Join Methods 连接方法
(page 110)
If there are multiple tables in your query, after the optimizer determines the access methods most
appropriate for each of the tables, the next step is to determine the way the tables can best be joined
together and the proper order in which to join them. Anytime you have multiple tables in the FROM
clause, you will have a join. Tables relationships are defined with a condition in the WHERE clause. If no
condition is specified, the join will be implicitly defined such that each row in one table will be
matched with every row in the other table. This is called a Cartesian join and I will discuss it in further
detail later in this section.
Joins occur between pairs of tables or row sources. When multiple tables exist in the FROM clause,
the optimizer will determine which join operation is most efficient for each pair. The join methods
are: nested loops joins, hash joins, sort-merge joins, and Cartesian joins. Each join method has
specific conditions to which it is best suited. For each pair, the optimizer must also determine the order
in which the tables are joined. Figure 3-6 shows a diagram of how a query with four tables might be
Notice that after the first pair of tables is joined, the next table is joined to the resulting row source
from the first join. After that join is made, the next table is joined to that row source. This continues
until all tables have been joined.
Each join method will have two children. The first table accessed is typically called the driving
table and the second table is called the inner or driven-to table. The optimizer determines the driving
table by using the statistics and the filter conditions in the WHERE clause to calculate how many rows
will be returned from each table.
The table with the smallest estimated size (in terms of blocks, rows,
and bytes) will typically be the driving table.
This is true particularly if the optimizer can determine
that one of the tables will return at most one row based on a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint. These tables are placed first in the join. Tables with outer join operators (which I’ll discuss later) must come after the table to which it is joined.
Other than these two specific cases, the join order of the other tables is evaluated based on their computed selectivities based on the optimizer’s calculations using available table, column, and index statistics.

Figure 3-6. Join order example diagram 连接顺序示意图

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