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Imagine an online application that manages races in which contestants run various distances(such as the Chicago Marathon).The application manages races(or events)and the runners associated with them.And it reports a particular runner's time (how long it took to run the race) and rank(what place the runner finished in).The race-management company,Acme Racing,wants you to build a RESTful Web service that enables sponsors to create new races and racers for a particular race,and that can provide official results for a particular race.
想象一个管理很多选手跑很多种距离的比赛的在线应用,这个应用管理比赛和参赛的选手。他报道制定选手的时间和名次。Acme Racing公司希望创建一个RESTful的Web服务,能够支持为指定的比赛创建新比赛和选手,并且提供官方结果。
Acme Racing already has a legacy fat-client application that supports similar requirements and leverages a simple database along with a domain model.Thus,the job of exposing this functionality is all that's left to do.Remember that the beauty of REST it its implicit loose coupling with an underlying application. accordingly,your job,at the moment,isn't to worry about the data model or the technology associated with it-it's to construct a RESTful API that supports the company's requirements.
Acme Racing 公司有个遗留的富客户端应用支持类似需求,并利用一个简单的基于数据库的对象模型。我们的工作就是暴露这些功能。记住REST的优美之处在于隐含的低耦合的底层应用。
Race URIs(uniform resource identifies)统一资源标示
Acme Races would like sponsors to be able to:
*View the details of existing races
*Create new races
*Update existing races
*Delete races
Beacuse REST boils down to named resources,the API becomes a series of URI patterns,and the behavior associated with a resource is invoked via standard HTTP commands.
As you can see,the client's requirements map nicely to CRUD. And as you konw from Table1,REST supports CRUD via the HTTP POST,GET,PUT,and DELETE requests,respectively,Accordingly,a base RESTful URI that supports these requirements could be http://racing.acme.com/race.Note that in this case,race is the resource clients would work with.
用户的需求很好的映射为CRUD。REST通过HTTP POST,GET,PUT,and DELETE来支持CRUD。因此,一个基础的支持这些需求的RESTful URI是http://racing.acme.com/race。注意这种情况下,race是资源客户将操作的。
Invoking this URI with an HTTP GET would return a list of races.(Don't worry about the format of the response just yet.)To add a new race,you would invoke the same URI with an HTTP POST containing the appropriate information(for instance,an XML document containing required race information,such as name,date,and distance).
调用这个URI进行HTTP GET请求会返回一列races。(这时先别考虑如何格式化response)添加一个新的race,你要提交相同的URI,只需URI使用POST提交,并且包含一些适当的信息(这个实例,一个XML文件包含race需求的信息,如名称,时间和距离)。
For updating and deleting existing races,you would need to act on a particular instance of a race.Accordingly,individual races can be addressed with a URI of http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id.In this case ,race_id represents a placeholder for any race identifier(such as 1 or 600 meter).Consequently,viewing an existing race instance would be an HTTP GET to that URI:updating or deleting a race would be a PUT or DELETE request,respectively.
Acme would also like the service to let users view individual data for a particular runner in a particular race.They'd like their service to support:
*Obtaining all runners for a particular race. This data should also include run times and ranks for a race that's already completed.
*Creating one or more runners for a particular race.
*Updating a runner's information(such as age)for a particular race.
*Deleting a runner for aparticular race.
Acme would also like the service to let users view individual data for a particular runner in a particular race.
Just as with races,applying RESTful URIs to runners associated with a race is a logical exercise.Viewing all runners for a particular race,for example,would be implemented via a GET request to http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id/runner.
RESTful URIs同样适用于关联race的runner。
Obtaining individual data for a runner in a race would be addressed as http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id/runner/runner_id.
Just like race_id,runner_id is a placeholder for the logical implementation of IDs,which could be numbers,names,alphanumeric combinations,and so on.
Adding runners to a race would be a POST request to http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id/runner. Updating or deleting particular runners would be, respectively, PUT and DELETE requests to http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id/runner/runner_id.
