Today I began my first installation of CentOS 6.0 and since this is the first time I’ve used this downloaded image, it seemed logical to test the media when asked, so I did.
CentOS Media Test Success
However, after the test passes with flying colors, I get this error:
CentOS Disc Not Found Message
Then I remembered there is a bug such that if you test the media you will always get this error. One solution is to reboot and choose to skip the media test, then the install goes along as expected. Another is to eject and re-insert the DVD/CD media. This problem exists in at least CentOS 5.5 and 6.0 x86_64, and probably others and RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) as well.
I encountered the error installing under VirtualBox, where it seems the DVD may be “virtually ejected” after the test, but is not clear the DVD is ejected under VirtualBox. It appears a bug is logged as fixed in Fedora 11, so a future update should improve this.
I hope this saves you some time and frustration…
CentOS 7.9 命令lsb_release: command not found解决方案 RPM安装文件
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