
SELECT TOP n, Statement.setMaxRows(), Statement.setFetchSize()


**************************Answer 1********************************************

SetFetchSize() has nothing to do with what you get back from a query. It is only a hint from the coder to the driver (which the driver may ignore) about how many rows to fetch from the DBMS at a time. In other words, if the query returns 100 rows and you set fetch size to 10, the driver will fetch ten rows to start, and when you call next() the eleventh time, the driver will go to the DBMS and get the next ten rows. This trades client memory for minimizing client-DBMS roundtrips. A given driver and DBMS may or may not be able to alter their fetch size, so the driver may ignore your hint.

SELECT TOP is a specific one-time query criterion, implemented and satisfied by the DBMS. The driver knows nothing about it and gets whatever rows the DBMS sends. The setMaxRows() call means the driver will simply count the rows returned, and give you access only to the number you set. The DBMS still sends all the data, and the driver may still have to read all the data in order to clear the line.

Also note that this statement setting remains until reset. If you knowingly or unknowingly re-use the statement (such as if there is a statement cache in the driver or pool implementation) you will retain this non-default behavior. This means that it is better to use "SELECT TOP" when you know you need it. The other option is to write standard SQL (albeit fancy) that gets you only the rows you want. "SELECT TOP" if used with an "ORDER BY" clause may require the DBMS to internally select all the data, and make an internal temp table with all of it, and then sort it according to your "ORDER BY" clause, if there's no appropriate index to the original data


Joe Weinstein at BEA Systems.

**************************Answer 2*********************************************

setFetchSize(int) defines the number of rows that will be read from the database when the ResultSet needs more rows. The method in the java.sql.Statement interface will set the 'default' value for all the ResultSet derived from that Statement; the method in the java.sql.ResultSet interface will override that value for a specific ResultSet. Since database fetches can be expensive in a networked environment, fetch size has an impact on performance.

setMaxRows(int) sets the limit of the maximum nuber of rows in a ResultSet object. If this limit is exceeded, the excess rows are "silently dropped". That's all the API says, so the setMaxRows method may not help performance at all other than to decrease memory usage. A value of 0 (default) means no limit.

Since we're talking about interfaces, be careful because the implementation of drivers is often different from database to database and, in some cases, may not be implemented or have a null implementation. Always refer to the driver documentation. 




    8. **性能优化**:`sqljdbc.jar` 支持一些高级特性,如`Statement.setFetchSize()` 和 `ResultSet.setFetchSize()` 可以控制结果集的缓存大小,减少内存消耗;`Statement.setMaxRows()` 可以限制查询返回的最大行数...


    4. **结果集分页**:使用`LIMIT`子句或`Statement.setMaxRows()`限制返回结果的数量,实现数据分页。 5. **元数据查询**:利用`DatabaseMetaData`接口获取表结构、列信息等数据库元数据。 ### 注意事项 1. **版本...


    `Statement`对象支持执行SQL查询和命令,例如`SELECT`, `UPDATE`, `INSERT`, 和 `DELETE`。 4. **执行SQL语句和处理结果** - `executeQuery()`: 用于执行SQL查询,并返回一个`ResultSet`对象,包含查询结果。 - ...


    stmt.setMaxRows(100); // 设置最大输出记录数 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM pJoiner"); ``` - 遍历`ResultSet`获取数据: ```java while (rs.next()) { int userId = rs.getInt("userid...


    stmt.setMaxRows(100); // 控制最多返回100条记录 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT ..."); while (rs.next()) { int userId = rs.getInt("userid"); String userName = rs.getString("username"); // ....


    stat.setMaxRows(onerun); stat.setFetchSize(1000); rs = stat.executeQuery(sql); String text = ""; int i = 1; while (rs.next()) { text += rs.getString(2) + "|" + rs.getString(3) + "|" + rs....

    snow-jdbc:Snowflake JDBC驱动程序

    2. **结果集缓存**:利用`Statement.setMaxRows()`限制返回的结果集大小。 3. **批量插入**:使用`PreparedStatement.addBatch()`和`PreparedStatement.executeBatch()`进行批量数据插入。 4. **错误处理**:通过...


    stmt.setMaxRows(10); // 设置返回的最大行数 ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM table_name"); ``` **2. 处理查询结果** - 可以通过 `ResultSet` 对象获取查询结果中的数据。 - **代码示例**...


    PreparedStatement pre = this.getConn().prepareStatement(sql); pre.setMaxRows(maxSize); ResultSet rs = pre.executeQuery(); rs.absolute(firstSize * maxSize); return rs; } ``` relative方式 ...


    stmt.setMaxRows(PAGE_SIZE); // 构造SQL查询,例如 "SELECT * FROM table WHERE condition LIMIT offset, PAGE_SIZE" String sql = buildSql(condition, calculateOffset(request.getParameter("page"))); ...


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    7. 限制查询结果数量,可使用Statement的setMaxRows方法 8. ResultSet中的Cursor定位方法: - next():移动到下一行 - beforeFirst():移动到结果集开头 - afterLast():移动到结果集末尾 - isBeforeFirst():...


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    - 使用`setMaxRows(startNo+maxCount-1)`限制返回的最大记录数,这里`startNo`表示从第几条记录开始,`maxCount`表示总共获取多少条记录。 - 通过`first()`将游标移动到结果集的第一条记录,再使用`relative...

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