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在数据库中运行JAVA可以说是ORACLE8i的最令人激动的新特性。在你创建的使用ORACLE8i 数据库的应用程序中,你可以使用与JAVA有关的新特征,轻松的将程序发布到INTERNET或INTRANET上。
Methods for Using Java in ORACLE==================================
JDBC:与ODBC类似, JDBC 提供了一个驱动接口使你可以在JAVA程序中访问数据库。注:JDBC驱动内嵌在数据库中虚拟机中。
Features of ORACLE JDBC Drivers
在ORACLE8i中有三种类型的JDBC驱动,他们都使用相同的 syntax, APIs, and Oracle extensions,以使JAVA代码在robust clients、Web-based Java applets, and Java stored procedures之间保持轻便灵活:三种类型如下:
1.JDBC OCI: 此驱动类似于传统的ODBC 驱动。因为它需要Oracle Call Interface and Net8,所以它需要在运行使用此驱动的JAVA程序的机器上安装客户端软件
2.JDBC Thin: 这种驱动一般用在运行在WEB浏览器中的JAVA程序。它不是通过OCI or Net8,而是通过Java sockets进行通信 ,因此不需要在使用JDBC Thin的客户端机器上安装客户端软件。
3.JDBC KPRB: 这种驱动由直接存储在数据库中的JAVA程序使用,如Java Stored Procedures 、triggers、Database JSP's。It uses the default/ current database session and thus requires no additional database username, password or URL.
如何配置使JAVA可以通过Oracle JDBC Drivers连接到数据库:1.安装Sun JDK.
2. 修改PATH环境变量,使其指向JDK的bin目录
3. 设置CLASSPATH环境变量,使其指向正确的JDK的lib及oracle的JDBC接口。
CLASSPATH = ".;????"
3. 运行"java –version" ,验证java的版本。
1.根据jdk的版本,只需要将classesxx.zip拷贝到指定的目录,不需要安装Oracle Client。在装完数据库后,该文件会在$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib目录下。2.设置CLASSPATH,使其包含上面的classesxx.zip
Fow Windows:
1.安装Oracle Client.
For unix:
1.安装Oracle Client.
在ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib目录下的与Oracle JDBC Drives驱动有关的文件的解释:
- classes12.zip
Classes for use with JDK 1.2.x. It contains the JDBC driver
classes except classes necessary for NLS support in Object and
Collection types.
- nls_charset12.zip
NLS classes for use with JDK 1.2.x. It contains classes necessary
for NLS support in Object and Collection types.
- classes12_g.zip
Same as classes12.zip, except that classes were compiled with
"javac -g".
The JDBC Thin, JDBC OCI, and JDBC Server drivers all provide the same functionality. They all support the following standards and features:
* JDBC 2.0
* Partial JDBC 3.0 (in JDBC driver version 9.2)
* the same syntax and APIs
* the same Oracle extensions
主要是JDBC OCI 接口比JDBC THIN接口效率高!
How does one connect with the JDBC Thin Driver?
The the JDBC thin driver provides the only way to access Oracle from the Web (applets). It is smaller and slower than the OCI drivers.
import java.sql.*;
How does one connect with
the JDBC OCI Driver?
One must have Net8 (SQL*Net) installed and working before attempting to use one of the OCI drivers.
How does one connect with
the JDBC KPRB Driver?
One can obtain a handle to the default or current connection (KPRB driver) by calling the OracleDriver.defaultConenction() method. Please note that you do not need to specify a database URL, username or password as you are already connected to a database session. Remember not to close the default connection. Closing the default connection might throw an exception in future releases of Oracle.
import java.sql.*;
Executing initjvm.sql also highlights some new initsid.ora parameters that are used to support Java in your Oracle8i database. These parameters, their descriptions, and the settings required for running initjvm.sql, are all shown in the following list:
? SHARED_POOL_SIZE? Defines the size of your shared pool in bytes. This should be set to at least 50MB to run initjvm.sql.
? JAVA_POOL_SIZE? Defines the size of the Java pool, a new area of the SGA in Oracle8i used to store shared Java objects. This should be set to 50MB when running initjvm.sql, but can be as low as 20MB for normal use
of Java stored procedures.
? JAVA_SOFT_SESSIONSPACE_LIMIT? Identifies a soft limit on memory used by Java in a session. The default is 1MB. If this limit is exceeded, a warning is written to the ALERT log.
