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iPhone SDK Examples


iPhone SDK Examples

"Just show me how to do it!"



    iPhone in Action: Introduction to Web and SDK Development

    iPhone in Action: Introduction to Web and SDK Development Paperback: 350 pages Publisher: Manning Publications (December 28, 2008) Language: English ...Over 60 web, Dashcode, and SDK examples


    Pair iPhone Games Projects with Apress's best-selling Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK, and you'll have everything you need to create the next game to top the sales charts. ...


    Pair iPhone Games Projects with Apress's best-selling Beginning iPhone Development: Exploring the iPhone SDK, and you'll have everything you need to create the next game to top the sales charts. ...

    iPhone 3D Programming 书及源代码

    iPhone 3D Programming provides clear step-by-step instructions, as well as lots of practical advice, for using the iPhone SDK and OpenGL. You'll build several graphics programs -- progressing from ...

    Beginning iOS 7 Development: Exploring the iOS SDK

    The team that brought you the bestselling Beginning iPhone Development is back again for Beginning iOS 7 Development, bringing this definitive guide up-to-date with Apple’s latest and greatest iOS 7 ...

    iPhone Games Projects

    Developers are guided on how to use iPhone SDK tools like Instruments and Shark to fine-tune their games. These tools help in identifying performance bottlenecks and improving the efficiency of the ...



    iPhone and iPod touch Programming

    在《Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming Code Examples》这个压缩包中,包含了书中提到的实际代码示例,这为读者提供了动手实践的机会。这些代码可能涵盖了从简单的“Hello, World!”程序到复杂的交互...

    Iphone and ipod touch Programing 的源代码

    本压缩包包含了一系列的代码示例,名为"Professional iPhone and iPod touch Programming Code Examples",这些例子旨在帮助开发者理解和掌握iOS平台上的编程实践。 1. **Objective-C编程语言**: iOS应用主要使用...


    online lessons, you should also go through the QuickStart examples included in the RTC SDK package. When you are done examining QuickStart examples, I suggest browsing through the FAQ. Even if you ...

    Beginning Xcode: Swift 3 Edition [Apress, 2016]

    C/Cocoa and/or iOS SDK app development experience, but want to be more efficient in writing and testing their code, and people who want to know in-depth examples of Swift in Xcode.


    SwiftCov 是一个可以产生 Swift 测试代码覆盖信息的工具。 用法:$ swiftcov helpAvailable commands:  generate Generate ... -sdk iphonesimulator \  -configuration Release 标签:SwiftCov

    iOS 6 Programming Cookbook

    Overcome the vexing, real-life issues you confront when creating apps for the iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. By making use of new and revised recipes in this updated cookbook, you'll quickly learn the ...

    Build iOS Database Apps with Swift and SQLite

    This book leads you through the essential concepts and new iOS 10 SDK and Swift 3 programming language APIs to build iPhone and iPad database driven applications using the defacto standard for data ...


    iOS是一个封闭源代码、高度定制的操作系统,广泛应用于iPhone、iPad等设备。开发者需要使用苹果提供的Xcode IDE和Objective-C或Swift语言进行开发。 在【压缩包子文件的文件名称列表】中,我们看到的“facebook-...

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