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Links About Code First

  • .Net



  1. EF 4.1 Code First Walkthrough (Annotation)
  2. EF Feature CTP5: Code First Walkthrough
  3. Using EF “Code First” with an Existing Database
  4. Code-First Development with Entity Framework 4(重建数据库、初始化数据)
  5. EF 4.1 Model & Database First Walkthrough(数据库—>edmx;edmx—>Pocos)
  6. DbContext in EF 4.1 (DbContext的使用)
  7. EF4.0 and EF4.1 Guide
  8. Vedio Guide
  9. Code First Database Evolution 进化
  10. WinForm中使用Code First
  11. Code First Walkthrough
  12. 关闭Code Frist初始化策略 Database.SetInitializer<SimpleErpDbContext>(null);


  1. Data Annotations in the Entity Framework and Code First
  2. Code First DataAnnotations (Key,Required,MaxLength and MinLength ,NotMapped, ComplexType, ConcurrencyCheck, TimeStamp ,Table and Column,DatabaseGenerated,Relationship Attributes,InverseProperty, ForeignKey)
  3. Conventions for Code First

三、Fluent API

EF Feature CTP5: Fluent API Samples


  1. Custom Database Schema Mapping
  2. 创建Mapping的两种思路
  3. Custom Conventions in Entity Framework Code First v 4.1


  1. Complex Types
  2. Shared Primary Key Associations
  3. Table Splitting
  4. One-to-One Foreign Key Associations
  5. Many-valued Associations
  6. 继承:子父类一个表每一个类一个表每个子类一个表
  7. Relationship Fluent API(Video)


  1. Database Initializers(Video)
  2. Seeding a Database
  3. Pluggable Conventions
  4. Validation


  1. Introduction and Model
  2. Connections and Models
  3. Finding Entities
  4. Add/Attach and Entity States
  5. Working with Property Values
  6. Loading Related Entities
  7. Local Data
  8. Working with Proxies
  9. Optimistic Concurrency Patterns
  10. Raw SQL Queries
  11. Load and AsNoTracking
  12. Automatically Detecting Changes


  1. DbSet.Find()函数的实现
  2. DbSet.Local属性的使用与实现


  1. Declarative Referential Integrity (DRI)
  2. Cascading Delete
  3. Referential Integrity Refactorings



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    The first part of the API is the focus of this course --basically, how to send and receive messages independent of the provider/protocol. * The second part speaks the protocol-specific languages, ...


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    LUA is pure ANSI C code, this means that if you build the code with a C++ compiler it will complain with "error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol" messages. Two easy ways exist to resolve this ...


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    Chapters 4 and 6 contain more advanced information about additional capture techniques and application reverse engineering, so you can read them after you’ve read the other chapters if you prefer. ...


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    VB编程资源大全(英文源码 控件)

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    This directive determines whether or not PHP will recognize code between ; &lt;? and ?&gt; tags as PHP source which should be processed as such. It is ; generally recommended that &lt;?php and ?&gt; should be ...

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