Thus, these URIs (each supporting some or all of the four standard HTTP requests) capture Acme Racing's requirements:
Remember, a particular URI can map to more than one HTTP verb (for instance, applying an HTTP GET to /race returns data; applying a POST with appropriate data creates data on the server). Accordingly, some HTTP commands wouldn't be implemented. For example, /race wouldn't support the DELETE command (Acme Racing wouldn't want to delete all races); /race/race_id could support the DELETE command because removing a particular instance of a race is a business requirement.
想象一个管理很多选手跑很多种距离的比赛的在线应用,这个应用管理比赛和参赛的选手。他报道制定选手的时间和名次。Acme Racing公司希望创建一个RESTful的Web服务,能够支持为指定的比赛创建新比赛和选手,并且提供官方结果。
Acme Racing already has a legacy fat-client application that supports similar requirements and leverages a simple database along with a domain model.Thus,the job of exposing this functionality is all that's left to do.Remember that the beauty of REST it its implicit loose coupling with an underlying application. accordingly,your job,at the moment,isn't to worry about the data model or the technology associated with it-it's to construct a RESTful API that supports the company's requirements.
Acme Racing 公司有个遗留的富客户端应用支持类似需求,并利用一个简单的基于数据库的对象模型。我们的工作就是暴露这些功能。记住REST的优美之处在于隐含的低耦合的底层应用。
Race URIs(uniform resource identifies)统一资源标示
Acme Races would like sponsors to be able to:
*View the details of existing races
*Create new races
*Update existing races
*Delete races
Beacuse REST boils down to named resources,the API becomes a series of URI patterns,and the behavior associated with a resource is invoked via standard HTTP commands.
As you can see,the client's requirements map nicely to CRUD. And as you konw from Table1,REST supports CRUD via the HTTP POST,GET,PUT,and DELETE requests,respectively,Accordingly,a base RESTful URI that supports these requirements could be http://racing.acme.com/race.Note that in this case,race is the resource clients would work with.
用户的需求很好的映射为CRUD。REST通过HTTP POST,GET,PUT,and DELETE来支持CRUD。因此,一个基础的支持这些需求的RESTful URI是http://racing.acme.com/race。注意这种情况下,race是资源客户将操作的。
Invoking this URI with an HTTP GET would return a list of races.(Don't worry about the format of the response just yet.)To add a new race,you would invoke the same URI with an HTTP POST containing the appropriate information(for instance,an XML document containing required race information,such as name,date,and distance).
调用这个URI进行HTTP GET请求会返回一列races。(这时先别考虑如何格式化response)添加一个新的race,你要提交相同的URI,只需URI使用POST提交,并且包含一些适当的信息(这个实例,一个XML文件包含race需求的信息,如名称,时间和距离)。
For updating and deleting existing races,you would need to act on a particular instance of a race.Accordingly,individual races can be addressed with a URI of http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id.In this case ,race_id represents a placeholder for any race identifier(such as 1 or 600 meter).Consequently,viewing an existing race instance would be an HTTP GET to that URI:updating or deleting a race would be a PUT or DELETE request,respectively.
Acme would also like the service to let users view individual data for a particular runner in a particular race.They'd like their service to support:
*Obtaining all runners for a particular race. This data should also include run times and ranks for a race that's already completed.
*Creating one or more runners for a particular race.
*Updating a runner's information(such as age)for a particular race.
*Deleting a runner for aparticular race.
Acme would also like the service to let users view individual data for a particular runner in a particular race.
Just as with races,applying RESTful URIs to runners associated with a race is a logical exercise.Viewing all runners for a particular race,for example,would be implemented via a GET request to http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id/runner.
RESTful URIs同样适用于关联race的runner。
Obtaining individual data for a runner in a race would be addressed as http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id/runner/runner_id.
Just like race_id,runner_id is a placeholder for the logical implementation of IDs,which could be numbers,names,alphanumeric combinations,and so on.