? JAVA_MAX_SESSIONSPACE_SIZE? Identifies the maximum amount of memory that can be used by a Java procedure; the default is 4GB. When the limit set by this parameter is exceeded, the executing Java procedure is killed by Oracle8i automatically.
就像前面说得,java程序或类可以被存储到数据库中,作为PL/SQL的替换或补充。Java可以被用来作为数据库的触发器、存储过程、函数、对象的成员函数。在按照下面的过程开发完java存储过程后,就可以从SQL或PL/SQL中调用JAVA存储过程,就像调用普通的PL/SQL过程一样。下面的代码描述了如何在SQL*PLUS中开发和使用一个 输出"Hello, World" 的JAVA程序的例子:
1. Write the Java program using a Java development environment like Jdeveloper or JBuilder.
2. Load the Java program into Oracle8i using either the create or replace
java source command, or with the LOADJAVA utility.
3. Publish your Java procedure to SQL. This step identifies your Java
procedure to SQL and PL/SQL by exposing the procedure entry point,
mapping datatypes in Java to PL/SQL or SQL, and indicating
parameter-passing between Java and PL/SQL or SQL.
---可以直接在SQL*PLUS中创建JAVA的源文件,当然如果有已经编译好的java class,则可以直接跳过这一步,直接到将java程序发布出去这一步
SQL> -- first, create the Java source code
SQL> create or replace java source named "Hello" as
public class Hello {
static public String Message(String name) {
return "Hello, " + name;
Java created.
SQL> -- Now, publish it to SQL
SQL> create or replace function hello (name VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2
as language java name
'Hello.Message (java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';
Function created.
SQL> -- Now, you can use the Java procedure from a SQL statement
SQL> select hello('world!') from dual;
Hello world!
--- hello函数在8i中不支持中文,9i中支持。如:
SQL> select hello('你好!') from dual;
Hello, 你好!
至于其它的例子,大家可以看$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/demo.zip文件,该文件中有利用JDBC OCI与JDBC THIN接口的各种例子。
在数据库中运行JAVA可以说是ORACLE8i的最令人激动的新特性。在你创建的使用ORACLE8i 数据库的应用程序中,你可以使用与JAVA有关的新特征,轻松的将程序发布到INTERNET或INTRANET上。
Methods for Using Java in ORACLE==================================
JDBC:与ODBC类似, JDBC 提供了一个驱动接口使你可以在JAVA程序中访问数据库。注:JDBC驱动内嵌在数据库中虚拟机中。
Features of ORACLE JDBC Drivers
在ORACLE8i中有三种类型的JDBC驱动,他们都使用相同的 syntax, APIs, and Oracle extensions,以使JAVA代码在robust clients、Web-based Java applets, and Java stored procedures之间保持轻便灵活:三种类型如下:
1.JDBC OCI: 此驱动类似于传统的ODBC 驱动。因为它需要Oracle Call Interface and Net8,所以它需要在运行使用此驱动的JAVA程序的机器上安装客户端软件
2.JDBC Thin: 这种驱动一般用在运行在WEB浏览器中的JAVA程序。它不是通过OCI or Net8,而是通过Java sockets进行通信 ,因此不需要在使用JDBC Thin的客户端机器上安装客户端软件。
3.JDBC KPRB: 这种驱动由直接存储在数据库中的JAVA程序使用,如Java Stored Procedures 、triggers、Database JSP's。It uses the default/ current database session and thus requires no additional database username, password or URL.
如何配置使JAVA可以通过Oracle JDBC Drivers连接到数据库:1.安装Sun JDK.
2. 修改PATH环境变量,使其指向JDK的bin目录
3. 设置CLASSPATH环境变量,使其指向正确的JDK的lib及oracle的JDBC接口。
CLASSPATH = ".;????"
3. 运行"java –version" ,验证java的版本。
1.根据jdk的版本,只需要将classesxx.zip拷贝到指定的目录,不需要安装Oracle Client。在装完数据库后,该文件会在$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib目录下。2.设置CLASSPATH,使其包含上面的classesxx.zip
Fow Windows:
1.安装Oracle Client.
For unix:
1.安装Oracle Client.
在ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib目录下的与Oracle JDBC Drives驱动有关的文件的解释:
- classes12.zip
Classes for use with JDK 1.2.x. It contains the JDBC driver
classes except classes necessary for NLS support in Object and
Collection types.
- nls_charset12.zip
NLS classes for use with JDK 1.2.x. It contains classes necessary
for NLS support in Object and Collection types.
- classes12_g.zip
Same as classes12.zip, except that classes were compiled with
"javac -g".
- Connection conn=
- DriverManager.getConnection
- ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@dlsun511:1521:ora1","scott","tiger");
- | | |
- machine(ip@) : port# : sid
- Connection conn=
- DriverManager.getConnection
- ("jdbc:oracle:oci8[9]:@RAC","scott","tiger");
- |
- Net Service
The JDBC Thin, JDBC OCI, and JDBC Server drivers all provide the same functionality. They all support the following standards and features:
* JDBC 2.0
* Partial JDBC 3.0 (in JDBC driver version 9.2)
* the same syntax and APIs
* the same Oracle extensions
主要是JDBC OCI 接口比JDBC THIN接口效率高!
How does one connect with the JDBC Thin Driver?
The the JDBC thin driver provides the only way to access Oracle from the Web (applets). It is smaller and slower than the OCI drivers.
import java.sql.*;
- class dbAccess {
- public static void main (String args []) throws SQLException
- {
- DriverManager.registerDriver (
- new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver()
- );
- Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
- ("jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbhost:1521:ORA1", "scott", "tiger");
- // @machine:port:SID, userid, password
- Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
- ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery (
- "select BANNER from SYS.V_$VERSION"
- );
- while (rset.next())
- System.out.println (rset.getString(1)); // Print col 1
- stmt.close();
- }
- }
One must have Net8 (SQL*Net) installed and working before attempting to use one of the OCI drivers.
- import java.sql.*;
- class dbAccess {
- public static void main (String args []) throws SQLException
- {
- try {
- Class.forName ("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver");
- } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection
- ("jdbc:oracle:oci8:@ORA1", "scott", "tiger");
- // or oci9 @Service, userid, password
- Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
- ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery (
- "select BANNER from SYS.V_$VERSION"
- );
- while (rset.next())
- System.out.println (rset.getString(1)); // Print col 1
- stmt.close();
- }
- }
One can obtain a handle to the default or current connection (KPRB driver) by calling the OracleDriver.defaultConenction() method. Please note that you do not need to specify a database URL, username or password as you are already connected to a database session. Remember not to close the default connection. Closing the default connection might throw an exception in future releases of Oracle.
import java.sql.*;
- class dbAccess {
- public static void main (String args []) throws SQLException
- {
- Connection conn = (new
- oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver()).defaultConnection();
- Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
- ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery (
- "select BANNER from SYS.V_$VERSION"
- );
- while (rset.next())
- System.out.println (rset.getString(1)); // Print col 1
- stmt.close();
- }
- }
Executing initjvm.sql also highlights some new initsid.ora parameters that are used to support Java in your Oracle8i database. These parameters, their descriptions, and the settings required for running initjvm.sql, are all shown in the following list:
? SHARED_POOL_SIZE? Defines the size of your shared pool in bytes. This should be set to at least 50MB to run initjvm.sql.
? JAVA_POOL_SIZE? Defines the size of the Java pool, a new area of the SGA in Oracle8i used to store shared Java objects. This should be set to 50MB when running initjvm.sql, but can be as low as 20MB for normal use
of Java stored procedures.
? JAVA_SOFT_SESSIONSPACE_LIMIT? Identifies a soft limit on memory used by Java in a session. The default is 1MB. If this limit is exceeded, a warning is written to the ALERT log.
? JAVA_MAX_SESSIONSPACE_SIZE? Identifies the maximum amount of memory that can be used by a Java procedure; the default is 4GB. When the limit set by this parameter is exceeded, the executing Java procedure is killed by Oracle8i automatically.
就像前面说得,java程序或类可以被存储到数据库中,作为PL/SQL的替换或补充。Java可以被用来作为数据库的触发器、存储过程、函数、对象的成员函数。在按照下面的过程开发完java存储过程后,就可以从SQL或PL/SQL中调用JAVA存储过程,就像调用普通的PL/SQL过程一样。下面的代码描述了如何在SQL*PLUS中开发和使用一个 输出"Hello, World" 的JAVA程序的例子:
1. Write the Java program using a Java development environment like Jdeveloper or JBuilder.
2. Load the Java program into Oracle8i using either the create or replace
java source command, or with the LOADJAVA utility.
