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windows 7 32 or 64bit 下 MySQL 5.5 安装笔记


1. 准备文件
   mysql 5.5 解压版(绿色版) 下载地址    

   http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.5/mysql-5.5.30-win32.zip       (32 bit)

   http://cdn.mysql.com/Downloads/MySQL-5.5/mysql-5.5.30-winx64.zip      (64 bit)

2. 解压到本地目录

3. 把MySql添加到系统环境变量
   MYSQL_HOME  ==>    D:\devTools\mysql  (新建)
   Path                   ==>    ;%MYSQL_HOME%\bin  (追加)

4. 修改MySQL5.5的配置文件,把my-small.ini(我用的是my-large.ini)改名为my.ini进行编辑
   a). 在[client]下追加

default-character-set = utf8


    b). 在[mysqld]下追加

basedir = D:\DevTools\mysql
datadir = D:\DevTools\mysql\data
character_set_server = utf8

5. 保存my.ini的配置, 然后打开命令行(开始菜单==>运行==>cmd )
   输入: mysqld --console  然后回车将看到如下类似内容:

C:\Users\Lstoryc>mysqld --console
130405 15:22:50 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled.
130405 15:22:50 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled
130405 15:22:50 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions
130405 15:22:50 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3
130405 15:22:50 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M
130405 15:22:50 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool
130405 15:22:50 InnoDB: highest supported file format is Barracuda.
130405 15:22:51  InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start
130405 15:22:52 InnoDB: 5.5.30 started; log sequence number 2537522
130405 15:22:52 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): ''; port: 3306
130405 15:22:52 [Note]   - '' resolves to '';
130405 15:22:52 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ''.
130405 15:22:52 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events
130405 15:22:52 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.
Version: '5.5.30-log'  socket: ''  port: 3306  MySQL Community Server (GPL)

   ==> 证明mysql服务已正常启动

6. 设置登陆mysql root帐号的的密码
    打开新的命令行,输入 mysql -uroot 回车

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1
Server version: 5.5.30-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)

Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.




   use mysql;  

   update user set password=PASSWORD("这里填写你要设置的密码") where user='root';

   执行完成后退出mysql操作,然后关闭mysql服务(ctrl+C 关闭另一个命令窗口),然后重启mysql服务


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C:\Windows\system32>mysqld --console 120410 14:25:22 [Note] Plugin 'FEDERATED' is disabled. 120410 14:25:22 InnoDB: The InnoDB memory heap is disabled 120410 14:25:22 InnoDB: Mutexes and rw_locks use Windows interlocked functions 120410 14:25:22 InnoDB: Compressed tables use zlib 1.2.3 120410 14:25:22 InnoDB: Initializing buffer pool, size = 128.0M 120410 14:25:22 InnoDB: Completed initialization of buffer pool 120410 14:25:22 InnoDB: highest supported file format is Barracuda. 120410 14:25:22 InnoDB: Waiting for the background threads to start 120410 14:25:23 InnoDB: 1.1.8 started; log sequence number 1595675 120410 14:25:23 [Note] Event Scheduler: Loaded 0 events 120410 14:25:23 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections. Version: '5.5.30' socket: '' port: 3306 MySQL Community Server (GPL)


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