Null checks are quite common in the code I write. It litters up my class methods with all kinds of exception handling. The Null Object Design Pattern helps me to avoid this checking for null. It provides a non functional object to the client instead of null. So I can call a method on this object that effectively does nothing. This is what I learned.
Create a base class (or interface) with an embedded null object, returning default value on null from a static read only property. Create a few objects derived from that base class and implement the abstract properties and methods. From your Repository return the Null Object instead of null whenever needed. In the example the Null Object gets returned on a find to the ‘Restless’ Person.
using System;
namespace NullObject
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
PersonRepository personRepository = new PersonRepository();
var oldPerson = personRepository.Find("Old");
var youngPerson = personRepository.Find("Young");
var restlessPerson = personRepository.Find("Restless");
public abstract class PersonBase
public abstract string Name { get; }
public abstract int Age { get; }
public abstract void Talk();
public abstract void ShutUp();
#region Null implementation
// Singleton
static readonly NullPerson nullPerson = new NullPerson();
public static NullPerson Null
get { return nullPerson; }
// Embedded Null Object class
public class NullPerson : PersonBase
public override string Name { get { return string.Empty; } }
public override int Age { get { return 0; } }
public override void Talk() { }
public override void ShutUp() { }
public class OldPerson : PersonBase
public override string Name
get { return "Grandpa"; }
public override int Age
get { return 80; }
public override void Talk()
"Bladibla uche uche bla... I'm {0} years old", this.Age);
public override void ShutUp()
Console.WriteLine("{0} stopped talking", this.Name);
public class YoungPerson : PersonBase
public override string Name
get { return "Little girl"; }
public override int Age
get { return 7; }
public override void Talk()
"Bladibla hihihihihi bla... I'm {0} years old", this.Age);
public override void ShutUp()
Console.WriteLine("{0} stopped talking", this.Name);
public class PersonRepository
public PersonBase Find(string name)
if (name.Contains("Old"))
return new OldPerson();
else if (name.Contains("Young"))
return new YoungPerson();
return PersonBase.Null;
As expected, the find to a ‘RestlessPerson’ gets a null object returned and does nothing.
**C#对象为Null模式(Null Object Pattern)** 在软件开发中,经常遇到的一个问题是对象可能为null。这种情况下,如果我们尝试调用该null对象的方法或属性,就会引发`NullReferenceException`异常。为了解决这个问题...
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object value = pi.GetValue(tc, null); string name = pi.Name; // 这里可以对value和name做进一步处理 } ``` #### 检查属性类型 在实际应用中,可能需要根据属性的类型来进行不同的处理。例如,如果属性...
If you have ever bought any programming books, you might have noticed that there are two types of them: books that are too short to ...Null Object Observer State Strategy Template Method Visitor
《Think in C#》是一本深受程序员喜爱的C#编程教程,由资深程序员 Bruce Eckel 编著。这本书深入浅出地介绍了C#语言的核心概念和技术,旨在帮助读者建立起对C#的深入理解和思考方式。"C# in Think"这个标签则强调了...
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Classes are the building blocks of object-oriented programming in C#. They define the blueprint for objects and encapsulate data and behavior. Classes can contain fields, properties, methods, and ...
10. **C#的新特性**:随着版本的更新,C#不断引入新的特性和改进,如异步流(Async Streams)、模式匹配(Pattern Matching)、空安全(Null Safety)等,保持了其作为现代编程语言的竞争力。 《Thinking in C#》这...
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C# oracle 类 事务处理 #region 公有方法 public void JoinTransaction(Transaction transaction) { if (this._transaction != null) { throw new Exception("对象已经在另一个事务中"); } else { this._...
CHANGES: * V1.5 * + 修正indent[aaa,bbb] 的问题 ,后面没换行的问题,主要是美化。 ... * V1.4 * + 修正D7下关闭溢出出错的问题{.$.Q-} ... * + Null Object Design Patern (ex: for obj in values.N['path'] do ...)
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使用SafeFinder,您可以通过简单的DSL定义模型的Null Object ,并在找不到该模型的实例时将其返回。 安装 将此行添加到您的应用程序的Gemfile : gem 'safe_finder' 然后执行: $ bundle 或将其自己安装为: $ ...