My understanding of the "Unsupported major.minor version" error is that
you are trying to use a class file compiled with a newer Java version
than your JVM. The strange thing is that 1.5 (by whatever name) is
version 49. So it looks like you have a 1.4 class file, and are running it
with a VM that's older than that.
49 means that it was compiled with a 1.5 JDK. Depending on how it was compiled it may not be usable on a 1.4 JDK. The 1.5 JDK defaults to writing class files that are only compatible with 1.5. To change that, specify the -target option and, perhaps, the -source option. See the
javac doc for more information.
Major version increments with each card supported. Minor version increments with each new feature. Sub-minor version increments when an existing feature changes.
JSR-75-135-172_Supported List 主流手机对JSR 75 135 172的支持!
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r40m备份42验OV5640_BPI-M2U_验证通过除了RJ45之外_20171115_1836没有外层目录.7z sun8iw11p1_android_m2ultra_uart42验证通过patch42.7z ...BPI-M2U(2017/11/18 16:49): 0、LCD+CTP默认正常 ...**_HDMI-Version_**
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