress Events — Improve management of data transfer using the Socket class by providing a new property to determine the number of bytes remaining in the write buffer and a new event for when data is being sent to the network layer. Using these new APIs, developers can build applications such as file transfer utilities that monitor socket progress and provide responsive feedback.

DisplayObjectContainer.removeChildren and MovieClip.isPlaying — DisplayObjectContainer now implements a removeChildren API allowing developers to quickly remove all of a container's children using a single API call. A new MovieClip.isPlaying property returns the MovieClip's current playing state.

Sound.loadCompressedDataFromByteArray and  Sound.loadPCMFromByteArray — Developers can now inject compressed or raw PCM sound data into a Sound object to play sounds..


New Features in Flash Player 11

Native 64-bit Support (Flash Player desktop) — Take advantage of native support for 64-bit operating systems and 64-bit web browsers on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.

Asynchronous Bitmap Decoding (new for Flash Player) — Improve app responsiveness and deliver smoother animation by decoding images on initial load instead of on demand. Images are cached as needed.

TLS Secure Sockets Support (new for Flash Player) — Enables secure communications for client/server applications.


New Features in AIR 3

Native Extensions — Native extension libraries allow developers to create and use native libraries that can be invoked using ActionScript. These libraries allow ActionScript developers to take advantage of the same platform and device-specific native capabilities and APIs available to native apps, with easy integration into AIR applications. In addition, native extensions can be used for performance critical code or porting existing native libraries like image decoders for use within an AIR application.

Flash Access Content Protection Support for AIR Mobile — Flash Access content protection support is now available on mobile devices including Android powered smartphones and tablets. In addition, content protection is now supported on tablet devices powered by the BlackBerry® Tablet OS. Note: Flash Access for iOS is not supported at this time. In addition, Flash Access for Flash Player Android is not supported at this time.

Encrypted local storage for mobile — Encrypted local storage support is now available on mobile devices. Applications can more securely store sensitive data on a user’s device, enabling support for storage of sensitive data such as passwords, certificates, and auditing information.

Captive Runtime Support — This popular feature from AIR for iOS is now available with AIR for desktop, Android and TV. Simplify the app installation process and reduce testing/certification cost by packaging the AIR runtime with your app on Windows, Mac, Android and TVs.

Stage Video Hardware Acceleration (AIR Mobile) — Leverage hardware acceleration of the entire video pipeline to deliver efficient, best-in-class high-definition (HD) video playback experiences. Decrease processor usage and enable smoother video, reduced memory usage, and higher fidelity on mobile (supported on Android 3.1, BlackBerry Tablet OS, and iOS) and TV devices.

H.264/AAC Playback Support (AIR for iOS) — Enables H.264 & AAC playback on iOS when using Stage Video Hardware Acceleration.  This feature requires that video be delivered either through progressive download or HLS.  RTMP is not supported due to platform limitations.

Front-facing Camera Support (AIR for Android) — The front-facing camera support available with AIR for iOS and BlackBerry Tablet OS is now available on Android devices. Take advantage of the front-facing camera to help users connect with rich video conferencing and chat experiences on smartphones and tablets.

Background Audio Playback Support (AIR for iOS) — Developers can now write multitasking iOS applications that can play audio while in the background, such as music applications or reliable voice conferencing apps with multitasking support.

Device Speaker Control for Mobile (AIR for iOS & Android) — Provides developers the ability to select whether audio should be outputted through the phone speaker or external speaker.

16 and 32-bit color depth — Provides an app descriptor setting for developers to control the color depth of graphics on Android (16bit and 32bit) for renderMode=cpu/auto.  AIR 2.7 and older namespaces will default to 16bit color, whereas AIR 3.0 and newer namespaces will default to 32bit.

Game Controller API (AIR TV) — Allows developers to build TV applications that can communicate with an attached game input devices such as a gamepad or controller wand. Note: This capability is not yet available on AIR for desktop or mobile.

Known Issues

Stage 3D

  • Mac: On Mac OS X, hardware accelerated rendering is not supported on Intel GMA, ATI Radeon x1600, and ATI Radeon 2400 cards.
  • Stage3D uses the integrated GPU on MacBook Pro’s with Intel i7 or i5 processors (2943979).
  • Hardware accelerated rendering is not supported on VIA chipsets.


Secure Sockets (TLS) and Secure Socket Policy Files:

  • Linux does not contain browser certificates common to the Mac and Windows platforms, which are required in order for Secure Policy Files and TLS to work seamlessly (2827902).
  • CRL in DER format is supported on MAC; CRL in PEM format is not supported.

