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install Eclipse indigo-Maven-Jboss-import Jboss quickstart

1, dowload jdk 1.6 and install $JAVA_HOME=c:/tools/java

1, install Maven3

2, download Eclipse indigo, unzip

3, configure run jboss in Eclipse
    window -> prefences -> server : server Runtime Enviroments -> config jboss in here.

    after that, you need to open server view, new server

4, install plugin 

网友的建议顺序是: gef-svn-jboss tool-m2eclipse

(reason: Your error has nothing to do with the project or the maven configuration. It has to do with the fact that the new versions of Eclipse have the M2E (previously known as M2Eclipse) project built into it now.

The new version has been improved so that as it imports your Maven project it reads the pom and properly sets up the Eclipse project. To do this it needs various connectors, most of which are already available and configured to do the Right Thing. However, your plugin executions have not been pre-configured and so you need to tell M2E what you want to have happen when Eclipse does a Maven build.


5, jboss tool ---- from Eclipse help===>install new software

site : JBoss Tools - Core - Development Milestone Update Site - http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/updates/development/indigo/
select them ,and install
             Abridged Jboss Tools 3.3 *
             Jboss Application Development *
             Jboss Business Intelligence,Reporting and Charting *
              Jboss Cloud Development Tools
             Jboss Data Services *
             Jboss Maven Support *
              Jboss Web and Jave EE development *
(from Jboss manual, the last two is must be installed)

  6, install M2Eclipse
      Eclipse ->help ->Eclipse Marketplace 
             search m2e and wtp (m2e complain already installed)
             search wtp (Maven Integration for Eclipse WTP) and install good.
  7, import quickstart
      Eclipse->File->import -> import Existing Maven project
          root browser to quickstart=>
             and select some of these projects, cause some project you need more dependencies(for example helloworld-osgi project),if you try to import them all, you will got some error info, please dont select these projects.
  8, import ok, you got these project in your eclipse workplace.


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