Adding runners to a race would be a POST request to http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id/runner. Updating or deleting particular runners would be, respectively, PUT and DELETE requests to http://racing.acme.com/race/race_id/runner/runner_id.
Thus, these URIs (each supporting some or all of the four standard HTTP requests) capture Acme Racing's requirements:
Remember, a particular URI can map to more than one HTTP verb (for instance, applying an HTTP GET to /race returns data; applying a POST with appropriate data creates data on the server). Accordingly, some HTTP commands wouldn't be implemented. For example, /race wouldn't support the DELETE command (Acme Racing wouldn't want to delete all races); /race/race_id could support the DELETE command because removing a particular instance of a race is a business requirement.
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在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
'Function 生成视频缩略图(ByVal 视频文件 As String, ByVal 保存缩略图的文件路径 As String, Optional ByVal jpg图像品质 As Long = 80, _ ' Optional ByVal 缩略图宽度 As Long = 500, Optional ByVal 缩略图高度 As Long = 500 _ ' , Optional 返回图像实际宽度 As Long, Optional 返回图像实际高度 As Long) As Boolean Public Function SaveImageAs(LoadImgFile As String, ByVal SaveAsImgFile As String, _ Optional ByVal JpgQuality As Long = 80, Optional hPal As Long, Optional Resolution As Single) As Boolean
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
近日,一份由清华大学团队发布《DeepSeek:从入门到精通》的AI学习教程冲上了热搜,它是由清华大学新闻与传播学院新媒体研究中心元宇宙文化实验室的余梦珑博士后及其团队倾力打造,从三个方面深入剖析了DeepSeek,DeepSeek是什么?有什么用?怎么使用? 详细论述了其应用场景与使用方法,并讲解了如何通过设计精妙的提示语来提升AI的使用效率,以及丰富的实例干货。 全部104页,完整版资料已经帮大家整理好了,免费领取 资料链接: https://pan.quark.cn/s/be3b500c539c
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
Wallpaper Engine 是一款广受欢迎的动态壁纸软件,允许用户将各种动态、交互式壁纸应用到桌面上。其丰富的创意工坊内容让用户可以轻松下载和分享个性化的壁纸。而“一键提取”功能则是 Wallpaper Engine 中一个非常实用的工具,能够帮助用户快速提取和保存壁纸资源,方便后续使用或分享。
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
在日常的工作和学习中,你是否常常为处理复杂的数据、生成高质量的文本或者进行精准的图像识别而烦恼?DeepSeek 或许就是你一直在寻找的解决方案!它以其高效、智能的特点,在各个行业都展现出了巨大的应用价值。然而,想要充分发挥 DeepSeek 的优势,掌握从入门到精通的知识和技能至关重要。本文将从实际应用的角度出发,为你详细介绍 DeepSeek 的基本原理、操作方法以及高级技巧。通过系统的学习,你将能够轻松地运用 DeepSeek 解决实际问题,提升工作效率和质量,让自己在职场和学术领域脱颖而出。现在,就让我们一起开启这场实用又高效的学习之旅吧!
借助java编程语言和MySQL数据库等实现系统的全部功能,接下来对系统进行测试,测试系统是否有漏洞和测试用户权限来完善系统,最终系统完成达到相关标准。 本系统主要包括管理员和用户两个角色;主要包括首页、个人中心、用户管理、商品分类管理、商品信息管理、促销产品管理、系统管理、订单管理等功能的管理系统。 系统权限按管理员和用户这两类涉及用户划分。 (1)管理员功能需求 管理员登陆后,主要包括首页、个人中心、用户管理、商品分类管理、商品信息管理、促销产品管理、系统管理、订单管理等功能。 2)用户功能需求 用户登陆后进入小程序首页,可以实现首页、商品信息、促销产品、购物车、我的等,在我的页面可以对个人中心、我的收藏管理、用户充值、购物车、我的订单等功能进行详细操作。