  • 浏览: 73664 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 北京


  • MINA

public class TrafficShapingFilter extends IoFilterAdapter {

 protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TrafficShapingFilter.class);

 private final AttributeKey STATE = new AttributeKey(getClass(), "state");

 private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor;

 private final MessageSizeEstimator messageSizeEstimator;

 private volatile int maxReadThroughput;

 private volatile int maxWriteThroughput;

 private volatile int poolSize = 1;

  * 构造方法
  * @param maxReadThroughput 最大读取字节大小(单位:秒)
  * @param maxWriteThroughput 最大写出的字节大小(单位:秒)
 public TrafficShapingFilter(int maxReadThroughput, int maxWriteThroughput) {
  this(null, null, maxReadThroughput, maxWriteThroughput);

 public TrafficShapingFilter(ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor, int maxReadThroughput,
   int maxWriteThroughput) {
  this(scheduledExecutor, null, maxReadThroughput, maxWriteThroughput);

 public TrafficShapingFilter(ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutor, MessageSizeEstimator messageSizeEstimator,
   int maxReadThroughput, int maxWriteThroughput) {

  log.debug("ctor - executor: {} estimator: {} max read: {} max write: {}", new Object[] { scheduledExecutor,
    messageSizeEstimator, maxReadThroughput, maxWriteThroughput });

  if (scheduledExecutor == null) {
   scheduledExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(poolSize);
   //throw new NullPointerException("scheduledExecutor");

  if (messageSizeEstimator == null) {
   messageSizeEstimator = new DefaultMessageSizeEstimator() {
    public int estimateSize(Object message) {
     if (message instanceof IoBuffer) {
      return ((IoBuffer) message).remaining();
     return super.estimateSize(message);

  this.scheduledExecutor = scheduledExecutor;
  this.messageSizeEstimator = messageSizeEstimator;

 public ScheduledExecutorService getScheduledExecutor() {
  return scheduledExecutor;

 public MessageSizeEstimator getMessageSizeEstimator() {
  return messageSizeEstimator;

 public int getMaxReadThroughput() {
  return maxReadThroughput;

 public void setMaxReadThroughput(int maxReadThroughput) {
  if (maxReadThroughput < 0) {
   maxReadThroughput = 0;
  this.maxReadThroughput = maxReadThroughput;

 public int getMaxWriteThroughput() {
  return maxWriteThroughput;

 public void setMaxWriteThroughput(int maxWriteThroughput) {
  if (maxWriteThroughput < 0) {
   maxWriteThroughput = 0;
  this.maxWriteThroughput = maxWriteThroughput;

 public int getPoolSize() {
  return poolSize;

 public void setPoolSize(int poolSize) {
  if (poolSize < 1) {
   poolSize = 1;
  this.poolSize = poolSize;

 public void onPreAdd(IoFilterChain parent, String name, NextFilter nextFilter) throws Exception {
  if (parent.contains(this)) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(
     "You can't add the same filter instance more than once.  Create another instance and add it.");
  //给每一个session添加一个属性 STATE 属性,关联一个State对象。
  parent.getSession().setAttribute(STATE, new State());

 public void onPostRemove(IoFilterChain parent, String name, NextFilter nextFilter) throws Exception {

 public void messageReceived(NextFilter nextFilter, final IoSession session, Object message) throws Exception {

  int maxReadThroughput = this.maxReadThroughput;
  //process the request if our max is greater than zero
  if (maxReadThroughput > 0) {
   final State state = (State) session.getAttribute(STATE);
   long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

   long suspendTime = 0;
   boolean firstRead = false;
   synchronized (state) {
    state.readBytes += messageSizeEstimator.estimateSize(message);
    if (!state.suspendedRead) {
     if (state.readStartTime == 0) {//表示第一次读取会话的数据
      firstRead = true;
      state.readStartTime = currentTime - 1000;
     long throughput = (state.readBytes * 1000 / (currentTime - state.readStartTime));
     if (throughput >= maxReadThroughput) {//如果平均读取流量大于设置的数值,
      suspendTime = Math.max(0, (state.readBytes * 1000 / maxReadThroughput)
        - (firstRead ? 0 : currentTime - state.readStartTime));

      state.readBytes = 0;
      state.readStartTime = 0;
      state.suspendedRead = suspendTime != 0;

   if (suspendTime != 0) {
    scheduledExecutor.schedule(new Runnable() {
     public void run() {
      synchronized (state) {
       state.suspendedRead = false;
    }, suspendTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

  nextFilter.messageReceived(session, message);


  * 调整session默认设置最大读取字节数组长度
  * @param session
 private void adjustReadBufferSize(IoSession session) {
  int maxReadThroughput = this.maxReadThroughput;
  if (maxReadThroughput == 0) {//如果不限制读取流量返回
  IoSessionConfig config = session.getConfig();
  if (config.getReadBufferSize() > maxReadThroughput) {
  if (config.getMaxReadBufferSize() > maxReadThroughput) {

 public void messageSent(NextFilter nextFilter, final IoSession session, WriteRequest writeRequest) throws Exception {
  int maxWriteThroughput = this.maxWriteThroughput;
  //process the request if our max is greater than zero
  if (maxWriteThroughput > 0) {
   final State state = (State) session.getAttribute(STATE);
   long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
   long suspendTime = 0;
   boolean firstWrite = false;
   synchronized (state) {
    state.writtenBytes += messageSizeEstimator.estimateSize(writeRequest.getMessage());
    if (!state.suspendedWrite) {
     if (state.writeStartTime == 0) {
      firstWrite = true;
      state.writeStartTime = currentTime - 1000;
     long throughput = (state.writtenBytes * 1000 / (currentTime - state.writeStartTime));
     if (throughput >= maxWriteThroughput) {//写流量超出系统设置,会话挂起操作
      suspendTime = Math.max(0, state.writtenBytes * 1000 / maxWriteThroughput
        - (firstWrite ? 0 : currentTime - state.writeStartTime));
      state.writtenBytes = 0;
      state.writeStartTime = 0;
      state.suspendedWrite = suspendTime != 0;

   if (suspendTime != 0) {
    log.trace("Suspending write");
    scheduledExecutor.schedule(new Runnable() {
     public void run() {
      synchronized (state) {
       state.suspendedWrite = false;
      log.trace("Resuming write");
    }, suspendTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
  nextFilter.messageSent(session, writeRequest);


  * 状态标志
  * @author Administrator
 private static class State {
   * 开始读取数据的时间
  private long readStartTime;

   * 开始写数据的时间
  private long writeStartTime;

   * 读数据是否已经被挂起,true:挂起,false:未挂起
  private boolean suspendedRead;

   * 是否写操作被挂起,true:被挂起,false:未被挂起
  private boolean suspendedWrite;

   * 该会话总共被读取数据字节长度
  private long readBytes;

   * 总共被写的数据的长度
  private long writtenBytes;



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