- private variables are declared with the 'var' keyword inside the object, and can only be accessed by private functions and privileged methods.
- private functions are declared inline inside the object's constructor (or alternatively may be defined via
var functionName=function(){...}
) and may only be called by privileged methods (including the object's constructor).
- privileged methods are declared with
and may invoked by code external to the object.
- public properties are declared with
and may be read/written from outside the object.
- public methods are defined by
Classname.prototype.methodName = function(){...}
and may be called from outside the object.
- prototype properties are defined by
Classname.prototype.propertyName = someValue
- static properties are defined by
Classname.propertyName = someValue
In this example, a person's name and race are set at birth and may never be changed. When created, a person starts out at year 1 and a hidden maximum age is determined for that person. The person has a weight which is modified by eating (tripling their weight) or exercising (halfing it). Every time the person eats or exercises, they grow a year older. The person object has a publicly accessible 'clothing' property which anyone can modify, as well as a dirtFactor which can be modified manually (throwing dirt on or scrubbing it off), but which increases every time the person eats or exercises, and is reduced by the use of the shower() method.
js 代码
- function Person(n,race){
- this.constructor.population++;
- var alive=true, age=1;
- var maxAge=70+Math.round(Math.random()*15)+Math.round(Math.random()*15);
- function makeOlder(){
- return alive = (++age <= maxAge)
- }
- var myName=n?n:"John Doe";
- var weight=1;
- this.toString=this.getName=function(){ return myName }
- if (makeOlder()){
- this.dirtFactor++;
- return weight*=3;
- } else
- alert(myName+" can't eat, he's dead!");
- }
- this.exercise=function(){
- if (makeOlder()){
- this.dirtFactor++;
- return weight/=2;
- } else
- alert(myName+" can't exercise, he's dead!");
- }
- this.weigh=function(){ return weight }
- this.getRace=function(){ return race }
- this.getAge=function(){ return age }
- this.muchTimePasses=function(){ age+=50; this.dirtFactor=10; }
- this.dirtFactor=0;}
- Person.prototype.beCool = function(){"khakis and black shirt" }
- Person.prototype.shower = function(){ this.dirtFactor=2 }
- Person.prototype.showLegs = function(){ alert(this+" has "+this.legs+" legs") }
- Person.prototype.amputate = function(){ this.legs-- }
- Person.prototype.legs=2;
- Person.population = 0;
- RunGavinsLife(){
- var gk=new Person("Gavin","caucasian");
- var lk=new Person("Lisa","caucasian");
- alert("There are now "+Person.population+" people");
- gk.showLegs(); lk.showLegs();
- gk.race = "hispanic";
- alert(gk+"'s real race is "+gk.getRace());
- alert(gk+" weighs "+gk.weigh()+" pounds and has a dirt factor of "+gk.dirtFactor);
- gk.exercise();
- gk.beCool();
-"Pimp Outfit";
- gk.shower();
- alert("Existing shower technology has gotten "+gk+" to a dirt factor of "+gk.dirtFactor);
- gk.muchTimePasses();
- Person.prototype.shower=function(){
- this.dirtFactor=0;
- }
- gk.beCool=function(){
- };
- gk.beCool();
- gk.shower();
- alert("Fashionable "+gk+" at " +gk.getAge()+" years old is now wearing "" with dirt factor " +gk.dirtFactor);
- gk.amputate();
- gk.showLegs(); lk.showLegs();
- gk.muchTimePasses();
- }
ursa, node.js public/private 键的绑定 URSA/public/private 键 注意:这个软件包是从 medium 和 NodePrime转移到 quartzjer到 JoshKaufman on 1 -2017. 欢迎请求请求来帮助维护它。- -This MOD
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