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Certum Trusted Network CA

Root certificate thumbprint:

55 43 55 15 fd d2 48 65 75 fd c5 cf 3b ad 00 c9 13 12 3d 03

Download cross-certificate for Certum Trusted Network CA
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

DigiCert Assured ID Root CA

Root certificate thumbprint:

ba 3e a5 4d 72 c1 45 d3 7c 25 5e 1e a4 0a fb c6 33 48 b9 6e

Download cross-certificate for DigiCert Assured ID Root CA
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

DigiCert Global Root CA

Root certificate thumbprint:

c9 83 39 19 f1 f3 6a 63 48 11 1e 93 02 6f d4 0e b9 6f bc 34

Download cross-certificate for DigiCert Global Root CA
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA

Root certificate thumbprint:

2f 25 13 af 39 92 db 0a 3f 79 70 9f f8 14 3b 3f 7b d2 d1 43

Download cross-certificate for DigiCert High Assurance EV Root CA
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)

Root certificate thumbprint:

00 a3 e6 00 9e aa 73 9b 3d ee f4 b5 06 64 9d 8a 1a 7a d3 3a

Download cross-certificate for Entrust.net Certification Authority (2048)
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority

Root certificate thumbprint:

e8 6e 80 82 99 0e 3d fa ed 81 6d 9e b1 72 0f 91 a4 f1 a1 85

Download cross-certificate for GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority – G3

Root certificate thumbprint:

b2 bb bd fa c8 f1 a8 ad 58 95 cd 49 38 4b 22 ca 19 db 2d 1f

Download cross-certificate for GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority – G3
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

GlobalSign Root CA

Root certificate thumbprint:

cc 1d ee bf 6d 55 c2 c9 06 1b a1 6f 10 a0 bf a6 97 9a 4a 32

Download cross-certificate for GlobalSign Root CA
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority – G2

Root certificate thumbprint:

84 2c 5c b3 4b 73 bb c5 ed 85 64 bd ed a7 86 96 7d 7b 42 ef

Download cross-certificate for Go Daddy Root Certificate Authority – G2
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

NetLock Arany (Class Gold)

Root certificate thumbprint:

89 4f 1d 28 97 aa 4c 07 4d cd 85 c5 fc 09 ee 73 b9 51 04 d8

Download cross-certificate for NetLock Arany (Class Gold)
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

NetLock Platina (Class Platinum)

Root certificate thumbprint:

97 dd 74 97 16 20 57 29 41 dc 80 0c 2f d8 0a 48 07 7d 10 b0

Download cross-certificate for NetLock Platina (Class Platinum)
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

Security Communication RootCA1

Root certificate thumbprint:

41 f2 8c e5 6f d8 b9 cb 46 7f b5 03 2a 3c ae 1c dc 9d 86 48

Download cross-certificate for Security Communication RootCA1
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

Starfield Root Certificate Authority – G2

Root certificate thumbprint:

40 c2 0a 9a 33 fa d0 36 ac bf e8 2d 6c bb ee 1b 42 9b 86 de

Download cross-certificate for Starfield Root Certificate Authority – G2
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

StartCom Certification Authority

Root certificate thumbprint:

e6 06 9e 04 8d ea 8d 81 7a fc 41 88 b1 be f1 d8 88 d0 af 17

Download cross-certificate for StartCom Certification Authority
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

TC TrustCenter Class 2 CA II

Root certificate thumbprint:

42 62 ff 7d 89 70 66 aa e7 75 80 d3 3a d2 88 03 f9 a1 1a 62

Download cross-certificate for TC TrustCenter Class 2 CA II
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

Thawte Primary Root CA

Root certificate thumbprint:

55 38 e9 fe c1 40 30 b7 40 15 23 49 e1 15 a1 16 5d 29 07 4a

Download cross-certificate for Thawte Primary Root CA
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

Thawte Primary Root CA – G3

Root certificate thumbprint:

ba 57 ca 5e 78 dd 2d 1d 74 76 ae be e9 95 3e 39 6f d0 55 46

Download cross-certificate for Thawte Primary Root CA – G3
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority – G5

Root certificate thumbprint:

57 53 4c cc 33 91 4c 41 f7 0e 2c bb 21 03 a1 db 18 81 7d 8b

Download cross-certificate for VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority – G5
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)

VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority

Root certificate thumbprint:

9e d8 cd 56 01 f0 10 56 51 eb bb 3f 57 f0 31 82 e5 fa 7e 01

Download cross-certificate for VeriSign Universal Root Certification Authority
(Certificate file in a 2 KB zip file)




    微软数字签名则是在这个基础上,结合了微软的证书颁发机构(CA)和Windows的信任模型,确保了只有来自可信来源的软件才能在Windows系统上运行。 验证微软数字签名的过程通常包括以下步骤: 1. **获取证书**:当...




    标题和描述中提到的核心问题在于,随着微软信任的交叉证书在2021年2月和4月到期,代码签名证书不再适用于内核驱动程序的签名。这涉及到驱动开发、驱动程序签名以及微软的安全策略变更。以下是对此问题的详细解释: ...


    CA签名操作手册主要介绍了如何使用CA证书进行安全的网上申报操作。CA,即Certificate Authority,是一种数字证书颁发机构,用于在网络通信中验证双方身份的安全机制。以下是对操作流程的详细说明: 1. **登录系统**...


    数字证书通常包含以下几个关键信息:版本信息、序列号、签名算法、发行机构名称、有效期、所有人的名称和公开密钥以及发行者对证书的签名。遵循的国际标准是X.509。 在网络安全中,数字证书发挥着四大关键作用:...


    **SignTool:微软的数字签名工具** SignTool是微软提供的一款强大的命令行工具,主要用于对可执行文件、驱动程序和安装包进行数字签名。在Windows操作系统中,数字签名是验证软件来源可靠性和完整性的关键机制,它...


    微软ActiveX签名工具是用于对ActiveX控件进行数字签名的软件,这在开发和发布ActiveX组件时至关重要。ActiveX技术是微软在Internet Explorer浏览器和Windows操作系统中引入的一种插件机制,允许开发者创建交互式的...


    Authenticode是微软提出的一种代码签名技术,主要用于Windows平台。本篇将详细讲解与"authenticode.zip代码签名CA证书工具"相关的知识点。 首先,让我们了解什么是代码签名。代码签名是在软件发布时,开发者使用...

    Java-ca.rar_CA_DVB ca_ca java_java Ca_数字签名






    PHP开发教程之数字签名 CA证书的用法.zip

    首先,我们了解什么是数字签名和CA证书。 数字签名是一种用于验证电子文档完整性和发送者身份的技术。在PHP中,它通过加密算法(如RSA或DSA)实现,可以确保数据在传输过程中未被篡改。数字签名通常包括原始数据的...

    数字签名简单理解总结+ca证 书的简单认识

    3. 多重数字签名:也称聚合签名,多个签署者对同一信息签名,最后形成一个单一签名,验证者只需验证这个单一签名就能确认所有签署者的合法性。可分为广播式和有序多重签名,区别在于签名的顺序和整合方式。 4. 门限...




    CA证书接口用法是指在软件应用系统中使用数字证书来实现身份认证、数字签名和数据加密等安全功能的接口使用方法。 CA证书接口用法主要包括证书应用接口的介绍、集成目标、集成内容、证书应用接口部署、应用系统集成...

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