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转载:IOS开发之——objectForKey与valueForKey在NSDictionary中的差异 -
JSON Lib, XML转JSON字符串不要namespace,以及处理特殊xml属性"type" -
图片转base64串及反转回图片 -
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图片转base64串及反转回图片 -
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A run loop is a mechanism that provides the possibility for the system to wake up sleeping threads to manage asynchronous events. Normally when you run a thread (with the exception of the main thread) you have the option to start for it a run loop or not. If the thread does some sort or long-runnign operation with no interaction with external events and no timers, you don't need a run loop, but if your thread needs to respond to incoming events, you need to attach it to a run loop in order to wake up this thread when new events arrive. This is the case of NSURLConnection generated threads, as the live on incoming events only (from the network).
Each thread can be associated to different run loops, or it can be associated to a run loop but this run loop can be set to work on different modes. A "run loop mode" is a convention used by the OS to establish some rules on when delivering certain events or simply suspend this delivery and then collect them all to be delivered later. Usually all run loop are set to the "default mode" which establishes a default way to manage input events. As soon as some mouse-dragging (Mac OS) or touch (on iOS) event happens then the mode for this run loop is set to event tracking: this means that the thread will not be woke up on new network events but these events will be delivered later when the user input event terminates and the run loop set to default mode again: obviously this is a choice made by the OS architects to give priority to user events instead of background events.
If you decide to change the run loop mode for your NSURLConnection thread, by using the
method, then you allow the thread's events to be associated not to a specific run loop (the default) but to a different run loop mode. In particular the special pseudo-mode called "common" allows to permanently associate the input sources to all modes that are - or will be - associated to the "common mode". Of course event tracking mode is part of this family of modes, so the method applied on NSURLConnection's instance means: please associate the connection source events to "tracking mode" in addition to "default mode".
Finally you can add new modes to the common modes, but this is a quite low-level operation.
I would to close by adding a few notes: - typically we need to associate to a table view a set of images or thumbnails downloaded from the network; even if we may thing that download these images from the network while the table view is scrolling could improve the UI (because we can see the images while scrolling) infact this is dangerous as the final effect will be a scrolling not fluid. So don't add NSURLConnection to the run loop in such case but use the UIScrollView delegate methods to detect when scrolling is terminated to update the table and download new items from the network - you may consider to use GCD which will help you to "shield" your code from run loop management issues. So in the example above, you may consider to add your network requests to a custom serial queue.
from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7222449/nsdefaultrunloopmode-vs-nsrunloopcommonmodes
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Run Loop
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NSRunLoop的模式:NSRunLoop有多个运行模式(如NSDefaultRunLoopMode、NSRunLoopCommonModes等),不同的模式下,处理事件的方式有所不同。 2. **Run Loop管理** - A. Run Loop的创建与操作:你可以通过`+...
`RunLoop`有多个模式,常见的有`NSDefaultRunLoopMode`和`NSRunLoopCommonModes`。选择正确的模式很重要,否则可能导致定时器无法正常触发。 五、`NSTimer`的线程问题 由于`NSTimer`非线程安全,通常在主线程中创建...
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]addTimer:_timer forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; 改为: /*每秒刷新60次的定时器*/ _time = [CADisplayLink displayLinkWithTarget:self selector:@selector(play)]; /*将...
- RunLoop的模式也很重要,如`NSDefaultRunLoopMode`和`NSRunLoopCommonModes`,不同的模式可能会影响`NSTimer`的触发。 6. **NSTimer的重复与精确性**: - `repeats`参数决定了`NSTimer`是否在首次触发后重复...
需要注意的是,`NSTimer` 默认运行在 `NSDefaultRunLoopMode` 模式下,该模式包含大多数输入源,但不包括`UITableView`或`UIScrollView`的滑动事件。因此,当你在主界面上滑动`UITableView`或`UIScrollView`时,由于...
> forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; > > NSMutableDictionary *parameters = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; > [parameters setObject:mainPort forKey:@"port"]; > > // start the secondary threads > // loop ...
NSDefaultRunLoopMode用于常规运行,而UITrackingRunLoopMode是在用户与界面交互时使用的,保证滚动等操作的平滑进行。 在实际开发中,开发者可能需要自定义Run Loop的行为,例如添加自定义事件源、定时器或者在...
`NSRunLoopCommonModes`实际上等同于`NSDefaultRunLoopMode`加上`UITrackingRunLoopMode`。 4. **UIInitializationRunLoopMode**:应用程序启动时进入的第一个模式。启动完成后不再使用。 5. **...
SwiftyTimer 是一组扩展,可以使 NSTimer API 更加清晰易用,亲近 Swift 语法。使用示例:使用 NSTimer.every ...timer.start(modes: NSDefaultRunLoopMode, NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode) 标签:SwiftyTimer
[inputStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; [outputStream scheduleInRunLoop:[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; [inputStream open]; ...
如果在NSDefaultRunLoopMode下运行计时器,则计算运行NSDefaultRunLoopMode 。 iPhone 5S 得出的结论约为4375次/秒。 当计时器时间间隔朝100ms范围减小时,我们达到了渐近极限,这一点很明显。 仿真器 得出的结论约...
- 考虑RunLoop模式:理解NSRunLoop的不同模式,如NSDefaultRunLoopMode和UITrackingRunLoopMode,确保计时器在正确的情景下触发。 - 优化性能:例如,对于CADisplayLink,可能探讨了如何调整其frameInterval属性来...
3. 实现基于GCD的异步任务,并在任务完成后通过`NSRunLoop`的模式(如`NSDefaultRunLoopMode`)发送通知,演示`NSRunLoop`与GCD的协作。 4. 演示如何在`NSRunLoop`中监听网络请求或其他I/O操作的完成,以便在数据...
iOS 中的定时器使用教程 ...[displayLink addToRunLoop:[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] forMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; ``` 本文详细介绍了 iOS 中最全的各种定时器的使用教程,使得开发者们更好地理解和使用定时器。
4. 模式(Modes):Run Loop有多种模式,如NSDefaultRunLoopMode、UITrackingRunLoopMode等,不同模式下处理不同的事件。 5. 休眠与唤醒:当没有事件处理时,Run Loop会让应用进入休眠状态,一旦有新的事件到达,就...
- 必须将NSTimer添加到RunLoop中,通常会自动加入到MainRunLoop的`NSDefaultRunLoopMode`。 然后,我们来看**CADisplayLink**,它是iOS中一种更为精准的定时器,主要用于与屏幕刷新同步的任务,常用于动画和界面...
2. **利用RunLoop**:通过`[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop]`获取当前RunLoop,并在`NSDefaultRunLoopMode`模式下添加一个定时器。定时器会在RunLoop的下一个循环中触发,即在用户停止滚动后。 3. **设置定时器**:创建...
2. **Run Loop的模式**:Run Loop有两种主要运行模式:`NSDefaultRunLoopMode`(默认模式)和`UITrackingRunLoopMode`(用于滑动等连续用户交互)。在不同模式下,Run Loop会处理不同的事件源和定时器。 3. **Run ...