3. Publish your Java procedure to SQL. This step identifies your Java
procedure to SQL and PL/SQL by exposing the procedure entry point,
mapping datatypes in Java to PL/SQL or SQL, and indicating
parameter-passing between Java and PL/SQL or SQL.
---可以直接在SQL*PLUS中创建JAVA的源文件,当然如果有已经编译好的java class,则可以直接跳过这一步,直接到将java程序发布出去这一步
SQL> -- first, create the Java source code
SQL> create or replace java source named "Hello" as
public class Hello {
static public String Message(String name) {
return "Hello, " + name;
Java created.
SQL> -- Now, publish it to SQL
SQL> create or replace function hello (name VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2
as language java name
'Hello.Message (java.lang.String) return java.lang.String';
Function created.
SQL> -- Now, you can use the Java procedure from a SQL statement
SQL> select hello('world!') from dual;
Hello world!
--- hello函数在8i中不支持中文,9i中支持。如:
SQL> select hello('你好!') from dual;
Hello, 你好!
至于其它的例子,大家可以看$ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/demo.zip文件,该文件中有利用JDBC OCI与JDBC THIN接口的各种例子。
Java连接Oracle数据库主要依赖于两种方法:JDBC和SQLJ。这两种方法都是Oracle8i及其后续版本中为Java开发者提供的数据库交互方式。 JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)是一种标准的Java API,它允许Java应用程序...
Java连接Oracle数据库主要依赖于JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)技术,这是Java平台中用于与各种数据库进行交互的一套标准API。Oracle公司提供了JDBC驱动,使得Java程序能够方便地访问Oracle数据库。在Java中...
### 使用Java连接Oracle数据库 #### 一、简介与准备工作 在进行Java程序开发时,经常需要与数据库进行交互。Oracle数据库作为业界广泛使用的数据库之一,掌握如何使用Java连接Oracle数据库是一项重要的技能。本文...
在本课程设计中,我们利用Java编程语言与Oracle数据库相结合,构建了一个功能完善的学生成绩管理系统。这个系统针对管理员、教师和学生三个角色,提供了不同的权限和操作功能,旨在实现成绩的有效管理和查询。 首先...
此外,Oracle 提供了扩展的 DDL 语句,使得在数据库中创建内嵌的 Java 程序变得简单,就像创建存储过程一样。 总的来说,Java 和 Oracle 数据库的结合为开发者提供了强大的跨平台开发能力,特别是在 Internet 和 ...
本文将详细介绍如何在Java项目中使用Apache DBCP(Database Connection Pool)来连接Oracle数据库,并提供完整的示例代码。通过这种方式,我们可以有效地管理数据库连接资源,提高系统的性能和稳定性。 #### 二、所...
在 Oracle8i 及以后的版本中,Java 可以直接在数据库中运行,提供了对在数据库中运行 Java 的扩展支持。Java 程序可以直接通过 JDBC 驱动调用 SQL 与 PL/SQL,反过来,也可以在 SQL 与 PL/SQL 中直接调用 Java。...
本文将介绍如何使用 Java 语言将 Oracle 数据库数据导出到文件中,并将其导入到 Oracle 数据库中。 从标题和描述中可以看到,本文的主要内容是使用 Java 语言将 Oracle 数据库数据导出到文件中,并将其导入到 ...
在本压缩包中,提供了Java连接Oracle数据库所需的驱动包,这使得开发者能够方便地在Java应用中建立与Oracle数据库的连接。 首先,理解JDBC驱动的分类非常重要。Oracle数据库的JDBC驱动主要有四种类型: 1. JDBC-...
Java使用JDBC(Java Database Connectivity)来连接Oracle数据库是一个常见的任务,它允许Java应用程序与各种数据库进行交互。在本场景中,`ojdbc6.jar`是Oracle提供的JDBC驱动程序,用于建立Java应用程序与Oracle...
在Java编程中,连接Oracle数据库并执行简单的查询是常见的任务,尤其在开发企业级应用时。这个过程涉及几个关键步骤,下面将详细解释这些步骤以及相关的知识点。 首先,要连接Oracle数据库,你需要以下核心组件: ...