Flash Player for Android

  • Speex streams with the ns.bufferTime property set to a non-zero value experience a 4-5 second delay when starting (2884740).
  • Due to a a bug related to the hardware AAC decoder on the Samsung Infuse and Epic 4G, audio plays back at a fraction of the intended speed (2884721).

AIR for iOS

  • When an application which is doing live streaming from camera and playing back as well, is relaunched after a screen lock, it remains frozen at the frame where it was when the phone was locked.(2875954)


Flash Access


  • Stage 3D 加速图形渲染
    • 探索 Adobe 高性能 2D/3D GPU 硬件加速图形渲染的新架构,为应用程序高级渲染提供了低级 Stage3D API,带来互动体验类的框架开发。
  • 本机 64 位支持
    • Flash Player 现在可利用 Linux®、Mac OS 和 Windows® 上对 64 位操作系统和 64 位网页浏览器的本地支持。
  • 相机的 H.264/AVC 软件编码
    • 来自您的计算机摄像头的美丽流媒体视频,具有更高的压缩效率和行业广泛的支持,实现高品质的实时通信(例如,视频聊天和视频会议)和视频直播节目。
  • 移动的内容保护支持
    • 现在 Android 设备可以支持 Flash Access 内容保护。广播装置现在可以获得和宣传更多客户的最喜爱移动设备。
  • 受保护的 HTTP 动态流化 (HDS)
    • 跨设备保护流视频,同时取消部署复杂的许可证服务器。
  • 受保护的 HTTP 动态流化 (HDS)
    • 跨设备保护流视频,同时取消部署复杂的许可证服务器。
  • 安全随机数生成器
    • 开发人员现在可以利用加密安全随机数生成来构建更安全的算法和协议。
  • TLS 安全套接字支持
    • 利用客户端/服务器应用程序对安全通信的全新支持。
  • 电话的 G.711 音频压缩
    • 通过 Flash Media Gateway (FMG) 和其他第三方客户端(通过开放 RTMP 协议),支持与传统电话系统的互操作性,而无需转码。
  • 三次 Bezier 曲线
    • 轻松创建复杂的三次 Bezier 曲线,无需通过 cubicCurveTo 绘制 API 自定义 ActionScript® API。
  • 增强的高分辨率位图支持
    • 可以开发使用大量位图的应用程序。BitmapData 对象不再局限于 16 兆像素(16,777,215 像素)的最高分辨率,最大位图的宽度/高度不再局限于 8,191 像素。
  • 异步位图解码
    • 通过解码初始加载而非点播加载的图像,提高应用程序的响应,提供更流畅的动画。图像视需要缓存。
  • 本机 JSON(JavaScript 对象表示法)
    • ActionScript 开发人员现在可以利用高性能本地解析和生成 JSON 格式数据。开发人员可以将现有数据无缝集成到他们的项目中。
  • 垃圾收集通知
    • GC 通知 API 对垃圾收集进度提供了额外的控制,使垃圾收集过程不会破坏用户体验。
  • 套接字进度事件
    • 通过确定写入缓冲区剩余字节数的新特性以及数据发送至网络层的新事件,改进数据传输管理。新的 API 允许应用程序轻松跟踪进展情况并提供反馈。
  • JPEG-XR 支持
    • 支持 JPEG-XR 高级图像压缩标准(国际标准 ISO/IEC 29199-2),具备比 JPEG 更高效的压缩,同时支持有损和无损压缩,并增加对 alpha 通道透明度的支持。
  • 高效率 SWF 压缩支持
    • 利用 LZMA 压缩减少 SWF 文件大小高达 40%,通过缩短下载时间和减少带宽消耗,使用户能够从更丰富的体验中受益。
  • 新的 removeChildren API
    • DisplayObjectContainer 现在实施了 removeChildren API,使开发人员能够运用单一 API 调用,快速删除容器的所有子对象。
  • 新的 MovieClip 属性
    • 利用新的 MovieClip.isPlaying 特性,返回 MovieClip 的当前播放状态。
  • Adobe Flash Access®
    • 利用关键旋转支持、V3 许可证链接、域名支持、增强输出保护以及设备过滤功能。



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    11. **物理特性**: - 包括器件的封装信息和引脚描述。 - 这些信息对PCB布局和设计兼容性有重要意义。 12. **电源管理**: - 提供了器件的电源启动时序、电源特性及功耗信息,有利于设计更节能的系统。 整个...


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    9. **执行代码能力**:虽然传统的 NAND flash 不支持直接执行代码,但新一代的 NAND flash 芯片可以执行小型的启动加载程序。 10. **坏块管理**:NAND flash 允许存在一定的坏块,而 NOR flash 则不允许。 11. **...


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