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Free Flash tutorial videos

running time: 10:07

Text Gradient Fills

Unfortunately, applying a gradient fill to text in Flash isn't as easy as selecting the text field and then choosing a linear gradient from the Color Mixer panel. So in this video, you will learn two different methods to achieve this effect.

running time: 10:07

Problems with Rotating Animations

Creating an animation of an object rotating is very easy to do, whether you do it with tweens or in Actionscript. In this tutorial, you will learn how to change the anchor point for both tweened animations and Actionscript animations.

running time: 10:07

Illustration Optimization

Many artists prefer using hand-drawn illustration techniques for their Flash graphics, but there's often a big hit on your file size when using these types of illustrations. In this tutorial, you'll learn why this is the case, and you'll also learn a couple of techniques for optimizing those illustrations.

running time: 10:07

Creating and Animating Clouds

Learn how to use the "blur" filter to create some very realistic clouds, and then you'll learn how to animate those clouds in Flash. Unfortunately, if you don't have Flash Professional 8, you'll just have to sit back and watch.

running time: 10:07

JavaScript Popup Windows

Unfortunately, there's no way to create a customizable popup window using only Flash. But the good news is that with a little help from JavaScript, you can create popup windows with no scrollbars, no toolbars, no menubars, and you can even specify the size of the popup window.

running time: 10:07

Conditionals and Toggle Switches

A conditional is a way of executing a piece of code only if the circumstances are right. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the if() statement to control a toggle switch in Flash.

running time: 12:03

Common Mistakes with Actions and Buttons

In this video, we'll clear up all the confusion and fix some common mistakes that are made in the process.

running time: 09:26

Disabling Buttons

If you're on the homepage of your website, obviously it won't do the user much good to click on the "home" button of your menu. In this video, you'll learn how to disable a button when you're on the page that the button is designed to take you to

running time: 10:07

Random Jumping

In this video, you'll learn how to generate random numbers in Flash and then use those numbers to create an elusive button or graphic that jumps to a random position on the stage every time your user hovers his mouse cursor over it.

running time: 15:41

Animation Setup

Animation can be a tricky process if you've never done it before, but Flash makes it possible to reuse pieces of your animation so you don't have to continually redraw everything. In this tutorial, you'll learn some basics for drawing and preparing your drawings for animation in Flash.

running time: 13:22

Simple Page Transitions

This tutorial is an excerpt for an upcoming training series, to be released by LearnFlash.com on March 31. In this excerpt, you'll learn how to create simple animated transitions for your Flash website.

running time: 10:07

Magic Cursor

In this video, LearnFlash.com trainer Craig Campbell will show you how to alter the "alpha" property, or the transparency, of an object in Actionscript so that the object fades in and out as you move your mouse cursor left and right across the stage.

running time: 10:07

Button Basics - Flash Video Tutorial

Creating buttons in Flash may seem fairly straightforward--and it is--but there are a few things that many Flash novices don't realize about making their buttons interactive.

running time: 10:07

Creating Movie Clip Buttons

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create animated buttons by storing your button as a movie clip symbol instead of a button symbol. Movie clip symbols will give you much more flexibility.

running time: 10:07

Animating With ActionScript

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to create a simple animation using ActionScript instead of motion tweens.

running time: 10:07

Falling Text Effect

In this video, you'll learn how to create a really sharp animation effect by animating the letters of a block of text onto the stage separately.

running time: 10:07

Smoke Effect

Learn how to create a really cool smoke effect using Flash Professional 8's new filters!

running time: 10:07

Flashing Face Effect

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to highlight a picture on the stage by causing it to flash a couple times.




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