CSS hacks take advantage of browser bugs for hiding CssRules from specific web browsers. Listed below are the hacks for major browsers like ie6, ie7, firefox2, firefox3, Google chrome, safari and opera.
Inline Hack for IE
* (star) can be used as the inline hack for both ie6 and ie7.
For Example:
Syntax: .selector{*property:value;}
IE6 browser inline Hack
_ (underscore) can be using only for ie6
For Example:
Syntax: .selector{_property:value;}
Firefox inline style
content:"\"/*" can be used for firefox only where IE cannot recognize it.
Internal Style
Use * html for ie6 and *+html hack for ie7
For Example:
Synatax: * html .selector{property:value;} , * + html .selector{property:value;}
* html .logo{margin-left:10px;} for ie6
* + html .logo{margin-left:20px;} for ie7
IE7 and Firefox browser Hack
Use html>body hack for ie7 and firefox.
For Example:
Syntax: html>body .selector{property:value;}
html>body .logo{margin-left:10px} will take only in ie7 and firefox
Mordern browser Hack or Firefox Hack
Use html>/**/body {} hack which will support only in both firefox2 and firefox3.
For Example:
Syntax: html>/**/body .selector{property:value;}
html>/**/body .logo{margin-left:10px} will take only in firefox.
Browser hack for Opera versions 9 and below
Use html:first-child {} for opera browser. Also you use
Syntax: @media all and (min-width:0px) {head~body .selector {property:value;}}
For Example:
@media all and (min-width:0px) {head~body .logo {margin-left:10px;}} only for opera
Firefox3 browser hack
Use html>/**/body .selector, x:-moz-any-link, x:default {property:value;} for firfox3 only.
For Example:
Syntax: html>/**/body .pro_yl, x:-moz-any-link, x:default {background:red;}
Google Chrome browser hack
Use body:nth-of-type(1) .elementOrClassName{property:value;} only for google chrome.
For Example:
body:nth-of-type(1) .logo{margin:20px;}
@media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:0)
{ #div { properties:value; } }
Safari browser hack
Use Syntax: body:first-of-type .elementOrClassName{property:value;}
Fox Example:
body:first-of-type .logo{margin-top:10px;} only for safari.
Hope this information will be useful for you. Please use the browser hacks in a proper manner. For example, you might know double margin bug in ie6. In such case you can use display inline which will render correctly by all the browsers instead of you using ie6 hack seperately.
在`browser-hack-sass-mixins`项目中,开发者已经预先定义了一系列针对不同浏览器的hack,如Internet Explorer(IE)、Google Chrome、Firefox、Microsoft Edge和Opera。 1. **Internet Explorer(IE)Hacks**: -...
- **IE8, Firefox, Safari, Opera (除了IE6,7)** ```css html > /**/ body #cuatro { color: red; } ``` - **Opera 9.27及以下, Safari 2** ```css html :first-child #cinco { color: red; } ``` - **Safari ...
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另外,现代浏览器已经大大减少了对CSS hacks的依赖,因为现代浏览器如Chrome、Firefox、Safari和Edge等,都基于Web标准进行开发,对CSS的支持也在不断加强。因此,对于现代网页设计来说,更建议使用CSS前缀、特性...
- [Personal CSS Hacks for IE6, IE7, IE8](https://www.cssplay.co.uk/bugs/ie_css_hacks.html) - [CSS Tip: Targeting IE 5.x, 6 and 7 Separately](https://www.quirksmode.org/css/tips/ieonly.html) - [10 ...
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