Programming in Lua(1)Getting Started
1. Getting Started
I can run my first hello world application with command line
>lua hello.lua
print("hello, carl")
Another example just like the C programme
function fact(n)
if n==0 then
return 1
return n*fact(n-1)
print("enter a number:")
a ="*number")
1.1. Chunks
A chunk is simply a sequence of statements.
Semiclolons separate two or more statements, but this is just a convention.
We can aslo type the command >lua to enter the interactive mode, ctrl + c to exit.
The first way to link a chunk
>lua -la -lb
a means a.lua file, and b means b.lua file.
The second way to link a chunk
--file 'lib1.lua', I put the fact(n) function in that lib file.
Lua 5.1.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio
> dofile("lib1.lua")
> n = fact(3)
> print(n)
1.2. Global Variables
print(b) ----> nil
print(b) ----->10
1.3. Some Lexical Conventions
The following words are reserved; we cannot use them as identifiers:
and break do else ...
Lua is case-sensitive: and is a serverd word, but And and AND are two other identifiers.
A comment starts anywhere with
A double hyphen(--).
Block comments with --[[ ]]--.
print("test------") --test
test for fun
print("test end --")
1.4. The Stand-Alone Interpreter
1 Getting Started 3 1.1 Chunks 4 1.2 Some Lexical Conventions 5 1.3 Global Variables 6 1.4 The Stand-Alone Interpreter 7 2 Types and Values 9 2.1 Nil 10 2.2 Booleans 10 2.3 Numbers 10 2.4 ...
##### 开始入门 (Getting Started) - **环境和代码块**:在Lua中,程序通常由一系列独立的代码块组成,这些代码块可以是函数、库或者其他自包含的代码片段。环境设置包括运行时环境和加载路径配置等。 - **一些词法...
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