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SSH Secure Shell Client--- the host may be dow



the host may be down,or there may be a problem with the network connection.

Sometimes such problems can also be caused by a misconfigured firewall.








一、安装CentOS  SSH

yum install ssh


service sshd start


1.vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config    将PermitRootLogin的注释取消,或者将no改为yes。  

2.service sshd restart  


四、进入系统文件 /etc/ssh/ssh_config文件配置

在终端下面输入:vi /etc/ssh/ssh_config 

#去掉Port 22前面的#号

Port 22


ifconfig eth0


This error indicates that SSH Secure Shell for Workstations cannot establish a connection to the remote host computer. There are several reasons that might cause this situation. 


It may be that you have simply made a typing mistake, and there is an error in the name of the remote host computer. In this case you should also receive an error stating that the host is unknown. 


Check that you have defined the correct port number for the connection. The port can be changed on the Connection page of the Settings dialog. 


There may be problems with the configuration or physical setup of the network connection. Verify that other network connections are functioning. 


This problem may also arise if your local system is protected by a firewall and the firewall has not been properly configured. If you suspect that this is the case, ask your local system administrator to reconfigure the firewall. 


There may also be a temporary problem with the remote host computer. If this is the case, you should wait for a while and try to connect again later. Contact the administrator of the remote host computer for additional information. 





















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  • 大小: 39.1 KB


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